Tired of deranking?
Want to play with your silver friends but don't want to derank?
Or just want waste away hours of your lives on the hottest FPS
Get CSGO for half the price!
Tired of deranking?
Want to play with your silver friends but don't want to derank?
Or just want waste away hours of your lives on the hottest FPS
Get CSGO for half the price!
Ok. Lets go
what is deranking?
CSGO has a competitive mode where you achieve a rank based on your wins and losses. Going forward you then play others of similar ranks. Deranking is where someone is deliberately trying to lose a game so that they drop rank and play lesser skilled players.
CS:GO comp isn't based on win/loss game ratio, it's based on how many rounds you win/lose by. There's also been some rumours that being a round MVP helps your rank but that hasn't been confirmed.
CS:GO also doesn't use the ELO ranking system it instead uses a modified glicko-2 system. You can read about it here, remember, it's a modified version.
I simplified the process to someone who doesn't know what deranking means…
Never mentioned ELO, don't know why you bring it up. We don't know if it uses modified glicko-2 (an oft repeated fallacy), all we know is it uses "ideas BASED on Glicko-2 rating model and improved over time", anything beyond that is pure speculation. MVP thing has been around forever and repeated forever based on more speculation. The only true "study" that I know of is the one done by a couple of redditors. But even that was only for placement ranks (ranking calculations outside of initial placement may differ), which showed individual performance played at least SOME part in rank (1-2 ranks difference). However someone is meant to be doing another soon that goes into more depth but who knows if it will happen or how long it will take.
While you can rank up on a loss/tie or down on a win/tie (and hence we know it's more than just a simple win or loss that matters) it's also really rare and not necessary to give a basic understanding of deranking.
Yeah that's cool if you want to simplify but at least be accurate, and I mentioned it in case you or other people were curious of what ranking system Valve is using. And how is it a fallacy? Your statement may as well just say that glicko2 uses "ideas based on elo rating model".
It's a shame they haven't made a blog post about their MM system like they did for DotA which is quite sufficient.
@kaneissik: The quote I used is directly from Valve employee vitaliy. It's a fallacy because "ideas based on glicko-2" is not the same as "modified glicko-2". They could use nothing from glicko-2 at all for all we know.
There could be negatives associated with releasing how exactly rank is determined. For example if kills were weighted higher in the formula then people might be more inclined to bait team mates more than normal etc.
Yeah that's true, people are sad like that and would manipulate it, but that's gonna happen anyway.
I read somewhere that its also Damage based. (mighht of been reddit or another valve source , before the current ranking system was in place)
IE, you get points for kills but you also get rewarded for Doing Damage.
This means that 2 people double nading a spot would get roughly the same points back for kills.
Another way it would be beneficial is say you (on CT) and another on T ( trade headshots) , you do 90 Damage, and he gets a kill.
But then the guy next to you sprays and does 10 Damage.
You would both be rewarded some points, him for the kill, and you for doing 90 damage (and your team mate would get some for the kill also). if that makes sense.
All this is speculative but it made sense when I read it.
do you think it will drop to 75% in summer sales?
I highly doubt it, it's been 22 months since it was 75% off and with the popularity of the game and smurfing I doubt it will ever go down to 75% off/
No, they keep CSGO at $7.50 US to prevent it being mass-purchased by hackers and to a lesser extent smurfs; it's Valve's sweet-spot.
This has been going round for years and holds about as much validity as ELO / Glicko claims. The most likely explanation is that at US$7.50 Valve have reached a sweet spot between numbers purchased and revenue seen and this would be from historical sales data.
Years? The last time it was lower than $7.50 was March last year which is when they had an influx of hackers. It's just a logical conclusion since it hasn't been as low since and the game still has a hacking problem notwithstanding
@kaneissik: Your logic isn't sound. I'd care to bet on this but ultimately you believe what you want. FYI - the claim predates CS:GO and CS:Source. Years. Decade even.
@kaneissik : There's 15 odd years of CS meta that I can say I've been a part of from the beginning. You believe what you want. You will anyway.
You're believing what you want as well when whatever argument you've put forward has been irrelevant to discussion
God I hope not.
I dont even like this sale, I want less people smurfing and hacking (even if I am a massive hypocrite and will probably purchase to gift to a friend or smurf on my other account)
dam smurfs and derankers. I feel as thought there needs to be an auto derank button.
HAHAHA imagine that.
Id be very cautious about letting my nieces play any more.
-Come online, What the hell, why am I Silver rank 1???
oh I never thought about that. That's an awesome and FREE deranking system. lol. I've never bothered with deranking - it's in itself, just too much effort.
So glad you need to level up before playing competitive now. Got rid of the hackers real quick.
I don't know how much you play but there are still plenty of hackers. You can easily buy a level 3 account for a few keys.
Csgo is so cheap for how good the game is. If valve could make it free they would, but then there would be an even bigger hacking problem.
inb4 more cheaters
There should be new expansion called CS : ISIS with the firework add-on item
One good thing about CSGO is that the more you play, the higher chance of an item dropping (like cases and weapon skins) which you can sell on the market place and you can make back what you paid for the game.
Let's be real here. Since Bloodhound you get 1 weapon skin when you rank up for the first time each week and a limited amount of cases (I think 2-4 per week). These are almost always going to be 3c/4c skins/cases, which after steam fees equals 1c/2c.
The exception to this is when there is a new case and/or operation with operation specific skins. You still have to get lucky though.
Yes you are right. Im not saying you get good stuff to sell all the time. As you mention, there are alot of 3 or 4 cent items. But with CSGO, there are opportunities to make some real profit if you are lucky. Of course this will be new cases or watching live competitive gameplay where they will drop rare items for spectators.
Most recently a couple of months ago, I got two Shadow cases on Day1 and Day2. I sold them for about $15. I could have sold for much more if I had realised earlier I had the drop is in my inventory so I sold it almost 4 hours late, which lost me about 4 or 5 bucks extra profit.
Right now, it is pretty quiet on the market place but there are other opportunities down the track to make back what you paid for the game.
Good that I waited :) Ty OP
THis game is trash. Go play BF4.
gr8 b8 m8
I R8 8/8
Best Game Ever!!!! Unfortunately I hate smurfs, so I won't be buying it again to become a smurf myself…. damn those smurfs and hackers!
the best thing that they did was updating competitive so you had to get a certain amount of XP to play. So anyone that wanted to be a smurf/hacker had to put a bit of work into getting to comp….
I found that since this change ….there has been a big drop off on hacker/smurfs……. any one else think this????
Had this my sigts! ;)
Thanks OP.
Why do people smurf in CSGO? Is it so they can farm cases or do they just like picking on noobs? What do you get for a win that makes it tempting to smurf?
You can 1.Feel godlike smashing noobs
2. play with your less skilled friends.
Global Elite is boring so I'll be buying one to play with friends, best way to get rank 3???
lol. fastest way has alwys been DM 10 mins and lots of XP if you top frag. But playing one of each of the other modes also gets you your bonus from what I can remember.
I heard you get 20x more xp for each kill in casual compared to DM.
you can. but casual takes 4-5 times as long and kills can be harder to come by. Easiest way is to just test it out.
I got bored of just doing the same thing over and over anyway so I switched between casual and DM mostly.
just got this one and BF4 premium…. which one to play……….
Nice bait mate.. but CS is better than BF
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damn good price