This was posted 9 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE: 200GB OneDrive Storage for Telstra Fixed Line Bundle & Mobile Postpaid Customers


Starting Tuesday 24th November and running through until 2017, all Telstra customers with a fixed line bundle or postpaid mobile will be eligible to receive free an additional 200GB OneDrive storage. Exactly how this can be redeemed is still unclear, but more details will be available for the soft-launch on Tuesday, before their campaign launch just prior to Christmas.

Info provided by reliable source, and certain areas of the slide have been deliberately blanked out. Post will be updated Tuesday.

UPDATE 1:27pm 24/11: Main link updated with more detail.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Awesome! Might get me to use cloud storage.

  • +4

    Is it FREE for life ?

    If not, what happens to all your 200GB data when they decide to charge you

    • +4

      Usually what happens with these cloud providers is the data is retained but you can't modify anything until you pay up or reduce your usage.

    • -4

      Skydrive lasted about three years, Live Mesh even less. What makes you think OneDrive will last till the end of the offer? ;)

      • +8

        Well Microsoft has Cut the Unlimited Onedrive for Office365 Users.

        So Wondering if the 200GB will last or if OneDrive will Puch Telstra to cut that in the near future.

        • +20

          It's Microsoft and Telstra, it can only end in tears.

        • +2


          Maybe a temporary incentive to get telstra onboard with selling full range of Microsoft Lumia Handsets

        • +1

          @bazzaa: The highest used desktop operating systems in the world and the biggest, most reliable network in Australia?

        • +2

          @gerard48: By your reasoning VHS was (and still is) the best consumer video recording format.

      • +18

        Skydrive lasted about three years

        You realise that was just a name change to OneDrive right?

        • +3

          maybe they will rename it to NoDrive

        • +4


          No no, that's the name for the Tesla cars…

        • +3


          If people keep deriding it for no apparent reason then that might just happen.

          Nothing wrong with competition, I'd hate to be stuck in a monopoly where one company dominated the market. You of all people on OzBargain should know and appreciate that, with your 'competition' with TA and all.

          Note: I am a predominantly a Windows services user (OneDrive included) and have no issues with it. I have referred others to the service not just for bonus storage but because it is genuinely useful with features like editing your OneDrive documents with Office Online rather than downloading the file, editing it then re-uploading it. It will be interesting to see how this 200gb can be claimed though, can never have too much storage!

          Note 2: Nothing against you either EC, as I am a fan of your posts as much as TA's, as long as they are relevant to me and have awesome prices I'll support either of you 100%.

        • Also 2008 to 2014 is a little longer than 3 years :)

        • -4

          So you're saying one seamlessly replaced the other? Ummm…

        • +1


          Again, there was no replacement, just a name change. Even now if you go to it will just redirect you back to OneDrive.

      • That was just a name change.

        If there's anything to be concerned about, it's the recent news that MS is massively dropping data allowances across the board. Free users drop down to around 5GB, people who were supposed to have unlimited storage now are capped at 1TB etc. I imagine they've put a lot of customers in a very awkward position with this move, now having to find elsewhere to store their files or pay more for the service. Not sure if I'd pay for the MS service now over an equivalent after they've gone ahead and pulled the rug out from their customers feet like that, including already paying customers.

        200GB free is still nice and I guess worse case you move your data in the future if you're unhappy with the service.

    • +3

      Edward Snowden retains a copy.

      • +10

        No.. Snowden has a copy of NSA's copy..

        • +1

          kim dotcom had them all mate!

        • +2


          And Anonymous is watching it all……

          Wait, no /b/ is watching it all

      • +1

        Happy for Snowden to have a copy. It's the 3 and 4 letter acronyms that blatantly abuse their power - that is the problem.

        • What? Didnt your mother teach you when you were young? "Sharing is caring"?

    • -1

      It'd be incredibly naive to have all of your data in only one cloud hosted service, so if they delete your data it really should only be one less backup. That being said there has been no precedent to charge by any providers (that I know of) after promo offers expire(I've had this result with both Dropbox and OneDrive). However given Microsoft's recent track record for burning customers I'd be foolish to think Microsoft wouldn't do it.

  • +14

    People love to bag Microsoft for any reason. I use one drive to back up my photos in case my house burns down and have no issues other than my crappy upload speed thanks to our isp.

    200gb in addition to my 120gb for $1 a month will be warmly welcome.

    • simple solution…

      backup all your photos to a portable drive or hdd mount and store it in your garden shed..

      • +4

        For geographic redundancy, keep a copy at mum's place.

      • HDD can die. I usually still recommend BD-R and DVD-R backup for long term backups (my CD-R from 18 years ago still works and reads fine). Those wont be going away any time soon, despite the low capacity. Then again, we kept the floppy for years too until CD-R and USB eventually replaced those.

        • +1

          floppy disk is the most unreliable backup solution

          BD-R is ideal but the cost per GB is still more expensive than HDD,
          and it is write once…so not reusable like HDD..

          Yes, hdd can die, but that is life..

          Cloud is more reliable because it offsite and backup on large servers..
          but then u lose privacy and dependent on the company.

          Also it can get hacked like what happen with icloud photo scandal.

        • @tyler.durden: I'm not sure the cost per GB is as good as USB HDD for example - the best price I think is 4c/GB with the recent 5GB USB drive for $200. A pack of 50 Ritek single layered BD-R will cost $34 or less to be about 2c/GB. The biggest problem is more with the fact that these take a lot of space.
          Having said that though, the stuff that I usually put onto BD-R would only be the most important things to me (ie. my pics and videos of family and friends). This is no more than 100GB or so and will easily fit onto 2 Dual layers or 4 single. These last 10-20 years depending on the brand and the burner. So if you look at it that way, it is probably the best thing to do. You can also burn it a few times to store safely at other places (eg. In Laws, Parents etc).

        • @bchliu:

          Problem with BD-R is as you saids it takes up a lot more space than one hdd.

          You need to buy casing or some cd protection and need to be careful from scratching it.

          It also it harder to find the data and you need to label all your disks.

          Also BD-R is write once media so not as versatile as a hdd, if u need to constantly backup new items like photos..

          You also need to make sure to fill up as much of the BD-R to prevent wastage..
          And since this is 25GB, it would take up a lot longer to time to fill up.

          I also don't trust that ritek brand..

          I need to get the Taiyo Yuden disk for better reliability…
          since these are huge data we are talking about, so it is better to get better quality disk..


          I still want to get a BD-R burner though, just so I can free up my hdd space from some very unused large data..

          I haven't backed up to DVD-R for a while now, since it is easier to just put on a hdd.

        • HDD can die yes but I've found myself upgrading the HDD that holds my backups about every 2 years. I started backing up with DVD long time ago and found they run out of room and are too slow to read back from

        • +1

          Your CDs may be fine, but a lot of optical media degrades over time, especially in the warmer and more humid parts of Australia. I don't recommend it. Not to mention it's a royal pain in the ass to deal with.

        • @stephendt: Thats why you put them into nice jewelled cases (for the ESSENTIAL data you want to backup) and stick them in a place where they will be safe like a bookshelf. With proper storage and using the better discs, they can last 20 years pretty easily. Tell me. What other digital media can last 20 years? Even Cloud wont guarantee that.. hmm?

      • If your photo collection was static and doesn't change, then this would be a good idea. For me, I constantly add to my collection and taking my portable HD to and from the garden shed (even if it's daily, weekly or monthly) is a pain in the arse for a lazy bum like me.

        With cloud storage, it auto syncs up whenever I make a change. Immediate backup and no ongoing effort required.

        I would suggest backing up to a portable drive as a second backup. I do so once a year and keep it in the office.

    • 120gb for $1 a month


  • +2

    Whats more interesting on that slide is the "Apple Music 12 month trial"

    • that's most likely an extension to the existing Apple Music offer sold with all planned iPhones. Since Apple Music player is now available on Android, the offer will most likely be opened to all high end phones sold.

      • +1

        already is.

  • +2

    Will my data be encrypted? Where is the data stored?

  • +1

    Funnily enough my Telstra landline connection is getting disconnected on the 24th. I've had a telstra land line for 18 years (moving to naked dsl), I wonder if I can get this deal before the line is cut off later that day? :P

  • +1

    Will it count in my data usage? Or will it be on a similar deal to foxtel go where you just keep going uploading and downloading

  • The competitive offer section looks interesting. Any more details there TA

  • I would rather Telstra give more data to their 200GB broadband plans huge gap between bundles from 200GB to 800 GB $30 more

    I'm getting came tmr hopefully in time for this offer

  • +3

    Just beware that OneDrive for business have "performance" issue. Im not sure if its deliberate or just poor architecture but restoring more than 45GB take weeks.

    • +1

      Haven't come across these "performance" issues yet. Been fast with FTTP.

  • "Starting Tuesday 24th November and running through until 2017" So after 2017, this data quota will be taken away?

  • +3

    So rumours without info is a deal now…. yay

    *screenshots can be mocked up you know

    • +2

      Benefit of the doubt? Hardly a new user

      • -1

        So Benefit of the doubt is now a deal? Cool!

        • -1

          TA has a good track record.

          Unlike you Level380 - you have made 1 post in 3 years - the word leech comes to mind.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter: Well 1 post is better than a lot of other people around here! But thanks for the seagull comment!

    • They are not likely to enforce that rule on TA.

    • I was thinking the same thing, there is no point posting it when we can't even get it yet. Then I realised that it could help someone who was about to buy the storage, now they can wait a couple days and get for free!

  • One Drive can be a very handy backup tool. If you back up the user folders, then when you do a clean install, it's easy to have your data back online. Doesn't solve the reinstall of software issue though.

  • for those who still using OneDrive for photo backup, Google+ Photo (or not sure Google Photo+) is actually offer unlimited photo storage to backup your photo
    Unlimited storage does not mean you can go about saving unlimited images from your high-res DSLR. Now, here’s the catch – it limits the resolution to 16MP and anything above that will be downscaled to 16M.

    • Thanks,

      But I still can store unlimited number of photos, as long each photo is less than 16MP?

  • +1

    I find this interesting since Microsoft announced they are reducing everyones drives last week.…

  • As a reminder to all there was a reason M$ dropped the unlimited plans. Here's an exceprt straight from the source.

    "Since we started to roll out unlimited cloud storage to Office 365 consumer subscribers, a small number of users backed up numerous PCs and stored entire movie collections and DVR recordings. In some instances, this exceeded 75 TB per user or 14,000 times the average. Instead of focusing on extreme backup scenarios, we want to remain focused on delivering high-value productivity and collaboration experiences that benefit the majority of OneDrive users."

    Personally, I still find that even with this decrease, Office365 still offers the best cloud storage plan on them internets. I recently had to renew at the full $119 price (waited to long and missed the earlier $25) voucher, and it's still good value to have 5 accounts with 1TB each and full installs of the latest office for all of these accounts.

    Just some food for thought.

    • Their reason is a complete diversion, probably to distract from the other financial reasons for the move. If abuse at the top end was the issue then they could have capped it at 10TB and left the free accounts alone (which had 15GB from memory). Alternatively place further restrictions on file sizes. They could have automated tools to look for files that are an abuse of the TOS, namely anything that looks like pirated films or ISO's etc.

      That 75TB example is complete corporate BS and didn't apply to the vast vast majority of users that were capped at about 15GB. They also would have known full well when going live that there'd be a small number of users that would use the storage in such a way.

      MS clearly didn't plan the service out well enough and have probably determined they can be more profitable with lower allowances and hopefully more subscribers. I think it's poor form they haven't just straight out admitted as such and instead point the blame at some users that were making heavy use of the service. I don't use the service as it is despite having an O365 sub, but I'd probably think twice before picking them over another company right now.

      • +2

        Not impressed with how Microsoft handled the onedrive changes particularly for free users. They should've grandfathered free users.

        • -4

          Can't say I agree with that. If you are a free user….you take what you are given. That's part of the risk/reward (See: Facebook)

  • Thanks - I've been using OneDrive for a long time now and I think its great. Only use it for documents. I use Google Photos for all my pictures as its free.

  • -5

    Can we please discuss the most important part….Will the redemption code be ARSESOFT or MICROARSE?

  • It would be pretty ironic if they gave this along with Apple Music to mobile customers like me as there's no way in hell it will be useful with our horrible plans

  • +1

    I have 130GB (incl 100GB bonus for owning a Samsung device).

    It is just not viable with my connection.

    My upstream is capped at 1Mbps, which in real world speeds is about 80-100KB/s. You just can't upload that kind of GB on this connection.

    You need an uncapped upload, with NBN or something.

    Cloud storage is just not feasible on my ISP (TPG ADSL2+).

  • Q:
    How long does it take to write one 200gb skyDrive with the Speed/coverage solution billed here as second to none ?
    (Maybe I don't want to know that:)

    Spoiler Alert. >~ infinitely long O:
    If the AUstralia 1Mbps does not constrain yours , THEN the micro soft 50-450Kbps uplink almost certainly will- reveal that purely atrocious server:…

  • waiting for the update - popcorn at the ready

    • +1

      /me prefers fairy floss :D

    • Link updated.

  • +2

    Cant find anything on Telstra website yet.

    • Link updated.

  • +4

    There's some info about the service on this cached page…

  • +2

    Is it Tuesday wherever OP is from? :p

    • Link updated.

      • So i need to wait for a SMS? :S

  • +1

    Grumble. Consumer services only. I run my mobiles through my business so no joy for me. Boo!

  • +4

    Did I miss where we sign up for such promotion?

  • Still cant find the link? Help please!

  • Hi All,

    I called Telstra (132200) and said 'sales'. I spoke to a staff member who looked up their internal information on it. They advised that it was for re-contracting customers. Not sure how true this is. They said it could be activated online.

    It may take you a couple of times to get to a person that knows about it, the first person did not know what OneDrive was and they were arguing I could not get a 200GB data pack.

    Can anyone confirm what the work instructions say on the original Telstra source?

  • Nice. This will go great with the 200GB I received with a Seagate portable hard drive I purchased recently.

  • Still cant figure out how to get this

  • Nothing in my MyAccount portal about this. I'm a postpaid consumer mobile customer.

  • I have logged into my account several times and also called Telstra twice. Nobody seems to know anything about it.

    It is a very "soft" launch indeed.

    • +1

      My source sent me this 15 minutes ago…

      "Our online teams encountered an error with the sign-up process and are working to fix this urgently, in the meantime, the option to sign up is unavailable. We estimate this will be working by close of business today."

      • Thanks for the update TA.

        I am on the 1tb home broadband plus home telephone plus mobile SIM bundle so I am definitely part of the eligible customer base.

      • It's after close of business and still nothing in the account. I assume it will be in the 'add-ons' section where data and apple music are.

        • -2

          pretty tight of Telstra so far to give us the arse

        • @aussman: it was a joke sheesh

  • +1


  • +1

    So… any update on this?

  • +1

    I was on chat with Telstra on Thurs and the agent said it's on hold due to IT issues preventing it from launching. No ETA.

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