Get a massive 7GB for $40/mth (normally $50/mth) on 12 month Go Mobile BYO Plan. Plus $10 discount on all 12 months BYO plans. ONLINE ONLY DEAL.
Telstra has taken the competition to whole another level.
Bring it on:)
Get a massive 7GB for $40/mth (normally $50/mth) on 12 month Go Mobile BYO Plan. Plus $10 discount on all 12 months BYO plans. ONLINE ONLY DEAL.
Telstra has taken the competition to whole another level.
Bring it on:)
Just went to on-line chat and changed my plans. I am Telstra customer, and still got the deal..
Really who did you speak to?
i just received confirmation from telstra, that my plan has been changed and new data allowance.
Good luck with your plan, it's not uncommon Telstra customer service reps don't know what they talk about and promise random stuff to customers, then customers need to go through all phone calls and complaints to set things right - happened to me twice, now always take screenshot with their conversations
Current position in queue: 106
Yeah, I tried this morning - 90. Gave up
Thanks for this. I just signed up despite being a customer, though I also ported another service in on the same plan.
Use the chat service. Then you can save the transcript if there's a problem in future. I've saved the plan page and the PDF alongside the transcript in Evernote. Easy peasy.
Thanks who did you speak to im about to try and change my plan?
any chance i could get the transcripts? They wouldnt do it for me
I signed up from an existing plan and although I had proof from chat they would never honour it. It was a nightmare. I ended up terminating my plan, porting out, and porting back in. If you're going to do the port-in-and-out make sure you port to someone non-Telstra (eg Boost) that was another nightmare in itself.
Did you complain to the TIO? And did you tell them this would be what you would do? It's not that they would give a damn about your individual complaint but they do care about the stats.
Thanks ill give it a go what did you say?
Would be nice if they offered existing customers some of these benefits. Unless you're constantly racking up thousands of dollars in excess usage charges, they couldn't care less about you once you're a customer.
That's right. Cheap to keep existing customer.
This deal is is a ripppp off.
Unsure how you worked this out - it's really quite generous considering Telstra.
very constructional arguments you've given…
Can anyone confirm if I can tether to my tablet with this deal?
For those that have signed up, does this give you 12 months of Apple Music included in the price?
yes it does.. i just got confirmed text from telstra.
ARGH, i just recontracted to the telstra $50 plan 2 months ago
I'm just on chat right now and out of contract. It looks like they won't let me have it. So you lost $10/month tops.
You can get it if you port you number then sign back to telstra
Have you tried this?
Who did you port to?
For those who are wondering if telstra is better than your existing provider, check out oztowers (google it). Look up your home, workplace and any other frequent places and see if there are 3g/4g telstra towers nearby. This gives a bit of indication of signal strength conpared to other providers.
Do Telstra do the automatically bill $10 for an extra gig if you go over the 7gbs?
Answered my own question
Extra Data
If you use more than your shared Monthly Data Allowance, we will
automatically add extra data to your data allowance in blocks of 1GB,
and you’ll be charged $10 per block (even if you only use part of that
block) (Extra Data). The Extra Data is for use in Australia and will
expire at the end of your billing month.
Your Extra Data will be shared with any Eligible Data Share Service
on your account
Yeah use to be about 0.1c per kB from memory. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong) 10MB was $10. 1GB would have cost $1000. So this is better. Only because the previous is SO awful.
i have a friend that work for telstra, as a senior manager for complaints, even he refused to get telstra at home and mobile. Guess what, he got optus…..traitor
Haha. Way to stick it to the man.
Inherent conflict of interest being both employee and customer. He wants decent service and doesn't want to go complain to his employer.
Existing customer. 24x7 chat consultant called me and put me through to another representative that obviously put me on hold for too long because I ended up having to start again with a 3rd. It has been about 3.5 hrs between 24x7 chat and phone and that's after another 40 minutes this morning. This alone is a good reason to port away permanently. Pity they have exclusive cable access in my area too, because that's not the first issue I've had. Then she had the nerve to ask me to do their pathetic survey after I had politely told her regarding how the offer came across to existing customers that this was "like a kick in the teeth". I was always polite. There is no point taking frustration out on people that can't do any better for you.
In any case I'm on a $60 connect plan with 1GB. The best they could offer me after discussing with her supervisor etc (failing to put me on hold) is $10 off a month, so $50 for 2GB and. This is of course worse than their standard deal which is $50 for 2.5GB and much worse than what they had available now for existing customers which is $40 for 2.5GB and more talk.
The other thing she said she could do was move my number to the pre-paid mobile plan which she acknowledged their own post paid plans can't compete with. Completely ridiculous.
One last morsel of information. Who knows if it's correct but she said that because I have my home phone/Internet bundle with them I still wouldn't count as a new customer if I ported out and back.
In any case I can't honestly fill out the online form even if I cancel/port all my services and start completely fresh because I have more than 5 mobile devices connected (more than 5 active starter kits, most without credit left). Therefore their online form won't let me proceed.
If there is a Telstra rep reading this, your offers are beyond awful and so complicated that your own staff don't understand them. You have made it hell to deal with you. What a mess! I have wasted enough time on this.
I signed up but it says on the critical information summary $50 for 2.5 + 2.5 + 2gb.
I'm assuming that $50 is just a generic figure that'll be charged $40 when the time comes?
If you go in and select that you're porting an old phone it does show up as $40 on the screen. I didn't go forward because I can't (I have more devices connected and am an existing customer. I have no intention of lying).
I have now been told by 2 different consultants on 24x7 that there will be new promos soon for the holiday season for existing customers. Fat lot of good that does if you're on an older plan with terrible data allowance in the meantime. Your choices are to get a deal that's not very good now, or hope the new not yet released deals are better later on. Thanks Telstra. I feel very valued.
As im an existing customer whos contract runs in out February 2016 so i am not eligible for the deal. So I have to pay a termination fee of $65.00 so I can leave Telstra
I then will port my number to Amaysim for 5-6 days as they have a pre paid plans with no lock in time then sign with Telstra as I will be classed as a "new customer" so I can get the deal.
Its a pain but its worth it.
My contract is also up in February and thinking of doing the exact same thing.
Good luck to both of you. I have spoken to about 10 different Telstra reps on 24x7 and phone. Answers I got about this were different every single time:
Also when I tried to complain about conflicting information Telstra staff:
- refused to escalate to a complaint and said that their escalation process has changed (since beginning of the month)
- escalated to complaint via web form.
- made notes, told me it was an escalation and that I'd get a call back in 3-5 days but didn't escalate anything.
It turns out one of them had lodged a complaint and another couldn't look it up and refused to put one in form me, insisting she couldn't do it. So they now have 2 complaints lodged.
Basically there is no consistency whatsoever and you can't trust anything a Telstra rep tells you. It's sad. I feel like I'm being held hostage because at my place they definitely have the best reception. I still am likely to leave. This level of incompetence is just amazing.
Bear in mind I continued to be polite despite my frustration. I have no interest in abusing staff. Now if you could give me their senior managers that came up with this promo I'd politely tell me how overpaid they are and that they're not fit to be janitors.
If I had anything to gain I'd hit up the TIO and ACCC but while Telstra may or may not be asked to clean up it's game (which they may ignore) I can't see anything in it for me spending even more time on this.
Reponse from Telstra on Facebook:
"This complaint has been closed because we have not been able to come to a satisfactory resolution with you. We will be sending you information on how you can take this further if you would like to."
So you're unable to provide a consistent and definitive answer regarding terms and conditions.
Welcome to Telstra Support. It's consistently abhorrent and inconsistent. I just call and say complaint every time. I get a rep in Melbourne who actually has tech people who can action things and fix your problems.
Thanks OP i was advised as a prepaid customer via online i could sign up and the promo runs until 25 December 2015. I will wait until i used up all my old recharges first
i signed up for the plan, it does say that the $10 discount is for 24months so not sure if it goes to $50 after 2 years. but they also said i can get $240 telstra credit that i can use towards a new phone. they also give you a $40 data share sim that is free for 3months. after that the share sim cost $40 but you can cancel because it isn't a contract.
Can that $240 credit be used for anything? Ie: online purchases, store purchases, smart watch, account credit etc?
Just curious where the amount came from and how you got it added.
In store matched the online promotion, signed up and answered my own question. $240 is to spend towards a new phone, and only a phone.
do we get a choice of sim / nano/micro or is it one that has both/snaps apart?
Pretty sure it's an option on the form.
it's the sim with all the different cutouts.
looks like its 9gb for $60/mo
So should i get this or nah? Currently on Spintel…..
Thanks OP! I'm was on the really good old Telstra Prepaid plan with the Bonus Data 3.8GB for only $49/month. This is a heaps better deal, 4GX and no more manually recharge every month. New number which sucks, but I'm thinking of just buying a $2 cheapie virgin SIM, porting out then porting in.
Well after a few different live chats i finally managed to find one that would change my current deal to the new deal. Only catch is they couldnt give me 7GB of data only 6.5 but its better than porting my number in and out
I went on online chat to find out how much I need to pay to port out. $266 device fee and about $250 ETC as I have about 8 months to go on contract. They asked why I was leaving and I said I wanted to port out and back to get a new offer, I said I wanted the 7GB for $40 and they said this:
Am baffled at how inconsistent everything is, but happy I'm on the positive end for a change. Data has already gone up to 6.6GB because I have a data share. Now I just have to hope the rest of the plan goes through ok. ETCs were waived and my existing plan was 1.5GB @ $70 a month, so will save $30 a month from the get go.
Glad to hear it worked out!
Can I ask what they did with the remaining device payments? I've got 3 months remaining on my post paid contract and have about $120 in handset repayments to go (+$100 ETC), but am stuck paying $70/month for 1.5GB.
Did you have to pay the remaining handset repayments out in one go or did they keep the monthly repayments going on with your new contract?
Device repayments paid in full on the next bill.
i moved from $50 casual sim only month to month plan which has 6gb data already as per previous offer to new $40 BYO plan with 7 GB data on 12 month contract without porting. Also they are running currently new offer on shared sim plan and no charge for first 3 months so savings of $120 with unlimited talk and SMS in australia and 1 gb data. so in total me and missu share 8gb data for $80 ($40 for fist 3 months).
The reason they can only do 6.5 GB is if they put 7GB in the system it wont work.
Has anyone successfully ported out and back in to Telstra again and got this deal?
I've been with Optus now for 1 month on a SIM Only plan and was on a contract with Telstra before that until 09/2015. I would love to be able to get this new plan but not sure on how long you need to be out to be classed as a new customer. It looks like there's no definitive answer even if you call Telstra to ask..
There is no definitive answer when contacting Telstra because they demand a certain level of incompetency from all their support staff.
No harm in trying, give it a go.
I could get locked into contract for a year @ $50 for 2.5GB though..
I wouldn't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to commit to a contract without knowing the inclusions prior to agreeing.
No harm in trying, give it a go
Go through the online application process and Telstra will need to specify exactly what they are providing prior to you agreeing to the terms. If it's not 1000min & 7Gb for $40/m then don't go through with it.
@OzBragain: I meant if it get all the correct info at signup and then I'm told I'm not a new customer and get put into a contract for $50 with 2.5GB.
Anyway, I'll give it a go and post back how it pans out..
Fingers crossed it all goes well.
I was told 48 hours you need to be out of there system
Currently on the $50 BYO plan month to month, was told they could either give me 6.5gb at $50/month or 4.5gb at $40/month with a 12 month contract.
Decided to just port in with an Optus SIM card and have my existing Telstra number transferred over to the new sim later.
For some reason I can't sign up. I received the following message at the end… I tired twice, same result
…Your order cannot be processed at this time. For assistance, please contact our customer care on 1800 676 642 or visit your nearest Telstra store….
Yep my friend and I have been getting this exact issue when we tried yesterday and today.
Does anyone keep getting an "invalid credit card details" error? Been getting it on the last step when trying to sign up both yesterday and today.
Tried three different cards, all failed. Exact same issue for my friend.
Went in store and did the port, great deal had to pay out a handset fee from Vodafone which was fine, but they wavered the remaining account fees due to zero reception - I work FIFO. Ported across and working within the hour.
Thanks for the heads up. Spewing I missed out on the previous bundle.
Did you manage to get 7GB per month?
Yep, I originally went to just clarify a few things about the deal, and they said "we can match it and just do it in store if you like!"
Lygon St store, Melbourne.
Trying to figure out if I'm better staying with Boost $40 for 3GB + 8GB (w/e) or this deal with 7GB. Any other boost users moved across?
Can anyone who has signed up to this deal please provide some info.
The day after i signed up i received a letter which contained 2 x sim cards and instructions on how to set up. Given i was bringing my existing number across i assumed the second sim was simply in case i wanted a new number.
I followed the instructions and set up the sim card which had a serial number matching that of the serial listed on the instructions as being associated with my existing phone number. At no point was i required to enter a serial number in setup, only my phone number.
Since setting up and having the service started i now have the following showing on the 'Telstra 24x7 app' on my iphone
Under 'Select a service'
Mobile - (04xxxxxx my existing number)
Mobile - (04xxxxxx new number plan)
When i select the above service with my existing number it tells me i have 8.56gb of 'shared data' available (i have no add ons or anything). The plan details are 'Go Mobile BYO Plan $50 - minimum spend $50'
When i select the above service with the new number it tells me the same as above with 8.56gb of 'shared data'. However the plan details are different it says 'Data Share Sim Plan $40'.
It would appear that i currently have two services running on my account even though i only setup up and authorised one. I'm not sure how they happened, I haven't yet been billed so i can't confirm whether they've billed me for both of $90 or $40 which is what i signed up for.
Can anyone confirm if they have the same thing. Is this normal for telstra services or have i been messed around?
It's the $40 data share sim which is free for the first three months.
You've signed up for a Go Mobile BYO for $50 ($10 *should be discounted on the bill every month, won't see that until billed).
The other SIM was sent out automatically even to a few people who de-selected in their order options. It's free for the first three months but you could just get online and have them cancel it straight away. I don't even know which is the $40 data sgare SIM, because there's a $40 voice/data one but not a data one.
THat extra sim is voice too. It comes with 1gb of data and unlimited calls.
Read that on the wife's offer. Not bad if you need a spate service for free over Christmas.
Yeah, amazing.
I signed her up and got 2 data sims (both with unlimited calls and messages)
Then they looked at my account, and added 2 more sims with 1 gb each and unlimited calls and messages.
So now have 4 extra sims with shared 4gb data and all have unlimited calls!
Just spoke to their customer care.
I tried porting out and back in. Didn't get the data. Didn't get the discount. Was told that The number can't have been with Telstra in the last 3 months.
What a load of rubbish. I've lodged a complaint with the TIO.
i have live chat saved where is says it only has to be for 48 hours
so i can port my number out for one day then come back to telstra cant i?
"Servillano Benjamin"
It is not advisable to have it stay only for one day. The reason for this is. The codes in the systems
here might have a delay of 24 to 48 hours. That might cause an error. You might want to consider
staying with them for 3 or more days. Just to be safe.
Also confirmed by another rep
ok tell me can i do this. Cancel my current contract, port my number to another phone provider for
4-5 days then sign up to the telstra offer for 7gb?
Yes, you can do that also.:)
That's very clever.:)
I have been with Telstra for a long time, and just out of contract. So after stuffing me around for a whole day (6 hours on chat and 1 hour on phone) to get different stories each time I contacted someone I placed a complaint. Next day I got a call back from their complaints department. In the end she offered $20 off any phone plan from the $70 plan and up, but no extra data. So I rang and they had stock of the phone I was wanting to get next (LG G4). The next day I went in store to take her up on that and instead of $20 she'd written $2. So I went away and it took another day of negotiating to get it in email that it was $20 off per month. Went in again the following day and was told the phone was out of stock, not just at that Telstra store but all surrounding stores. Got sent to the JBHiFi 50 meters away instead. So again with the email and making sure that the $20 offer would apply if I got it through a dealer rather than a store. Of course the thing got stuck in provisioning and I ended up taking a 3hr lunch. Managed to get the phone on the contract in the end. Confirmation that I would receive a $20 discount per month after having signed up. It wouldn't surprise me if I had to fight it every month as well…we'll see. I'd say the whole process has taken perhaps 12 hours of my time so far.
Aside from some quirks, I'm loving the phone. (Whoever decided right swipe on an entire SMS conversation should mean delete without confirmation - just a brief undo popup - needs to be tried for war crimes).
I was quite amused by the Vodafone ad on the radio this morning "We won't forget our current customers just so we can attract new ones. Everyone can get an extra 26GB over a year."
Back down to 5gb instead of 7gb
Meh I still think Telstra's freedom plus prepaid deal where you get 6GB a month (3gb for 8pm-8am), $350 international call credit and unlimited calls and text to any Australian number is a better deal as you also get $40 to spend on Google Play credit every month. You also aren't locked in as its prepaid.
Is this a game for you Telstra? First they cancelled $200 bonus before the advertised date and now they lowered the bonus data to 2.5GB! What a bunch of morons!
That offer for 7GB total was valid until at least 25 Dec 2015 as per their own T&C's…
"Bonus Data: Bonus data for new customers switching online is an incremental 4.5GB on the $50, 12 month BYO plan & 2GB on the $70, 12 month BYO plan ending December 25 2015. Bonus data for new customers switching to Telstra on the $50 casual plan is 2.5GB, ending December 31 2015.
All other bonus data is available to new and recontracting customers on selected plans. Bonus data will remain on your account until you recontract, cancel your plan or move to an ineligible plan. Unused data expires monthly. Offer ends December 31, 2015"
do you by any chance have a screenshot of that page? would be useful if trying to get the 4.5gb of data that was originally promised on their website from them.
Sorry that quote was taken from somebody above, even checked WaybackMachine for a screenshot.. if you do get that screenshot please send us a link!
I took the issue up with Telstra 24x7 support today, they said stopping the offer was a 'decision made by the marketing department' but when I pressed them with what was written in the T&C's, they stated that they had escalated my complaint and for me to check the plans page periodically to see if they bring the 7GB offer back… Not holding my breath though.
damn, no worries mate.
crappy telstra online chat, they should have honoured those t&c's, though knowing them probably will never happen.
please do let me know what their complaints departments make of that mate. cheers.
Great deal and I just signed myself up to it. I also got $240 store credit to use online or in-store. However, during my chat with a sales rep it appears the $10 discount is only valid for 24-months with this contract and not in perpetuity.
This probably isn't that important for people looking for the next best deal after 12-months but for everyone else looking long-term. Yeah, just keep that one in mind.
Yeah Telstra chat is pushing me towards the Large plan (existing customer). I asked about the cheaper plans and the offer was 1GB extra for first three months.
Anyone have any idea as to how long the $10 off for new customers last? Does it stick around after the 12month contract or does it finish? I was in the live chat with their sales assistant but then they kind of disappeared on me…
Managed to successfully recontract from post-paid to this BYO offer. Was on a 24 month '$70 Mobile Accelerate plan" with 3 months left on contract.
(Basically try to get transferred to this section as they have the power to negotiate, rather than the sales team which only can stick to published offers)
She signed me up first to the original $50/month Go Mobile offer, then had to fill out a separate form to access the $10/month discount and bonus 4.5GB. Was able to keep my old number.
It might've helped I was paying $110+ a month to get a measly 3.5gb on my old plan so they conceded, but also tried the usual be polite etc. and she was more than willing to help.
Good luck to anyone else that is trying!
Does an online signup also receive a cooling off period ?
And, as per my post in another deal - Had a call from Telstra to see how they're meeting my current 'needs'.
I brought up these BYO specials and my displeasure that they're only valid for new customers.
She told me the trick is to take up the offer with a new number then go in store and transfer your existing number to the new plan.
I've since confirmed this in store.
I can verify this works as I'm done 2 Telstra prepaid numbers to the $40/7gb plan.
If the store can transfer existing number to the new plan it'll save you the hassle of trying to explain to the online chat staff which can be very painful!
I'm having no luck with this. Have tried both in store and on the phone. Am getting told that the number for the new plan cannot be changed and I can't port the number to it, only port into a new service. Can anyone else confirm this?
Just did it instore. They said they're not supposed to do it but as I was promised they would. Took next to no time.
The guy who originally said he could do it no problem was off today so took a risk talking to someone else. The manager at another store straight out refused.
Telstra has changed the offer.
It is now $40 for 5 GB.
I just did an online chat and still got the 7gb deal
Thank you and come again