I'm The "Noisy Neighbour":( - How to Reduce Noise Transfer to Next Door Apartment

So I had a friend over to watch a DVD on Sat night and although we stopped watching the movie around midnight, we ended up talking (quietly) until around 4am.

My aggressive and highly volatile next door neighbour left a pretty rude note the next day complaining about the noise - apparently he could hear every word! - our duplex shares a (brick) party wall and has floor boards which I assume are shared across the two units.

Anyone have simple suggestions on how I can stop the transfer of my noise into his place? Would acoustic panels work, or are they only for improving the acoustics inside a room?

EDIT: Cheers for all the info folks, lots of good stuff to follow-up on. Man I love this site! You all rock! (but quietly, and not past midnight) :)


  • Its just hit 7am on Saturday morning, time to get out the whipper snipper out to piss of the neighbours upstairs!!!!

    They've been keeping me awake almost every weeknight for 6 months. Then they are silent on weekends when the noise wouldn't actually bother me.

    They have 2 children between around 2-5 years old who are dead quiet..until 11pm. Then they run and scream, start blowing a whistle, more screaming, banging on the floorboards etc.

    In regards to OP, if it was a one off I could deal with it, but I was kept up til 3am the other night by these brats and I can guarantee my neighbours are not looking for ways to reduce the noise. They'll probably buy the kid a drumkit instead.

  • If you dont own the unit then Id definitely move. Life's too short to worry about this BS. I went through a similar situation a few years ago. We were both owners. He was an old cranky single man who would drop bowling balls on his floor (his unit was above). He'd also bounce golf balls on his tiles and the noise was soooooooooo loud. We were basically just chatting, watching tv same as you. I used to speak to the body corp but they basically diid nothing to help. They wanted to frop our contract as soon as the contract ended because they didnt want to deal with the constant issues. I saw a solicitor who suggested going after the body corp for not acting, but when I realised how much thiswas costing me I opted out and realised there was a better option….
    I ended up selling the unit because it got to the point where we were sleeping at at nearby hotel because he started waking up at 1 am on weeknights (every night) and dropping balls. The old fella didnt work.

    There's so much more to this story but to cut it short i moved out, so this problem no longer exists in MY life. About 12 months later though, I wasnt surprised when I saw a story on a current affair regarding this exact same old pshyco and a poor old lady that NOW lives in my old unit! Her story was basically as above but I'm no longer involved thank god.

  • I can imagine you banging your love at mid night lol.

  • +1

    Perhaps your neighbour's not in his rights being aggresive and volitile.

    Many councils and state noise laws restrict the use of power tools, appliances and instuments to eg. 7am-7pm, and music or chatting can be played 24/7 outside with a clear peak/time -dB limitation.
    Normal life can go on 24/7 with just some limits.
    Over 40m (my area) between dwellings may have lower limits.

    They do this for a reason, people are also usually expected to be considerate, but 9-5 working people do not have the absolute 1st consideration in these matters.
    If you want to garden or paint your house at 3am, that's ok by state law (I understand), we have little freedom as it is, I do plenty in my shed after midnight but quitely, even cycle at night sometimes.
    It's called life.

    Your neighbour may be being simply a bully wanting to get things his own way, so due to your clear legal rights, he should probably ask nicely, or else you can play bagpipes legally for 1 hour p/day starting 7am, except 9am on Sunday.
    Been through this issue, but cheap bagpipes from aliexpress don't really play as is, unless you have lungs the size of a tennis court.

    • cheap bagpipes from aliexpress don't really play as is, unless you have lungs the size of a tennis court.

      Hey what about that cheap mini accordian? They were around $20 a few years ago but they're closer to $30 now.
      No lung work, air is pumped via bellows with your hands.

      For easy (wind) keyed noise music, a Pianica is great too. The air hose is small diameter, so the pressure is easy to maintain.

      A cheap plastic recorder is probably easiest — practice third octave scales each morning.

      • Capitol ideas Monte.

        Most instruments have to be muzzled if possible. For example an electric guitar, trumpet or drums.

        Like bagpipes, an accordian or pianica may be impractical to muzzle during practice. I'll check.

        You see the exquisite thing about bagpipes, being one of the most penetrating and loud instruments on earth, is that they can drive fear into man's heart in battle, even several miles away.

        Handy for making a neighbourhood dispute point clear. But the purpose of exploring your culture and heritage is why I …

        To potential online buyers -
        The pakistan made, aliexpress Bagpipes cost me toward $200. They are useless FYI, nice decoration.

        • Thanks for the heads-up on the pipes, but I doubt many OzB folk would spend $200 on good ones.

          I still have my Pianica in our storage room. Anyone remember Chris Marshall Pianos and Organs? He often did promos, and on the Sunday we visited, they had boxes of bread loaves and eggs. I don't remember the exact how/why details, but we left with breakfast and the little keyboard.
          Pretty sure is was gratis.

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