Anywhere to Stop for Toilet in Sydney CBD When Driving Past?

I have got an issue since have gave birth to my son and need to go to toilet quite often.

Anywhere that I can PARK MY CAR and go to a nice toilet when I drive pass Sydney CBD please?

I have tried to exit the car park within 15 min, however can not find toilet in the car park building.

The toilet in petrol station are horrible for a lady and always no toilet paper or hand wash available:(

I feel pretty embarrassing to ask for the last two years and now ready to speak up for help.

Any car park has a toilet? I will not get charged if I exit within 15 mins right?


  • +6


    • Where should I park?

      I live on the northern beaches and driving is pretty much the only option that I have…

      • +2

        Maccas on the fringe of the City will have parking, such as the one at Camperdown

        • they have paid parking in there now

        • Northern beaches to camperdown to city is a bit of the old A to C then back to B.

          The Maccas at Neutral Bay isnt on the right side of the road for a pitt stop on the way to the city (works on the way home though), but its better than paying for parkig somewhere and doing a lap around the block to continue your journey.

          If theres street parking anywhere around the oaks on military road or the back streets you could pop in there. The big bear car park is only free for 2hours if you spend $50 at coles, otherwise $4 an hour.

          Obviously any street parking in the city will cost you.

          Good luck

  • +29

    There is an app called 'Flush', it gives you a map of all public toilets near you. :)

  • +9

    Shopping centre like Broadway.

    • Great idea.

      I normally go pass town hall to get home….

      Do you know anywhere to park?

      • +14

        Why not park in the Broadway car park?

        Just googled it and the first 2 hours are free.

        • +3


          That is Great!

        • +11


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        • +7

          @Scrooge McDuck:

          Thanks so much for let me know:)

          I have also vote for you:)

        • +2


          You're welcome, welcome to OzBargain and congratulations on your new baby. :)

        • +2

          @Scrooge McDuck:

          My baby is two now and I have got this issue for two years now….

          But Thanks anyway.

          Oz bargain is a great community that people help each other out:)

        • +14

          I think you should do Kegel exercises to strengthen Pelvic floor.

  • Any major fast food chain should have decent dunnies I think.

    • +7

      No they really don't…

    • ever heard of doveton maccas?
      yeh didnt think so with a statement like that…

  • +5

    National Public Toilet Map

  • -5

    Catch a train. I know plenty of people who come to the city by bus+train and live in the Northern Beaches. Some go to uni in the city

  • Art Gallery has metered parking outside. Not free, but cheap for a quick visit and you could always risk not paying.

    • +5

      Many rangers around cbd, would be crazy expensive toilet trip if caught

      • +2

        FYI. the meters there are "guarded" by the Royal Botanic Garden Trust. The meters link to their central computer and rangers know when the meters expire ie good success rate.

  • +2

    This web site can be useful when travelling

  • +5

    Lots of answers here. You're flushed with success!

  • +5

    Are you doing the pelvic muscle exercise?

    • +4

      OP, you should discuss your change in bathroom needs with your doctors. They will give you some exercises to help lift, tighten and otherwise recondition the muscles and organs of your pelvis, or direct you to a physiotherapist who will.

      • Worse case is some surgery but being able to go about the place I dare say some exercises are required

    • +1

      I want another baby as well, and will go ahead with the surgery to fix my issue.

      Pelvic muscle exercise helped a lot, however can not solve my issue:(

  • Mrs Macquaries Rd you'll drive passed a public toliet and usually parking spots?

    • and usually parking spots?

      Are they metered?

      • They are.

        • I've noticed a lot of parking meters run by Sydney council have "free 15 min parking" stickers on them - you can print a ticket for 15mins for free.

          Is that an option in that area?

  • +2

    Wilson Car Parking at St Andrew's House by Town Hall has 30 minutes free parking. There are toilets in the attached shopping centre. Corner of Bathurst and Kent.

    • +1

      Wilson Car Parking at St Andrew's House by Town Hall has 30 minutes free parking.

      Says "0.0 - 0.5 hrs $7.00" here.

      • -1

        I know what it says ;)

        • +2
        • Yea, please explain.

        • i think he means just park there and no one will fine you

          not very helpful for OP

        • +6

          Not quite, Peanut. There's a provision for 30 minutes free for couriers. However, no onsite Wilson staff to verify. All you need to do is exit in under 30 minutes and the gate opens.

          Shun the nonbelievers!

        • +1


          Don't they have boom gates?

        • @QW3RTY:

          thats quite the loop hole

        • @Scrooge McDuck: They do have a boom gate, but it's all automated by tickets!

          < 30 minute tickets will cause the gate to be opened. Unless they've changed it.

  • State Library of NSW. Metered parking out the back, though sometimes a challenge finding a spot. The toilets are generally cleaner in the the Mitchell Wing (the sandstone building).

  • +2

    A bush

    • +1

      A bottle

  • +6

    Would it be helpful to carry around a half roll of nice Quilton toilet paper and a little bottle of hand sanitizer? This would make the petrol stations an option (wipe down the seat with paper and hand sanitizer… it might even give you an invigorating tingle)

  • +1

    Just a suggestion, perhaps keep a roll of toilet paper and hand sanitiser in your car and bring them with you in your handbag when you go looking for a toilet. It'll allow you to use a lot more of the toilets which you couldn't use before.

  • does it have to be in the CBD? there are a number of options past the harbour bridge, just on the turn off to miltary road is the big bear shopping center (no idea about parking)

    Mosman have bridgepoint shopping center with two hour free parking.

    there is a maccas just afterwards.

    CBD is always bad to stop for a short time. OP,if you can let us know where you are driving FROM that might help.

  • Adult nappies? Then you'd always be at the ready for both numbers… :)

  • You doing kegels OP ;)

    • Gee whiz! 30 bucks for that?

    • read how to, I am still not getting it.
      in what situation do you stand up? for a quickie wee.
      gee…think we man have take things for granted.

  • +1

    +1 for Broadway and free parking. Shopping centre is nice and toilets are decent

  • +2

    If you are driving, and you don't want to go to servos with bad toilets and "always no toilet paper or hand wash available" shouldn't you carry these things in your car?

  • Would it help if before travel you don't drink at all say 2 hours beforehand?

  • -1

    3L milk bottles.

    • +2

      Why the negs? 2 litres enough?

      • I find 2 litre is more fiddly then 3L bottle. At the sitting angle, you don't have a lot to fill before it starts to over fill. With 3L bottle, you have enough capacity to fill 1L without it over filling even when sitting in the car seat.

        • +4

          The best is a 1L Lipton ice tea or Gatorade bottle, for it's wider mouth

        • +2

          @domcc1: And nobody will be any wiser and realise that it isn't ice tea in the bottle.

        • … Until they take a sip.

  • +3

    Ever wondered where your tax dollars are spent:

    • Wow

  • u brewing one as you drive?

  • -1

    What is with people on the forums here and bad grammar?

    • +1

      i fones, no spell chek or lazynes

  • Maybe the doc could recommend disabled parking permit or ring council and talk to a woman
    Sorry if mentioned already
    To slack to read every post

  • -1

    Buy a pack of depend

  • -1

    This topic is giving me the sh*its

  • -1

    This thread is a pisser

  • +1

    5 star hotels. Drive in to valet and tell them you want to pop in for a few secs to enquire about occupancy and rates. Then go do your business in a nice toilet

  • There's a decent toilet block down near Mrs Macquaries Chair. Metered parking but just check if there are any Rangers before going in

  • +1

    Packet of Depend "nappy pants" - just in case.

  • +1

    Darling Quarter Carpark with nice new toilets on ground floor. The building under combank offices at Darlig Habour.

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