This was posted 9 years 2 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Room Two $0.20 (Was $1.99) & OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation $0.20 (Was $5.99) @ Google Play


OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation $0.20 (Was $5.99) Cheers to Hukd :)
The Room Two For Android $0.20 (Was $1.99)

OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation Website

OsmAnd+ is a map and navigation application with access to the free, worldwide OpenStreetMap (OSM) data.
Enjoy voice and optical navigation, viewing POIs (points of interest), creating and managing GPX tracks, using contour lines visualization and altitude info, a choice between driving, cycling, pedestrian modes, OSM editing and much more.
OsmAnd+ is the paid application version. By buying it, you support the project, fund the development of new features, and receive the latest updates.

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  • +16

    OsmAnd+ is a map and navigation application with access to the free, worldwide OpenStreetMap (OSM) data.

    Just a heads up that Here Maps has always been FREE and has close to 200K + reviews. Its probably one of the best Navigation apps out these.
    It also has TRAFFIC with REAL TIME INFORMATION for more than 40 countries

    • I'm sure I was using HERE offline recently. I think it even says in their description on the app store that it works offline. But now it's saying it can't do anything unless I give it online access!?

      • i think because its due for an update.

        • Do you mean I need to update it manually, or something else? (The phone is set - and always has - updated all other apps automatically.)

          I just entered a suburb about 70km away. It knew the suburb because it 'autofilled' it as I was part-way through typing it. But starting navigation then says:

          "Didn't find any results offline. If you go online, you'll probably find a route. This could mean using mobile data from your allowance. Go online now?"

        • @realfamilyman: It may need to download the MAP data first. After its downloaded first time, you can then use it offline

        • @easternculture: I can't work it out. The map must be in there, because I can see my own location when I touch that green circle at the bottom right. Also my Wi-Fi is always on. And I'm sure it downloaded the map weeks ago, using Wi-Fi, because I have no data allowance and only a few $ call credit. (It would have burned through it.) So yeah, even if it needs a map download again, Wi-Fi is on. So I don't know why it's asking to go online.

        • +1

          After installing the app, you have to download the map to be able to use it (offline) later. It is a great navigation app, but on some occasions, it refuse to work…

        • +1

          @easternculture: Ok, just tried to download the map (again). It said, "Go online?" I said yes, quickly cancelled it, then restarted again. It seems to be going through the Wi-Fi (modem data LED is flashing). Guess I'll find out soon enough. Wish they'd separate Wi-Fi and online in the code somehow. [Edit: It's using Wi-Fi - data is still showing as "OFF" in the phone settings.]

          Say, do you know if it does lane guidance? If it doesn't, does anyone know of a free GPS app that does - that works offline?

        • +1

          @hluu0111: I think the problem might be that I ran out of internal memory the other day - so I told it store maps on the SD card. I assumed it had moved the map over, but maybe not. Although it's odd in that case, that it's showing Australia - I can zoom in/out ok right down to street level.

        • +1

          @realfamilyman: if you want to use it offline, you must tick on the box "Use app offline". Cheers

        • +2

          @tadinhah: Yes, I understand that. However:

          1. It was saying it needed to go online - to do anything.

          2. You have to go online to download a map. Which is obvious, and I have done it once before… But they don't differentiate between "online using mobile data" and "online using Wi-Fi."

          The map was over 700MB I think. So what I'm saying is, anyone downloading these apps remember to turn your mobile data off in settings first - and use your home Wi-Fi, or free McDonalds Wi-Fi, etc. to download the map.

        • @realfamilyman: I believe what you've been saying is don't move the app to sd card or it breaks your downloaded maps

    • +4

      Agree, HERE maps is the map app I've always wanted, and its free. Not some freemium crap, but actually free.

      I loved using it while traveling, turn by turn offline maps and loads of points of interest visible.

      • I'm glad all this had come up actually, because I was wondering where to ask… Does it have speed/red light cameras? Or can they be loaded in (and where from)?

        • +3

          No it doesn't unfortunately.
          I use CoPilot GPS. LOVE IT !

        • +2

          It had speed cameras in the UK, not sure about here in Oz as I usually don't need a gps and when I do I use google maps

        • +3

          @Jackson: Here maps wins :)

        • Just curious, what would be the purpose of knowing where speed / red light cameras are? Unless you're regularly speeding or running red lights I don't see the point. Is this an in-demand feature?

        • @colblair: : it is an in demand feature because a lot of people speed, and a small portion of people run red lights. I think it's a bad feature, but locals also know where all the red light and regular speed camera options are.

        • @Michael15286:
          oh well, hopefully natural selection takes care of those people before they take someone out with them

        • @colblair: Forgetfulness, or unfamiliar with an area…

          A few times I've accidentally gone through red lights in an unfamiliar town - during a heavy storm for example.

          It's got little to do with deliberate speeding. How many times have you gone with the traffic flow only to realise you're doing 15 over. And sometimes you just drift a bit more, a bit more… in both cases dings going off is a reminder to check your speed.

        • @realfamilyman:
          Then wouldn't a better feature be if it knew the speed limit of each road and beep when you go over, regardless of where cameras are?

        • @colblair: "A few times I've accidentally gone through red lights in an unfamiliar town - during a heavy storm for example."

        • @colblair:

          Overspeed alert is a common feature. All my old TomToms have it. I even set it up with my voice saying "Slow down speedy" in a Speedy Gonzalez style voice…which is hilarious until the speed limit on the GPS is wrong and you're rushing your very ill 1 year old daughter to the hospital in the small hours of the morning with your father in law driving.

        • @colblair: HERE maps actually does show you the speed limit and beeps you if you go over it. Many gps apps have this feature. Speed camera warnings are there mainly for people who think speeding is ok.

    • so OsmAnd+ is not worth then?|
      I'm assuming Here is better

      • +2

        Depends on the answer to those questions I guess - and if you want those features… i.e. Which one has lane guidance, works offline, has speed cameras, etc. I was trying to work all that out last night and got a headache, LOL.

        • Pretty sure when I was in the UK it had lane guidance, it's probably map dependent. I am not that familiar with the feature but approaching roundabouts it would tell you which lane to be in and then where to exit and sometimes how the exit would pan out

    • +2

      Btw here maps was recently sold to german car manufacturers, so its destiny yet to be known…

      • +2

        Even better. If a luxury European car is using Here Maps for Navigation, it must mean something !

        They bought it for $US3 billion ($AU4.15 Billion) which kinda tells you the app has potential !

        • +1

          There's just not so many competitors as a matter of fact. And Nokia Maps were considered a good ones, although they miss some countries altogether.
          I was actually implying that any moment now here maps can disappear from the GooglPlay or whatever those car manufacturers will decide to do about it. Eurocomission approved that deal just a couple of weeks ago

        • +1


          I doubt they will remove it. Having so many users means they can capture real time information from the live device feeds to update traffic/location information based on algorithms built into the technology

          Nokia points out that HERE uses “data generated by vehicles, devices and infrastructure to deliver real-time, predictive and personalised location services” that “will enable an entirely new class of driver experiences, including highly automated driving.

    • why is here maps better than google map apart from offline feature? i think the only feature google map misses is red light and speed cameras.

  • +3

    Great GPL'ed app. You can get osmand~ (free sanitised version of osmand plus) through f-droid.
    corresponding wiki page:

  • +2

    Summary (fill in the gaps anyone?)


    Works offline
    Covers driving, walking, etc.
    Has lane guidance


    Doesn't mention what maps it uses
    Works offline
    Covers driving, walking, etc.
    Don't think it has lane guidance

    • +1

      Doesn't mention what maps it uses

      Pretty sure it uses Nokia Maps

      • Got it, cheers op

      • +1

        Pretty sure that Nokia has sold here and hence why it's not called Nokia here any more, and Ithe sale included the mapping which was originally developed by Navteq who Nokia bought out

      • Was mentioned a while back - this is correct. One reason i like it. Bit more detailed than Osmand was well (have tried both)

      • Wasn't support for China dropped from HERE Maps back in April?

        I know I went back to Navigator because I could no longer get a map update for Hong Kong in HERE Maps, IIRC.

        Just looked, China/HK is still missing.

  • +1

    TNX! I've used OsmAnd free version for years. Now I would gladly buy a paid version. OpenStreetMap in general is way better and detailed than here maps. And besides OSM it has a grand selection of other map sources.

    • The ks for the feedback, but surely there is a free navigation app that uses OSM negating the need to buy this?

      • Hips of them actually, Just search for OSM on GooglePlay, this one is just the best of them. and btw there is a free version. If you don't leave Australia much it would be enough. It has just one restriction - it allows you to download just 7 offline maps. And there is a workaround - when You reach max of 7 downloaded maps you can uninstall the application and reinstall it again, feed old cards and still have 7 maps available to download.

  • How does it differ from, say, Mapfactor Navigator (which uses OSM but is free)?

  • I thought the maps were free? I tried to download the western Australian maps and the cost was $2.00.

    • You were not using "Here" maps then. Here maps downloads the entire continent of Australia, not just states.
      It is also 100% free !!
      Best nav program out there BTW.

  • Struggling to understand why people would use this over Google maps?

    • +1

      Not everyone likes using data to navigate routes.

      • +1

        Apparently it chews the battery too

        • To a degree, yes.

      • You can download offline maps with Google maps too.

        • +1

          You download the entire continent with here maps.
          Google maps is ok if you want to have your data turned on all the time and like to fiddle.
          Here maps does not need internet connection… just hit the icon and go.

        • +2

          Yeah 175MB map for my local area…which is about 10x10km…NO THANKS.

          OSM does the whole of Australia in 441MB and a world overview map in 228MB and I can put it on the SD card.

          Google does some things well but offline maps doesn't appear to be one of them.

        • @xywolap: hmm I was not aware that it still used data, sorry!

        • @syousef: Another point I didn't think of! Mine is only 93mb for Brisbane and Gold coast though I just noticed it also expires in a month!

    • +2

      Not everyone has a data allowance that means it's always on and you don't have to worry about your internet connection dropping out.

    • Because Google offers it's Maps application to collect data using your device. Therefore you cannot do things like use the mapping application offline because Google will not allow you to use your device like that.

  • +2

    Thought this was a sequel to that hilariously bad movie The Room.

    • +1

      Oh HAI @mattydogge

  • Anyone else having trouble downloading maps. Seems veeeerrry slow.

    • Just kill everything and try again. Took me a few goes. Maybe they're having trouble coping with the volume due to the 20c special.

  • Anyone having issues purchasing the app with google play credit? I get the error invalid payment method..

    • -2

      Why buy it? The best one is free. Zilch. $0.

      • +2

        Here has a few less features by the looks of it, also it's good to try something new to test it out since it's only $0.20, u never know this might overtake here maps one day if more people try it

      • Because it's 20c of funny money for the full version without all the limitations?

        • And I think it has lane guidance. A few days ago I tried every free app I could find - none had it.

        • @realfamilyman:

          I'll have to try it out some time. No 3D view surprised me. Not a deal breaker but a bit offputting given my usual GPS is a Tomtom that defaults to that.

    • I had the same problem and it cleared itself as I was on the phone to a Google rep. Try again.

      • +1

        yep, managed to work again

  • cheers score !~

  • +1

    Awesome price for The Room Two.

  • +1

    Thought I already had the Room 2 from a Humble Bundle… turns out I didnt buy that bundle. Thanks for the headsup… bought.

  • Thanks OP $ EC, got both to "PLAY" with.

    I agree with EA comment on battery drain (and heating up), on my Samsung AlphaCrap.
    Also, on my phone Google maps app has locked/frozen up a few times now.

    • That heat is likely because your phone's constantly using the radios to fetch maps.

  • I bought OsmAnd+ and it is disappointing that it seems HereMaps does a better job for navigation. But for 20c having a second app in case one doesn't do a good job on a particlar route etc. isn't so bad.

    Note: No 3D map view for OsmAnd+. Not a deal breaker for me, more an annoyance, but others may have different priorities.

  • Was going to buy this, then noticed it says: "in-app purchases". Anyone know what features you have pay extra for?

    • Went ahead and bought it anyway, but it wouldn't install - gave a 505 error, LOL! (Same as the Red Rooster app, actually. Wish they'd get this stuff right.)

    • Yep you pay for stuff like "hillshades". Explanation here.…

      Also contour lines are paid. So elevation data.

      Nice to have for 2D only map but not something I want to pay for.

      • Thanks.

        The app author states when you get a 505 error, to install and reinstall. So I tried to uninstall the free version (so I could install the paid one). But the uninstall button is greyed out!? Restarted the phone in case that was it. Nope, still greyed out, still can't uninstall.

  • +1

    Either I'm missing something or the deal has expired, the linked Google Play store (and from their website) shows the cost is Maps & Navigation — OsmAnd+ $9.09

  • Why is OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation is showing 9.09AUD on Google Play?
    As per OP it should be $0.20. Am I missing something?

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