Cheers OP.
Seems like this Optus Perks portal replaces the separate yes tickets and CA live pass portals.
Couldn't sign up for neither of the above, however Perks lists movie tickets at $11 but yes tickets lists it at $10
Win One of 100,000 3-Month Netflix Vouchers from Optus Perks

70 entrants, 25 wins (25 unique winners)
Entry Requirements
To celebrate the launch of Optus Perks, we're giving you a chance to win one of 100,000 Netflix vouchers – with an awesome 3 months’ free access!
Stream your favourite TV shows and movies. Watch what you want, when you want with Netflix.
If you're an SMB customer, it’s important to know that Netflix can only be used at home.
To enter - simply register for Optus Perks by 14 December, 2015 and you'll be entered to win.
To be eligible to enter winners must be 18 years of age or over.
Winners will be notified by 22nd December 2015.
From the T&Cs:
Entry is only open to Australian residents aged 18 years or over who are an Optus customer with an active Optus mobile telephone, landline telephone, mobile broadband or landline internet service (each a "Service") at the time of entry and at the time of the draw.
Entrants must be within the Promoter's trading terms throughout the Promotional Period and must not have overdue monies owing as at the time of the draw in order to be eligible to claim any prize.
The first one hundred thousand (100,000) valid entries drawn will each win a voucher for a 3 month Netflix subscription, valued at up to $35.97.
Any ancillary costs associated with redeeming the Netflix voucher are not included.
The following conditions apply to the Netflix voucher:
- Entrants must redeem their voucher and activate their 3 month Netflix subscription before 2.59pm AEDST on 18/03/2015, otherwise it will expire. Entrants also need to accept their terms of use (available at prior to activating their subscription.
- Entrants cannot transfer or redeem their subscription for cash or Netflix gift cards.
- The data entrants use watching Netflix on mobile devices will be deducted from their mobile plan's data allowance, as usual.
- Entrants will need a broadband connection (0.5Mbps and up), along with a Netflix-compatible device (which they can find a list of at Watching Netflix content in HD will depend on Internet service, and device. Notall content is available on HD.
- If entrants are looking to access Netflix through Optus TV with Fetch, they will need the 2nd Generation Optus TV with Fetch set-top box (STB). A $135 processing fee applies to upgrade from a 1st Generation to a 2nd Generation STB.
Total prize pool value is up to $3,597,000.
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closed Comments
what a horror show of a website for existing customers. I'm already logged in, it shows my name at the top when I go to the page, but when I try "logging in' to register it just keeps failing.
Having trouble too, it is asking me to verify my email address, but not receiving any emails from them
i give up. Not worth it
"Entrants must redeem their voucher and activate their 3 month Netflix subscription before 2.59pm AEDST on 18/03/2015, otherwise it will expire."
damn, will already be expired by the time you get it ;)
Anybody know if these can be stacked on existing subscriptions?
Sure can
I've been trying to register online for two days, but finally got in after making two phone calls to Optus.
Now I find that in my rush, and for my troubles, I didn't actually get a Netflix voucher, I'm only in the running for one, and I won't even find out if I won one until Christmas :-(
Had I read the posting properly, I probably wouldn't have bothered.
The simple fact of this post being in the 'Competitions' section, as well as the title starting off with the word 'Win', didn't highlight this enough?
Apparently not. I seem to be wearing my "stupid hat" today.
I'm very close to negging since I've already paid for 6 months of Netflix by signing a contract which was supposed to include it, yet the service is so far non-existant. I signed up with Optus more than four months ago in July with a plan that was supposed to include 6 months of Netflix access free, but still haven't received any vouchers or details.
My brother signed up at his house a week after me and hasn't received anything his Netflix either. He's angry because he had a month worth of holidays where he could have been watching it every day, but now he's back at work so even if they do send him a voucher, he won't have time to watch it. They spam me regularly with SMS gems telling me how much they care about me and asking to do more surveys, but despite calling three times and sending numerous emails, even receiving phone calls promising they'll do something about it, I still don't have any Netflix access. My brother has also called many times and tried emailing back and forth to no avail.
I don't really trust it. But it's not the OP's fault, it's Optus. It's highly possible that if you 'win' 3 months worth of Netflix, the prize will never arrive. If you have 3 months to activate the voucher, they might send it to you more than a month after it expires, if they bother sending it at all.
I didn't get any satisfaction from Optus until I rang them and told them to stick their service up their arse, even though I was three months into a two year contract. They put me through to the disconnections/customer retentions department, where I said I didn't actually want to cancel, I just wanted my problem fixed. And, they fixed it.
You can't neg a competition anyway, so that point is null and void.
Also many members here have successfully claimed their Netflix credit from prepaid devices.
So while you're feedback is appreciated, you're definitely in the minority!
Have their website been down for ages? Still can't register
Any winners here?
Just got an email with a code! So stoked! Thanks OP.
Just received a winner email as well.
10am today i got email for the 3mths
Yep just won. I suspect that most of us will win. There was a lot available.
3 month email received, thanks OP
Also won a voucher.
Are we able to add it onto existing accounts?
Yep you can add it to your existing account.
Winner here! Thanks OP
Winner!! Yay thanks for posting OP
Winner here too!
Anyone notice the bit which states "Your new account will be billed through Optus after your credit is used" at the moment I'm billed through itunes and I want it to stay that way does that mean I'm going to have to email netflix? it annoys me when places auto switch you billing method it recently happened to me with Hulu too
I saw that when I applied the voucher to my existing account, but account settings still show the old credit card as the billing method. I'll see what happens after 3 months.
One of 100,000 winners.
I m a winner as well !! Thanks OP
anyone else getting a "An error occurred during gift redemption - please try again later."? this is for a US netflix account
Yes me :( I have an Aussie account but I notice I often get the north american emails(strangely) and I accidentally had my VPN running and set to canada when I tried to apply it the first time, I then turned it off and tried again and keep getting the error message :(
Anyone have trouble applying theres? Mine keeps throwing up an error message :(
Same as me.
same here
I spoke to Netflix about this and they did some research - Optus only allows three of these codes to be used at any one time. I had a bunch of Optus codes (from the prepaid activation promotion earlier in the year) already on my account - Netflix said once these expired I could use the Perks codes but not before.
I don't have any free codes on my account at the moment but did use a now expired 6 month code. I also accidentally had a proxy active when I signed up. I fear that is the common link between us.
I've never used a free code before
So now they limit the codes, i used 8 last time with no drama.
I was thinking it might only work for au netflix.It works for non-au netflix if there are no codes on the account :(
Just spoke to netflix online and can confirm your statement above.Netflix Charlie
Great news for you sir! I know the issue with this current gift card. The Gift card number is from Australia, the gift card is in our file already so it will be applied as soon as the other gift card credit you currently have on the account is depleted.One thing if anyone contacts them make sure your regions is set to your account.
I was in Brazil with my US account trying an AU voucher and Charlie asked if i was travelling at the moment. Yea sure im travelling.
Hi there, do you know how long these codes take to expire so you can use a new voucher? I only used one 6 months for free optus voucher back in june which has just expired. eg. last payment using voucher was November 25 2015 and now I'm back to using credit card. I had no problem with that voucher being applied but this optus perks one won't go on. Says my account is not eligible for this offer. Not sure if it has something to do with them trying to apply an Australian dollar value onto a US account, but that would have been the same case back in june and it worked??? TIA :)
Laura@lozza80: From what the rep said to me, as soon as the original/older voucher expires you should be able to use these new ones. Unfortunately my original/older ones haven't expired just yet so I haven't been able to try these 'new' ones… Drop netflix livechat support a line and see what they say:
Thanks for your help! I tried voucher again today and actually went through! Just have to wait after the three months to see what is going to happen with the billing as after the voucher was applied it said I will be billed directly through Optus, which I'm not sure is going to work on a US Netflix account? Will wait and see but stoked at the moment that I got 3 free months YAY!
@lozza80: great to hear, you're welcome! I'm not sure they can charge through Optus… it usually would use whatever credit card you've saved in your Netflix account
won as well :)
Lots of winners! Thanks Katie2014!
haha I think everyone "won"
I didn't win
:( Did you get an email saying that?
Didn't receive no email.
that's weird, didn't receive any email as well
sigh :(Won :)
Won twice but not because of here.
I won too! Thanks.
I won too :)
I won but I can't use voucher as it says "Sorry, your account is not eligible for this offer." after voucher was verified and said it would apply it to my account showing my email address. I pressed blue "apply gift" button and the message came up.
I'm guessing it has something to do with my netflix account being a US one, but my 6 month free voucher in june worked but I had to enter a code in my netflix account for that one. It has only just expired as I have only started being charged on credit card again as of 25/12/15.
I'm not very happy :(
I just tried the voucher today yet again, but guess what it actually went through!! WOO HOO!! It does say however that after the voucher runs out that I will be billed for Netflix through Optus so I don't know how that's going to work with Optus billing on a US Netflix account, but I will deal with that when or if the problem arises. For now I'm just happy that the voucher FINALLY went through!! :)
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
3 months netflix
Thanks won
3 months netflix, my bro got one too!
Winner, added to the 6 months free I got for signing up to Optus
Added mine to my account fine. It appears to be linked to your optus/perks email address. When you click the link and its a known email by Netflix it is added to your existing account automatically. Not sure how someone would add it if it wasn't the same email used for Netflix.
Useful information thank you! My optus email is different from my netflix email maybe that's why I am having trouble with it
My Optus and Netflix emails are different, but I logged in to Optus and Netflix with the respective accounts before clicking the link and didn't seem to have issue applying the voucher.
Time for some $2 sims :)