This was posted 9 years 2 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Prometheus to Alien Blu Ray Set $21.41 Delivered @ Amazon


Great price for this set,includes 8 discs, it is the cheapest it has been on amazon. enjoy :)

Update- Includes all extended/ directors cuts of aliens

Alien Vs Predator and Predator Box sets also

"Predators" Trilogy $19.66 Delivered -…

"Alien Vs Predator Set $17.90 Delivered -…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • If I didn't a;ready own all the other Alien movies I would buy.
    Good find!

    • +1

      im gonna be honest i havent seen any of the predator or alien films is there a specific order they should be watched?

      • +4

        Watch them in order of release for the best impact.

        I'd say avoid Alien VS Predator movies but it's up to you.

        Many Alien fans didn't like Prometheus but I thought it was very good. Watch last after all the Aliens in my opinion.

        • -7

          Ummm, Prometheus is the pre-quel to Alien. So if you want to follow the true chronology, you'll watch Prometheus first, then Alien, Aliens…

        • +11

          @downero: As I said, for more impact, it works better to watch Prometheus after.

        • -4

          @Phreakuency: works even better if you dont watch it at all..

        • +2

          The first AvP was okay, hacky, but okay. The second, well that is just a turgid B grade horror film. I watched it last week on Presto. After 4 months of free access to Presto I finally watched something. I chose a heap of crap that shits on everything it was based on.
          Dark Star: H.R. Giger's World is now on US Netflix.

        • Yeah I would start with Alien and then its sequals.
          But remember it was made in 1979.

        • +4

          @downero: It's set in the same universe, but until the Prometheus sequel(s) possibly bring the story closer to Alien, it's right now a stand alone film that adds nothing to the Alien films other than maybe a glimpse into the Space Jockey you see briefly. The four Alien films are really Ripley's story and it's pretty removed from anything in Prometheus.

          I do like Prometheus, but unless the sequels do more to bridge the narratives I'd watch it last.

        • And personally, I would watch Alien in it's original version, not the directors cut. Aliens is better in directors cut, but Alien isn't.
          Can't comment for Alien 3 assembly cut and Alien Resurrection Directors as I have never watched these versions, even after owning them for years.

        • @snuke:
          +1 it had Lance Hendriksen.
          AVP2 was lame. Made Alien 3 look like a masterpiece

        • @snuke:

          I've heard that the Alien 3 director's cut turns it into a much better movie. Never seen it myself though.

        • @Dr PhilGood:

          It's not a Directors cut, Fincher left before it was finished, and refused to have anything to do with it. That is why it's called an Assembly Cut.

        • @downero: boooo!

        • +1

          @mmd: I might be the only person on earth who liked AvP2. I liked seeing Aliens on earth though during the day would have been even better. The one scene where chick gets attacked by them in the kitchen of the restaurant was great, to see them brightly lit for the maybe the time ever…

          But what I really liked was how they got the Predator right, the lone hunter. I loved at the start of the film, he's sort of home alone channel surfing and sees the CCTV footage of the Predalien and he almost gets a boner jumping out of his seat, like "f*** yeah! I'll hunt that!”

          Sure, all the human characters are pretty much cardboard cutouts lined up like at a rifle range but to be honest, I'm OK with that.

      • +14

        Mostly watch them in order of release. Mostly.

      • -1

        Watch Alien. Play Alien Isolation. Watch Aliens. You're done.

        • Lol…In your own words:

          This cool story, brought to you by Bro Incorporated. Thank you for your riveting life lessons.

          Thanks for telling everyone what to enjoy.

        • -1

          @pointless comment: Lol, kudos on the attempt, I see some lingering butthurt is driving you to stalk my posts, looking for some minor misstep to flame me about, but you'll notice the difference between your pointless comments and mine is, BenTheBargainer2013 here asked people what he should watch.

          He didn't just barge in with a completely unsolicited, cool story and act as if everyone understood the relevance or even the what the hell it meant.

          You do live up to your namesake though, so I'll give you that. Now how about we call it even?

        • -1

          @Amar89: lol no mate, i happened upon your post, and recognising your username as being previously hostile, i thought id kindly tip your own words back upon you.

          Now, You are using adjectives/phrases as to "stalk lingering butthurt" - possibly if you google that you may find what you are looking for- i dont think ozbargain is the type of site that affords that kind of thing - you could try posting in the classifieds but i doubt it

          im not the kind to judge, each to their own, all the best in finding what you are looking for

  • +1

    All you need to know about prometheus

  • predator trilogy already $20 at jbhifi , just wait for 20% off week should be one soon

  • The only thing this set lacks is the almost 4 hour 'The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus' documentary for Prometheus thats only on the collectors edition. Its a real shame since this thing goes into some unbelievable detail about the movie and explains many things that most people didnt understand about this or that and disregarded the film completely. An amazing extra. Plus the Weyland Corp Archive, around an hour and a half of other stuff and a bunch of pictures.

    • This 8 disc box set from Amazon UK includes the CE version of Prometheus and the 'Furious Gods' documentary.

  • I hate how they bring out these nice sexy boxsets but they'll eventually have to fit Prometheus 2 and 3 in…

    I have a some very nice dvd boxsets of the Alien Quadrilogy and The Matrix Trilogy, a few JBHiFi 20% off sales ago, I swapped the discs out for the blurays.

  • Anyone know if the Aliens movies are all remastered in this boxset?

    • I'm just going to assume they are and buy it :)

    • +1

      They're the same from the previous bluray set.

  • It's coming up as $22.24 with current conversion rate

    • Just paid in GBP rather than AUD. I think they are slapping on some conversion fee.

  • Good price on Prometheus to Alien set with the bonus extras discs, makes it much better value than the local 5 disc release.

    On the other hand the others are cheaper at JB HIFI even better value during 20% off sale.

    Alien Vs Predator 1 [theatrical and extended cuts) & 2 [theatrical cut) (2 pack) part of 2 for $20 @ JB Hi-Fi
    Predator Trilogy $19.98 @ JB Hi-Fi.

  • Haven't watched the Aliens movies for years! Pretty cheap considering you get 5 movies on blu-ray. Thanks OP!

  • I enjoyed Prometheus - watched it again yesterday in fact. If you go in expecting a tradition Alien movie then you are going to be sorely disappointed, but it is an interesting look at the possible origins of where the xenomorphs came from. And Charlize Theron in full ice queen mode is incredibly hot.

  • My Amazon UK order arrived today. Noticed some of the plasic clips and other small broken bits of plastic inside the case that hold the loose 8 disc flip holders is broken. For the large bluray case. Not sure if I should live with it or try get a replacement?

    Also Amazon mailer was open at one end and not sealed.

    • Argh don't say that. Hopefully when mine arrives it's not damaged. Already having to deal with Zavvi for another damaged boxset and it's been painful to be quite honest.

      • Don't worry. Spoke to an Amazon UK rep via chat about damaged case. They offered either refund or to send out a replacement. Chose replacement. No need to send damaged one back for a replacement.

        Note on packaging. This is an example of the packaging used for this set. Note the insert holding the 8 discs is a 4 disc flipper loose in the cover. Only held from sliding around by the two small clips at the top.

        • Well mine arrived today. Everything looks okay except one of the tabs on the rounded part of the 8 disc flipper has broken off. There's one on each side of where the clip holds the main case shut. I think it's there just to stop it sliding around as well. Not such a big deal I guess.

          Hopefully your replacement arrives in one piece!

        • @dreamstation:

          Amazon UK replacement service was excellent. Replacement arrived today. Case in 99% ok condition. No broken clips just a tiny bit of plastic on the inside spine at the bottom loose. And 1 small bit of loose plastic which I can't really see where it came from. Outside in perfect condition.

        • That's great news. I didn't bother with mine as it was mostly ok. Glad everything turned out for you mate.

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