I found an online store list different prices for their website and eBay store

I was looking around for Microsoft keyboard and mouse combo and found eStore has different prices for their online store and ebay store. Turns out after 20% off, their ebay store price is still higher than their online store price

Online store list it for $32

Ebay store list it for $46.20

That's interesting.

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  • ebay fees, paypal fees,postage inclusion, 20% ebay discount

  • see also

    Is This Price Jacking? Differences within eBay 20% Discount

    Edit I'm to slow. Out posted by Scimshaw.

  • Final price- website- 41 shipped
    Final price- ebay- 36.96 shipped

  • We bought a router from Centrecom recently. Checked the online site then went along to their Bricks and Mortar store and asked for their best price. They had no issue with giving us a significant discount on their webstore price. As I always say, you don't get what you don't ask for. I would contact the most expensive option and point out the anomaly; you might even get a better price.

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