Title says it all. Was about 10 wrenches yesterday and the same in hammers (either claw or roofing). Seems to be clearance from previous sales.
I stole the picture from a previous deal, but should be identical.
Title says it all. Was about 10 wrenches yesterday and the same in hammers (either claw or roofing). Seems to be clearance from previous sales.
I stole the picture from a previous deal, but should be identical.
Says it in the title
great price, the torque wrench comes with three sockets 17,19,21 and extension bar
how accurate is it though?
More accurate than both the $10 note in your wallet, and your over-enthusiastic master hand. We don't buy a Toyota Echo then ask how fast it is…
Seriously though, this is great for motorcycle riders who want to adjust their own chain and properly torque up the rear axle nut.
you have convinced me not to be cheap.
btw, for your own safety, you can't be sure you torqued up any nut properly with an uncalibrated wrench
@Charity: these aldi ones do actually come with a calibration certificate. They are not the best quality no, but still better than nothing! :)
Just remember the number 1 rule of all micrometer type torque wrenches and always release the tension and reset it to 0 when you are done!
Unfortunately everything else on a bike seems to need a smaller one than this.
How do I know you ask?
as for accuracy, calibrations cert and mine says its made in Germany and really, how anal do you want to be?
I'm sure if it says tighten to 40foot/lb the bike wont break if it gets done to 42 or even 45.
Guessing and cranking to 80ft/lb may be a different story.
For general dirt bike work a 1/4" torque wrench is probably ideal (for engine specific things),
For a road bike, a 3/8" would be a good choice, could probably use it on everything if you wanted to be a tight ass.
Get a torque wrench suited for the job at hand. If your tightening something down to a specific torque, use a torque wrench with the targeted number in the middle of the range for best accuracy.
@m0tyrider: yeah, 3/8 was what I needed, if only I knew.
I grabbed this 1/2 incher as an impulse buy at $25 then saw the high torque settings then grabbed this 1/4 incher for $36 https://www.onlineautoparts.com.au/products/1-4%22-Drive-Tor…
Unfortunately I have more than a few bolts that are in no mans land so they get the click <and a bit> treatment.
@ Charity -I used it to take the bolts off my tractor, nice long handle and a fairly sturdy rachet mechanism. Didn't use the torque wrench :)
Actually tested one of these against the Kinchrome one which cost 80 bucks and they were both exactly the same. So quality seems to be as good as each other at least.
Just went to the CBD one in Melbourne and they didn't have any. I desperately need one of these, so will try a few others tonight!
Does anyone have a product code I can call ALDI and quote incase I cant find any at my local?
Ok I just called Aldi and they are only showing extremely limited stock at Ringwood and Cranbourne.
Looks like I will have to miss out on this one :(
Aldi, they Torque the Torque but with their 60 day no questions money back guarantee you can rest assured.
I bought the Torque wrench for $9.99 last year during the Aldi Mega Clearance:
It doubles up as a long handled socket wrench. No problem to fit other sized sockets by putting on a socket adapter from my other socket sets.
Super stoked about this.
Needed >40Nm for replacing my bikes stupidly specific bottom bracket bearing (BBB's?!). This starts at around 28Nm so plenty of low-end room and it fits my 1/2" sockets!
For reference the "bike brand" torque wrench I was considering runs for about AU$180 on a good day, double or even higher if acquired locally…
Also, its not made in Germany as someone else said. It quite clearly states it is Made in China.
This doesn't bother me as most of my lower end tools are made in China and withstand my abuse regularly (cars/bike/misc repairs).
You have a different one to me obviously
Mine says its Tested and Certified in Germany and made in Taiwan
pic for proof.
Nah the box says Made in Taiwan but check the front of the User Manual - Made in China
So the user manual is made in China?
Wheres the bloody wrench made?
@Davros: Somewhere in-between ha ha.
It's definitely Taiwan/Chinese made though. They can never get the diamond-check grips quite right (one of my low-end Sidchrome sets has similar quality control issues with the grips).
Just picked one up from the St Kilda shop, had around 15 left but not on special. Tried to price match but they claimed it was a store only promotion. Still bought it, decent buy at $25.
Ringwood aldi sold out. Not in stock at Vermont or Brandon Park Aldi.
Looks like I have well and truly missed this deal.
Marked as expired. Cheers for the update.
Which aldi was this?