This was posted 9 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Cascade Pale Ale and Others $14.90 Per Case of 16 Plus Free Delivery @ Dan Murphy's


Best before date is tomorrow the 11th of December. Other varieties were available in some stores.

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Dan Murphy's
Dan Murphy's

closed Comments

  • +2

    What are the "others"? I can't see anything that's in stock.

  • Tried to order Bright Ale earlier, no stock for delivery, only in store.
    The previous Wheat Beer was good, at the price for sure.

  • Was Bright ale as well, but low stock.

  • Can people in Sydney get the free delivery to work?

  • How do you get free delivery? I can't figure it out.

    Edit: It removes the shipping cost at the payment stage of checkout.

  • +2

    select standard shipping then click through, it takes it off before payment

  • +1

    Just bought what seemed to be last carton of pale ale at chermside. Scanned at $14.90 and has an expiry of 23 July 2016. Try your luck elsewhere….

    Also little creatures rogers was $49.80

    I'm a happy boy!!!

    • +1

      Thinking about it the we're 4x 6 packs on the shelf. Maybe try them together.

  • I picked up a carton of these at Dan Murphys St Peters (SA) for $19.90 last weekend (drank them that weekend :D)

    They literally had a wall of stock.

    Great beer and even better for the money. I had some Cascade Blonde Ales that were some weeks past their use by date and still tasted fine.

  • Superb! Thanks OP

  • awesome

  • No free delivery to country addresses sadly.

  • What's going to be interesting is when they deliver them and they're past their best before date. I would assume that they can't do this (in NSW).

    • Interesting technicality, but I assume it counts as you purchasing them in date? The expiry and delivery terms were understood and it became your property at the point of financial transaction?

    • +5

      Best before is not use by

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Nothing wrong with the blondes. I rate the pales higher so look forward to these.

  • I assume you can't get cold click & collect?

  • Let's see if I can get some at the store. I can already imagine me mates saying “scull, scull, scull”! I can assure you it won't survive until expiry date!
    Edit 1: just got four. Thanks OP!

  • Thanks just grabbed 3

  • Wow this damn cheap.

  • And they're gone!

    • There were three "packs" left, now there's only two. I think some unlucky Ozbargainer is going to get a nasty surprise when the truck pulls up to deliver four bottles of beer!

      • That's not how it works.

        • This is the message that you get when you try and order a case now:

          "Some item(s) are either unavailable or not available in the requested quantity. Item(s) will be removed or updated when you proceed to payment
          Cascade Pale Ale - 1 pack(s)"

          It costs exactly the same as a case does, but it's only four bottles.

        • @spludgey: Hmm, this is the message I'm getting now. So if you proceed you will be charged a premium of $5 for a 4 pack. They will have to provide a full refund or at least refund the difference.

    • I just ordered. Don't think so.

      • Might do it by depot or something. In Sydney there's only one 4 pack left.

        • +1

          Ordering in Adelaide and can still add cases to cart now.

  • +1

    Get busy drinking or get busy dying. Or both.

  • +2

    Bugger. One moment it was in stock, and then it sold out while I was putting the transaction through PayPal. Haha, oh wells.

    • +1

      yeah same here. there were 8 cases left when I started & all gone by the time I got to paypal.
      Oh well

    • I managed to place a Click & Collect Order and pay by credit card. Looks like I'll be swilling expired beer after all :)
      See you all at the next OzBargain meet in the emergency room.

  • Ive looked for these over the passed week at various Dan Murphy's and there has been NO STOCK.

  • Just wondering what happens if swallowed after expiry date? Any disorder is likely?

    • +1

      all 16? temporary paralysis

    • Just the usual alcohol-fuelled stupor.

    • Any disorder is likely?

      drunk and disorderly?

    • Not much. It's near impossible to die drinking beer. Kenny Vs Spenny >

  • +2

    Just got 2 cases from the Balga WA store click and collect.

    Surprised they haven't sold out! Considering this is cheaper than their biggest seller…which is goon.

  • +1

    MUST…drink…them all… before… midnight…

  • +1

    Ordered two cases to pickup tomorrow night after work. Big weekend planned… hic

  • +2

    Am not getting the free delivery do you need to enter something?

    • +1

      Keep trucking through the process until the very last payment page, shipping should be removed.

  • no stock when i try in sydney

  • Was able to add it to the cart but when checking out getting a message "all items unavailable" preventing me from completing the checkout.

    • Got it sorted. I may have grabbed the last 2 cases, as processing the payment it came back with a message saying that not all items were available. I reduced it from 3 to 2 cases and it worked.

  • Hi Ozbargainer,
    Nice choice!
    We're getting your order ready now, so keep an eye out for another email and SMS telling you it's on its way.
    Ordered from Woolloongabba Store in Brisbane. 2 cases for 29.80. $14 delivery disappeared from cart when payment details were entered.
    Hope that expiry date won't affect quality of ale for another couple weeks.

    • -1

      Did you end up with a 4 pack or case?
      I ordered the case, paid $14.90 and just received a 4 pack :S

  • Managed to snag 3 cases at Boronia VIC store for pick up. Was a big hunt to find any stock. Put down a family member for pick up who lives out that way. Guess I'll have to pay him a 1 case commission!

  • +1

    No stock in WA :-(

  • +1

    Pretty sad when beer from a well regarded brewery doesn't all get sold before making it to expiry, and then requires a massive discount to get rid of it.

    I guess their 16 bottle 'case' for $40-ish model isn't working so well

    • +2

      Big mistake trying to reposition themselves as a super premium craft brew. I'd regularly drink cascade when it was about 50 bucks a carton but haven't touched it since they went down to the 16s..

    • +2

      I enjoy the beer but the price point is horrible.

  • Thanks op, bought 2 cases.

  • thanks op got some pale ale in northern nsw and bright ale in sunshine coast. all set for xmas/new year now

  • Scheduled for delivery today.

    • -1

      Did you end up with a 4 pack or case?
      I ordered the case, paid $14.90 and just received a 4 pack :S

      • Mine still haven't arrived.

        Is this what happened to you?

        Did you check your email receipt? Mine clearly states: "2 x Cascade Pale Ale (cases)"

        • I think that happened to me. All good, they're refunding the difference i.e. $4 for one 4 pack.
          The email receipt just says cascade pale ale (pack). I checked afterward, just assumed it was incorrect.
          Thanks for the reply

  • Has anyone tried filling up a spa bath with these yet?

  • Just got a message saying they can't fulfill my order for local pick up. Why did they take my order in the first place for local pick up? Not happy, Dan :(

  • scored 3 at crimebourne vic 20 odd minutes ago,,a few left

  • They called me today said that no stock in NSW, although I managed to pay by paypal last nite

  • Oh gee, I drank a couple from my $19 carton (they arrived thursday) and I got to say I'm glad I didn't but any more. To me it just tasted like those other mass produced aussie lagers that I don't drink. I can't believe this is actually classified as an ale.

  • -1

    Anyone else order this and then end up surprised when only a 4 pack arrived?

    I just go off the phone to Dan Murphy's and the guy was pretty confused as to why the invoice says "(pack)" which I hadn't noticed and apparently refers to a 4 pack. He was confused why I had been charged $14.90, when, going by the current price on the website a pack is $4.09 (but out of stock).
    Seems like a bit of a mess :S

    • -1

      Why did you post the same question 3 times? I got a small box consisting of 4x 4-packs.

      • Don't you know everything happens in 3's

  • when i went to collect my 4 x cases, they only had 1 case, they then managed to find some new stock to make a total of 3 x cases, and allowed me to pick 16 other beers of my choice! Now thats good customer service for ya. Dan Murphys Ballina, you rock! hehe

  • So it is now 9 days after my order and still no beer.
    On the website it is stuck on "awaiting picking"
    Then under that:
    "Orders to Brisbane Metro are usually delivered within 2-4 business days"

    …Have they forgotten about me?

  • I bought "6 x Cascade Pale Ale (cases)" for $89.40 but I only received 2 cases (8x4 packs). I hope the others will be delivered later.

    • I spoke too soon. I received the other 4 cartons today. Thanks OP

  • +1

    I ordered 2 cases. Had only 2x4 packs delivered. Called Dan Murphy's and they refunded the entire order. Free Beer!

  • Finally got 2x16 bottles of cascade premium lager instead of expired pale ale. 29.80 delivered to the door by australia post

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