EB Games Mad Monday starts 7th Dec at 12:01am Sydney time.
Fallout 4 is advertised at $49.
Different deals throughout the day - 24 hours only.
EB Games Mad Monday starts 7th Dec at 12:01am Sydney time.
Fallout 4 is advertised at $49.
Different deals throughout the day - 24 hours only.
Deal* can be seen in.
Such a great game. Good deal. Well worth $49. Thanks OP.
Is the PC version Steam?
The game is a steamwork game. Just input the code and voila
By voila he means sit back and wait for the 20G+ download .
Phew, lucky Australia isn't stuck in 2002 and everyone has the NBN!
Effing lol
@Tehcookiemonsta: you don't have a gigabyte connection? Turnbull recommends you don't live in a shithole. Which is to say, anywhere in the entire country.
Don't sweat it though, mining will carry the country for generations, we don't need any other industries. The Internet is just a fad for fat Star Trek nerds who live in fantasy land. It'll be dead in a few years don't you worry, you'll read about it in the paper.
@rochow: Lol NBN is actually available in my area and FTTP technology too :P , however i live in an apartment so the NBN connection box has to go inside and there is no decent place to actually put it, which is why im holding off.
I think you have to download a lot from steam though
Oh so 10 copies and a midnight scramble on a crashing web page to publicise their lackluster sale. I'd pay the extra 10 bucks at JB and enjoy the sleep
My thoughts too … when I first saw this deal, I kicked myself for spending $10 more at JB, but then realised I'm fine paying $10 extra for a decent sleep and guaranteed stock
What dedicated gamer isn't awake at midnight anyway?
The ones with jobs and families to support ;)
@Where's_That_Cake: depending on the age of the kids, they are the ones with no time to game. Agreed though, yes they'd be asleep by midnight most likely.
Is Fallout 4 really the best choice for someone with a family and job? Unless you have an incredibly patient spouse and kids who pretty much raise themselves.
@Juddy: been there, done that, fallout 4 is fresh :p
*if you read this I'm sorry in advance and just showing off in front of the other guys…
What dedicated gamer is playing Fallout 4? I like RPG elements in my RPGs, thankyou very much. The only thing RPG about this game is the rocket launchers.
It is $57 at EB Games (PC) at the moment. Apparently a Westfield thing, it was $57 at EB Garden City
Keep getting confused when people mention garden city, its a massive shopping centre in Perth or is there another one somewhere else?
This one is Brisbane
Its similar to Westfield, a chain of large shopping centres
dude it was $49 almost a month ago.
if it's anything like last year the site will crash and be unaccessible for a couple hours once it starts, then horribly slow after that.
Am I the only who think it' so mentally tiring to play Fallout?? lol…maybe I'm just too old now..
i can't seem to get into Bethesda games. I try once every couple of years for a good 5-10 hours then give up. Game isn't for me
I agree. Too buggy to be immersive IMHO
I wouldn't call it buggy…just TOOO MUCH details for me. You even need to pay attention to every conversation..cmon..
Guess it's very much personal whether that's a good or bad thing…but after fallout 3 which I hardly finish exploring till now, I don't need I can take another Fallout lol
"you even need to pay attention to every conversation..cmon.."
Gonna take a stream and say you didn't do very well at school?
It's a great game…frane rate and load times the only let down on consoles
@roosta: Don't know how you got to that conclusion..but oh well, I'm gonna admit I'm not a big fan in reading, but I'm a graduated professional …sometimes it's not all about reading ;)
the game is a let down, look up reviews if you're uncertain about this game.
87 metacritic seems pretty good to me..
Been playing the game here and there since launch, still fantastic imo and im Nowhere near finished.
Oh? You're going to quote metacritic? Then so am I!
54 on the Metacritic score from the user's category seems pretty bad to me, which I find to be more believable as these are scores left by consumers who actually purchased the game, and was disappointed by the end product. And then you take a look at other games, like, as an example, Xenoblade Chronicles, which has a pretty damn good user score, means that users are actually voting legitimately and they're not terribly disappointed by it.
54 is a terrible score. And even if people are downvoting a game for the sake of being downvoted, even if it's a good game (See: Entire CoD franchise), then you STILL have a problem with how the game is presenting itself. Don't quote metacritic's critics, else I'll have to whoop out the Undertale page to help you see why it's a bad idea (I like Undertale, but it was the highest rated PC game of all time for a few weeks a while back; a title I'm not yet ready to take from Half Life 2). We all know IGN and co. are paid for AAA reviews, and Bethesda (SEE: ZENIMAX) can definitely, definitely afford it.
And second of all, you guys shouldn't downvote someone for giving an honest opinion about a videogame. It's just that, his opinion. If you downvote negative comments, it means you're trying to justify your own opinion, which, if Fallout 4 really is a good game, shouldn't need to be forcefully justified.
To be fair to the down voters, he/she did not claim to be offering opinion. Furthermore, a down vote doesn't seem to be the worst thing that you can do. As you said, it's a different way of giving an opinion.
@victinini: It's just a very "I'm right and you're wrong because Bethesda is the greatest because they told me they are" way of going about things rather than, say, looking at something analytically. This game sold so many copies just because it was "Another Fallout game", and not on its own merits. It was the best selling game on steam 4 months before its release, and almost every single day up (Cadblaps trois day excluded, obviously) until the day it came out. Bethesda could've (and did) released whatever they wanted, because they almost made their money back before the game even came out. Certainly I feel this warrants some kind of critical thinking.
You stick the Bethesda label and something and it prints money. That's what Zenimax has been doing for years, and we just flame the hell out of people aware enough to speak out about it. I have heard very few people say this game is better than New Vegas, which, I thought the entire point of a sequel was to be better than its predecessors?
I guess it's just exclusively to make money now, consumers be damned.
Meh. I recognise Bethesda games have their faults but cant help but to enjoy throwing hundreds of hours into their games. I find it fun and when I don't I start to experiment a little with mods.
The Xbox one, can you laybuy it?
Online only, 1 day only.
How much does EB charge on postage? Add that in and price is pretty close to Jb Hi-Fi price.
around $10
Nice already down to $49. Seems hopeful if I wait till later next year, might be able to get the PC version for under $20 :)
I'd rather Need For Speed when it comes out.
Good news, it's already out man
On PC?
There is heaps of stuff I would rather. Like people staying on topic. But this post isn't about what you or I want. It's about EBs sale.
$49 plus the cost of a new PC…. (T.T)
Just play it in Low setting…
Nothing on rise of tomb raider? Still pretty average pricing on syndicate…. Around Targets release price.
Ive a hundred hours into it so far after a few character restarts. I've come across a few non game breaking bugs mostly with npc pathing issues and the occasional crash to desktop
But still 100 hours in. And yet to fiddle around with modding
Would be nice if their piece of shit website would work.
The site crashed!! I can even get on it…. you would think that they upgrade their servers
They don't need to upgrade their servers. They just need to learn how to optimize their web site, especially for performance under load. Particularly as the load was totally forecastable. Their web managers need to be fired.
They arent gonna upgrade just to handle one day of traffic, its the same every year, it crashes for like 30 min
EB Games is under heavy load right now!
Please try refreshing in a few minutes.
Yes from Customers trying to buy a products from you. Must be there first time
Sorry was under heavy load myself when posting, tried to edit post but website crashed, now won't let me edit.
It's alright :) i myself was stressed out just to open their web, lol
Same issue here cant load there website. Damn EB.
If their server cannot accommodate the extra load, then they shouldn't have an online only sale.
This is ridiculous.
They pretty much invited everyone to come online at the same time at 12:01AM midnight.
managed to get my order in for another pipboy $167..will return the other one because they refused to match price. Crap website….really want to Negative vote just for the frustration.
Me too, I ordered Pip boy at 189, its coming in mail soon. How is the return process for online eb orders? Do I take it to the store or do I mail in to head office at my cost…
When I called them on Saturday about refunding me the difference, the support person told me to take it back to the store to get the full amount including the back. But I dunno..
"Please return at 8am (Sydney time) tomorrow,
when our Website should be up and running again."
Right… what did EB think was going to happen?
They probably ran out of stock, so they said "Please return at 8am (Sydney time) tomorrow,
when our Website should be up and running again. Oh , we forgot to mention there was a glitch on our servers all items are now at full price"
I was just lucky to order fall 4 before the website closes until 8:00 am.
Fail EB Games. Stayed up for nothing.
"Please return tomorrow at 8am" how about I return at NEVER AGAIN am. Mthr **kers.
Aaaaand it crashed again at 8am …
Sale for 24 hours… down for 9 hours.
Well done EB.
What's the chances of going instore and asking them to price match because their website is crap ?
If the manager is nice I reckon a good chance.
My mate just went in to his local EB and they had a sign on the window.. and They showed him an internal memo saying stores are NOT ALLOWED to match online pricing.
They are not even allowed to order for you
The store registers were crashing too apparently.
Thanks OP. I got lucky too and was able to order it at 8 AM this morning. Very slow at the moment, and need a lot of patience to place the order. (about 35 minutes to complete). Hope it arrives before Xmas.
It was stated it would arrive by the 14th.
Shipping is $3.50 to 2000 and 3131.
Accidentally ordered two copies. If someone would like one I'll sell it for $50 cash.
Too hard to go back and change it before submitting the order?
I didn't want to risk losing out completely. I'm sure I'll be able to sell it for $50 somewhere.
100% there is still high demand for the game for sure :)
I would of done same thing.. no way i would change the cart etc just take my money ha ha ha
Send EB a message to cancel one?
I still don't think it's worth the risk. What happens if they cancel the entire order? Try to re-order one and its out of stock?
I've have no problem in the past but you could also just return one to your local EB when you get your order? :)
Yeah? Do they have a decent returns policy? That is, they accept change of mind.
Edit: There's a banner that says free returns within 7 days of delivery. Cool.
@sween64: Yea they accept change of mind. I'm not sure if they have an extended returns date for Christmas again this year but here's their standard policy. https://ebgames.com.au/customer-service#!Online-purchasing-e…
@sween64: I've just checked - the 10 days is for lvl 4 members and it's 7 days for everyone else but in the Christmas catalogue it says members have until January 15th (last page) http://catalogue.ebgames.com.au/?utm_source=edm&utm_medium=e…
so anyone got any price matching from people like JB? EB website is dieing…..
It slow but works.
I managed to get JB to pricematch - i just showed the checkout manager the EB site and she approved right away - This was JB at the westfield CBD
so close to biting the bullet on arkham knight ps4 for $38.. i have enough other games to play though and i feel once i'm through with those i'll be able to find arkham knight for cheaper than that on gumtree. tempting though.
Pic can be seen in https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/223715