Mazda Australia has a 2015 models run out sale with free registration and stamp duty until end of the year.
I am in the market to buy a Mazda 3 auto hatchback SP25 in Melbourne .
Today I went to see a Mazda dealer in Glen Waverley and the best price is $25,800 drive away with free floor mats ,cargo tray and 3 years road side assistance. The retail price of the vehicle is $30,823 and after the free rego and stamp duty , it is $29,043.
Do any ozbargainers have experienced in recent purchase of a Mazda vehicle and which Mazda dealer in Melbourne should I try to obtain another quote ? If you have bought a Madza 3 hatchback SP25 recently , how much did you pay for it .
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I wouldn't bother, look at car sales, nothing close to what you got. Looks like you landed a pretty sweet deal.