Who Else Thinks BLACK FRIDAY Is Too Racial? Should Be Changed to Multicultural Shopping Extravaganza Friday!

Who really cares just bring home the bargains and keep those deals coming! As a member of my family said it’s gonna be a good OZbargain day! Happy Ozbargain day everybody… now that’s got ring to it:)

Edit: edit: edit:
WOW, I really must remember to spell things out on Ozbargain… IT WAS SARCASM FOLKS IN THIS RIDICULOUSLY POLITICALLY CORRECT WORLD!
that's why I said "Who really cares?" Black Friday has nothing to do with skin colour it was a joke and I thought that would be obvious but apparently not.

I am of black skinned origin and happy to tell or listen to a black joke, I am not easily offended because I know it is just a joke. Growing up in OZ during the early '70's I got called every black swear word under the sun I did not sulk over it.
I don't agree with out right racism but I get really frustrated when I hear people trying to nit pick every comment someone makes

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2015


  • +3

    no, i think they should also do white friday, red friday, and every single colours so we have many many days of bargain

    • you missed yellow friday

  • Why no just call it GOOD friday

    that way its non racial claims back the name from the religious …. Truly egalitarian

    • Good FridayGood Friday is a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.

      Should just called "Shopping Friday" or "Bargain Friday" so people actually know what it is about. It was called Black Friday because

      "Black Friday" indicates the point at which retailers begin to turn a profit, or "in the black"

      • I was just using that as a tongue in cheek example of how stupid these politically correct posts are

        Black Friday, being Racial

        Why not ban women as a word as its an extension of men

        • -1

          it's already been done
          see womyn

          now you see why some people have a hard time taking feminists seriously

  • Doesn't Black Friday refer to Friday the 13th?

  • +1

    you're one of those people who think manual labour is sexist and fairy penguins should be changed to little penguins.

    language is a beautiful thing and this political correctness crap is killing it. soon we'll only be able to use emoticons to communicate because all other word will be deigned offensive to some micro minority.

    the etymology of black Friday stems from how the local police described the traffic chaos the sales used to cause in Philadelphia the day after thanksgiving.

    • Of course the problem with emoticons, is when you use the wrong one.

      👳🏾or 👳🏻


  • -1

    I don't think it's racial enough. eg. Very dark skinned, Epicanthic fold Friday

    • ^ This post deserved more love.

  • +1

    I hope OP is being sarcastic - Otherwise I really fear for the future of humanity.

  • People who think that about Black Friday are just ignorant. Black is simply a colour. Even when it comes to race, describing someone as black is just descriptive and should not be taken as an insult.

    I'm sure a lot of people don't know this but racism is actually related to the belief that members of a race possess characteristics that make them superior - think white supremacy.

    Prejudice or discrimination is what a lot of people get confused with racism since it's usually based on someone's race or religion e.g. not letting a Muslim on a flight because you assume they are a terrorist.

    If anyone's name should be changed it's the Washington Redskins.

  • +1

    Not sure if OP is just trolling or being serious? The black in Black Friday refers to a sales accounting term where they'd traditionally go from being in the red (loss) to black (profit). If you think it's anything more than that then I suggest you re-evaluate how you see the world.

  • +1

    Hey OP you realise we haven't actually gone mad with political correctness. Most of the commentators are actually agreeing with your point about political correctness gone mad!

    • Yeah agree, I think some got it but some are unsure of what should be taken as just a joke.

      • GOOD on ya, a little BLACK humour…

        then again maybe this will start it all again.. LOL

  • Is this thread not evidence that political incorrectness has "gone mad"? Now you're all jumping at shadows.

  • Theres's a very good reason why Black Friday should be called as such

  • Black isn't a race it's a shade of colour used to describe lots of different things. Next thing we know, you'll be trying to get "black holes" banned …

  • I think everyone needs to watch this video on racial tolerance

  • That is so ridiculous; the Black in Black Friday refers to the terrible bushfires, not African Americans. It has nothing to do with racism, the most overused word in the modern world.

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