This was posted 9 years 4 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Live Gold 12 Month Subscription $27.89 US (Approx $39.47 AUD) with Coupon @ CD Keys

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Limited to one per customer.

Possibly best price yet? Can't confirm if 5% Facebook like works or not but doubtful.

Just a couple of tips when ordering from CDKeys:
* Always change the price (top-right corner) to USD before ordering
* Always pay by Paypal
* There is a small chance that they will request a copy of photo id to be sent through. Credit: Guidedlight. Thanks.

Edit: So what I've just noticed is that if you use USD its $40.24 AUD once PayPal conversion are done. If you buy in AUD its $39.47 AUD. In this instance definitely buy in AUD!

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2015

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I have no idea how CDKeys consistently has the best price on the internet… and then they beat it even more.

    Just a couple of tips when ordering from CDKeys:
    * Always change the price (top-right corner) to USD before ordering
    * Always pay by Paypal
    * There is a small chance that they will request a copy of photo id to be sent through… it's a bit strange but I've never had a problem.

    • Added to title. Some good tips for cdkeys newbies.

    • Using Paypal it's about $1 cheaper using AUD rather than USD. Am I missing something?

      • -2

        it should be $38.77 usd i think?

        • I guess if your bank converts, then yes USD is probably better, but by PayPal conversion AUD is better.

        • +2


          I've checked and Paypal converts to $39.47 (AUD) with AUD picked at the start or $40.24 (AUD) with USD picked at the start.

        • @geo365:


        • @bxpressiv: I've updated the title and edited the post thanks.

    • I think it's cheap because of price arbitrage. Since Xbox Live Gold can be bought anywhere, places where it's really cheap, or where there has been a recent currency drop, like Russia, can exploit the fact that the local price might be $30US or something, even though when the product first came out it might have been $60US equivalent.

  • if it weren't for the shady asking for id thing i'd be on this.

    • Is there a third party who has never asked for this? I've bought over 20 games and an Xbox live sub from them. Nothing shady about these guys. If you haven't followed them on Facebook I recommend it. Their customer service is also fantastic.

      • +1

        i'm very cautious with my personal details online.
        Seemes like a good deal either way. Thanks for sharing it :)

        • +1

          Yeh that's fair enough. Everyone is different and I dont blame your diligence but these guys are reputable.

    • I never got asked for ID only phone verification.

    • Yeah this. I had to give my passport and dl to paypal and that took a lot of umming and arring

  • +7

    WHeres PSN plus need some deals on that

  • This is perfect timing for me. Why would they need ID though…?

    • +2

      People use stolen credit cards to buy the codes then sell the codes to launder the cash.

  • +1

    Is this just showing as a blank page for anyone else? Tried in Firefox, Chrome and IE…

    • Just checked again and its working on mobile and desktop chrome for me.

  • How many years of live can you stack? I just bought 12 months but this is a great price

    • Pretty certain 2 years, also these cards don't expire until they're redeemed.

      • 3 I believe. I'm maxed atm.

  • +2

    Just got an xb1. Can i sign up for the 1 mth free trial and stack this on top?

    • +1

      yes you can. it will add 1 year to existing subscription end date

      • Thanks. Know why i need to add in a US address in xbox when paying?

    • +1

      Yep. Just did it for mine.

  • They have bumped the price to USD $31 or AUD $43.86

    • +3

      Price hasn't changed. Need to add the coupon mate.

      • +5

        wow I'm blind

  • +2

    US PSN Plus is US$41.39 for 1yr after discount from them.

  • Can I buy now and use it after 2 months?

    • +2

      Almost 100% certain these don't have an expiry.

  • lol mine was about to expire so soon I rushed to buy this and didn't even notice the coupon code. Oh well. Bought with a Commbank MC, Netbank sent a code, verified, and they emailed it within seconds. Cheers. (No ask for ID)

    • Unlucky, maybe I didn't make it very clear in title!

      • Eh. $4 odd. But yeah, should have said something along the lines of "coupon required."

  • +1

    Thanks OP, no ID required here.

  • Ouch. I just learned something the hard way but thankfully it's not too bad.

    I had a week left on my Australian Xbox Live account. I put in this code and it immediately cancelled my old Xbox Live time to activate this one.

    Thankfully it's only a week and the value of the deal more than makes up for it.

    • +2

      Hmmm that hasn't happened my mates yet. Its stacked for them. Doesn't sound right!

    • +3

      "Please Note: The 'stacking' of Xbox Live subscriptions is no longer allowed by Microsoft. Users will recieve an error when attempting to add more than one subscription card at a time." That's on download link, not sure when it started.

      • Well that blows. These don't have an expiry though.

      • What the hell? Did anyone ever see an official statement by Microsoft concerning this? I've still got about 1 1/2 years left and was thinking of adding another year, but I guess that's kinda pointless now!?

        • Yeah thats strange.

          Ive always considered these to be prepaid blocks of time that you should get the full value of

      • Thanks for pointing that out for others. I was in too much of a rush to get it but you sure helped others. As I said I'm glad it was only a week.

      • Just purchased one of these and was able to successfully extended my Live subscription out to October 2017. Stacking clearly still works, but as others have pointed out, there may be specific scenarios where it doesn't quite work as expected.

    • +2

      My account expires in March and just added this to it, for an expiry of March 2017 now. I think they can stack, but there's some conditions around when it will and won't work, possibly around what you used to get the credit previously.

      • So trials don't stack, but the $1 deal does?

        • I haven't used the $1 deal. No idea what stacks with what to be honest other than I was able to add the 12 months to a membership that had 4 months remaining. I think my current time was from a promo for a free year when signing up to O365 some time ago (it's been years since I had to renew as I stacked about 2.5 worth of at one point).

  • Thanks OP. Just brought another year for the kids.

  • Could someone confirm if the keys have an expiry date.

    Planning on getting the kids an Xbox one for Christmas and want to keep the key until then.


    • +1

      As above they don't. I can guarantee it. MS once did but they stopped that.

      • Thanks.

        Just ordered one.

  • +4

    Long time lurker on ozbargain and I just registered to say thanks for this deal. Just ordered a subscription for 12 months.

    • +3

      No worries mate. Now that you're registered you should join in with the community some more :)

  • Thanks for this. I have been a long time lurker and user of this site.

  • +1

    My most thanked post yet. Thanks everyone.

    • +1

      Thanks for taking the time to let everyone know

  • Thanks for this..just bought an Xb1 bundle from the 20% eBay sale..was looking for a good live deal :)

  • -4

    Having had Xbox 360,never had one of these what does it do or what do you gain from this is this a good deal?if so what does it normally cost? And does it expire soon after getting it?do you need to have your Xbox set up?i just got myself a Xbox one and was wondering if I can get this before I have it set up,and find I hear you can get a free trial and then start using this? Also what do you get some sort of code emailed or what

    • +5

      Every single one of your questions is clearly answered on the website if you took a minute to read instead of just blatantly posting 20 questions in one go.

  • $32.15 USD on Kinguin but you get 10 Euro back as cashback if done in the next 12 mins (pre 7pm WST) otherwise it is 7 or 5 Euro back afterwoods (remember to click the free code option in the advertising area after clicking buy), more info here

    • Whoops seems like this is not valid anymore on Prepaid cards

  • All good. Thanks

  • Thanks OP!

  • i have a question… when i try to sign up to a Free Trial on Xbox Live, why does it keep asking for a US address??? My account on the XB1 says i'm in Australia.

    • You need to contact live chat. Takes 2mins.

  • Thank you for this, I bought an XB1 from Target during the 20% off eBay sale and now I have a 12 month Gold membership to go with it!
    Cheers OP! :)

  • just use my free $50 ebay voucher for a 1 year click and collect, not a great use of voucher now that I've seen this!

  • Thanks OP!

  • Glad I decided against picking one up for 20% off at Woolies - this was a much better deal. Thanks OP.

    Wasn't asked for a copy of ID - just had to supply a phone number so they could ring through a verification code

    • -1

      Did they call you or txt

      • -1

        I got a spam message afterwards. Not great.

        • So they txt send an email?

        • +1


          I got a spam iMessage shortly after about sunglasses on sale.

        • -1

          @ppascuzz: That's why I avoid sites like this. I'd rather pay a little more and avoid being spammed and having my details. No way in hell I'm giving my phone number or licence/ID to any of these shady sites selling keys. It's bad enough with "legit" sites like Kmart or Sony…

        • +1


          I've never once been spammed and I've easily bought 20+ games from cdkeys.

      • I received an automated phone call with the verification code. Put the code in on the website and got the Xbox live code. Haven't received any spam texts or email

  • -1

    So you get this as downloadable code right?and can be started anytime is this a good price?

  • Thanks Op

  • -1

    I'm getting blank screen? Got on there site without the link on there now it's US dollars or aud?and can i use it anytime

  • Just out of interest with Xbox live you get free games are these for as long as you want or just a certain time as never used Xbox live before

    • Once you download those games, they're yours even after the gold membership expires.

      • That's cool as worth it just for that alone,I do prefer the disc copies though but when they are free like that even better

      • +5

        This is only for 360. For Xbox One, you can only access the games when you have an active gold subscription.

        • "This is only for 360. For Xbox One, you can only access the games when you have an active gold subscription."

          Yep, this. Once the Gold expires, the games are still in your library but you can't actually play them until you renew your subscription.

        • @Lioness15: just like Playstation PSN+ - sucks really, that you can't play games you've been given without paying the online subscription again :(

  • -1

    So if I downloaded some of the free games and then my live expires I can no longer use them until I get live again that sucks seems the have there hand out all the time for more money,if it had been free games to keep would have been excellent but I'm not so sure now

    • To clarify. If you've had gold and downloaded the free games in the month on xbox 360 you can play those games without a gold subscription. However the Xbox One games require you to have an active subscription to play, Just like the PSN plus account for Playstation. So it depends on the system whether or not you need an active live gold account to access your free games.

  • -1

    guys help me!!!

    my live god expires on "9/1/2016". I really dont know it is 1 September or 9 January. My current region is US ( i think), because i just changed it from HK to US. The reason it was HK is that someone posted a deal here for purchasing metro deluxe bundle at HK store.

    Anyway, i am really confused. How can i find out? It is "prepaid 12m xbox live gold", but i cant find record (emails) that i renew the live in august this year, but i did purchase a code from G2A in August 2014!

    • +1

      It really isn't that hard to go live chat with support…literally could've answered your question in the time it took you to type this out.

      • they can b useless tho

  • I just got an email from Mickeysoft saying my gold expires in 3 weeks. Well timed bargain!

    Now I need a PSN bargain.

  • +1

    Cost me AUD $38.84 by paying USD $27.89 with 28degrees MC through PayPal. Thanks.

    • yep - me too :D
      Thanks OP!

  • Cheers

  • thanks. order placed!

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