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Steam page:
234 reviews at 'Mostly Positive'
Has steam trading cards as well.
As always, enter you Email address and verify you're not a robot.
Steam page:
234 reviews at 'Mostly Positive'
Has steam trading cards as well.
should be able to get the keys now.
Same here. Says no serial available yet.
It can take up to 60 mins for the key to be made available.
Yes the key just came through now.
Way back in 2003 when I was still in high school I saved up for ages to get a GeForce FX5700 Ultra that came bundled with this game - mostly to play Doom 3, Call of Duty, Command & Conquer: Generals, Homeworld 2, GTA Vice City, Halo, KoTR, Max Payne 2, Vietcong, Rise of Nations and Half Life 2 (what a year for PC gaming) as my older Geforce 2 Titanium started to lag pretty bad with those titles.
I played the absolute crap out of that game but then I lost interest, and then the disc. Many years later I tried remembering what that game was for some nostalgia but through some google-fu I could only find the name of one of the the old mech style games that I used to really enjoy but couldn't remember the name of - Shogun: Mobile Armour Division.
Now thanks to the O.P. I remembered the second, and got a free copy along with it!
you're welcome :)
This link says you ninjas snatched them all.
The old "look under profile" only shows Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising.
I already have that. Dunno whether this key is good for anyone else?? BPP9H-NTRK5-DQCNZ
How long does it take to get Steam Activation Code? I checked my
Bundles library > Indiegala Giveaways and it says No serial available yet.
Usually I can get the steam serial straight away.