Ok Fallout 4 was released today, I've pre-ordered mine but can't pick it up till Thursday night shopping, im at work from 8am-5:30pm everyday =(
Tell us about your experiences playing it, did it live to the hype so far???
Ok Fallout 4 was released today, I've pre-ordered mine but can't pick it up till Thursday night shopping, im at work from 8am-5:30pm everyday =(
Tell us about your experiences playing it, did it live to the hype so far???
Sent Friday, received Monday via free AUS post parcel Locker. I don't know why more people don't use this. So convenient! Especially for those of us working 9-5
Auspost rep?
nope i just find it super convenient - and i still hear people complaining about not being able to be there for normal parcel deliveries. here is the answer?
@Pyrock: Only If the seller (without a billion security checks) allows you to use an alternate shipping address…
Coming in the mail tomorrow for me. Looking forward to it…i've read nothing but great reviews thus far - much the same with MGSV (except for the obvious bug on it preventing 100% trophy completion).
Spoiler alert:
I can't believe Darth Vader is really Luke's father!!!
I dont get it
I lolled
Mine was delivered to my work this morning. I'm still at work, staring at the cover.
Instant sickie? Package was infected with a highly contagious virus…
Or rad poisoning?
Or Chem addiction?
I have it, but my gf confiscated it from me because I have stuff to do until Saturday and if I start playing, I know that I won't stop for a whole day at least.
just make sure it's installed and ready to go, or you will be waiting anyway.
:P She knows me too well to not trust me with the disk.
You tell her to keep the disk and you just keep the instructions ;) (with the steam code)
@Oversimplified: a true ozbargainer&fan would buy an extra copy on sale, finish the game, and re-sell it
I can play with her if you need to jump in..
You're so tough and manly.
@spn: Still doesn't mean you give her Death Stare and lock her up for 12 hours in car. If she would this to you then ???
How can you lock someone INSIDE of a car?! Could she not just unlock/open the doors?
@ozyboy: Also when we were dating, this was the first thing I mentioned to her about my dis-order and I would do things like this. She accepts it but it didn't stop her from nagging about it from time to time.. lol
how else would people with dis-order move on with life while making money?
@alizzan: pretty dumb statement really, pretty much everyone can get a girl/guy if they tried… bullying someone on the internet like u just did is quite hypocritical really.
Wow it's like it's 1890 all over again!
I read this whole chain of idiocy and I don't know why.
alright, has anyone else installed from the disc. I Don't know if i've done something wrong, but apparently it only installs 4gb of the 24gb from the disc.
Not impressed.
The disc is a DVD which holds 4.7Gb max. It would have been nice if they had a Blu-Ray option for PC. I guess they know all PS4 and XB1 consoles have a Blu-Ray drive but can't be sure all PCs do.
They should have at least used a dual layer DVD with 8.5GB capacity which all DVD drives can still read.
Meh, it downloaded faster on my nbn that it would have fishing about to get a DVD reader out and then installing off the disk..
It's a 24 gig install and the DVD only has 5 gigs on it, it's a big download and for me won't be a fast one…
Pretty shitty how Bethesda doesn't provide all the discs for the installation in the physical copy, pretty much the only reason why I'd buy one. Now I'm stuck downloading an extra 20GB on Steam, rip internet.
Piiey indeed
They said they are doing this for piracy prevention… which is understandable I suppose. It would be better if they still supplied more of the game, and left say, 2GB, to downloading instead.
How long does auspost deliver to? Doesn't look like ill be getting it tonight :(
Not the only one Forfiet.
Hold on, what do you mean a DVD only holds 4.7 GB?
99% of the games released in the last 5 years on DVD were on a dual-layer, 8.5GB disc.
Example Max Payne 3 came on 3 of these, which assisted with the 27GB install.
One thing to note though, I installed Skyrim from only 1 DISC and it was a huge game
Ahhh FFS! Just got back home and saw that my pre-order disk was delivered. Popped it in, and it's only got 5 gig on the disk. Have to pull the remaining 18GB over the Internet (4 hours left). So no fallout 4 for me tonight. :(
Why can't they just pack it in a box set of 2-3x dual layer discs? If I had known, I'd have bought it off GMG or elsewhere and would have it ready on day 1.
Fallout what? I just got me the new ratchet and clank
There's a new Ratchet and Clank? Figures Sony wouldn't advertise it very well because it's not sandbox or competitive online multiplayer for dudebros. Medievil sequel when?
I forgot all about this! Is it any good? There's no reviews on Metacritic yet…
Anyone received from gamesmen. I ordered on 9th and order status says completed ? but no delivery as yet . It is suppose to come through auspost ( without tracking). Not sure when i can expect or not at all even ? :(
same here…..bloody annoying :(
11th Nov 1PM, still nothing, not even been carded….
2:02pm No sign in Melbourne :(
2:22pm nadda in Radelaide….
3:00 pm Sydney, my gf just told me my fallout 4 arrived :)
When did u guys ordered ? i ordered on 9th
@ozyboy: Ordered 1/9/15, Shipped 6/11/15. Disappointed it still hasn't arrived but I've been happy with their communication previously, so hopefully tomorrow….
My wife said, i have received any parcel at home but she is not sure what it is. We don't open each others letter or parcels ( may be good ethics or bad) . Hopefully it will be the game.
Hopefully before Friday The 13th.
Nothing in qld for me :( Ordered the first time it was around $58. So frustrating, I emailed them weeks ago to cancel when I found out it needed to be downloaded anyway and never received a reply :( Thought these guys were meant to be good
same boat as me a early buyer….
From WA and same here
I got mine yesterday so hopefully yours will be with you today! Game is soooo good, I was worried after reading all the criticism but has been amazing for me :/
@jumpo: Hope it arrives today. I am playing Assassins Creed Syndicate at the moment so not a big deal for me.
I'm in WA and still waiting, I think I'll hunt for decent local prices next time!
Not happy here, I was hoping to play it this weekend.
have you got your game yet mine has not arrived from gamesmen yet and tracking has not worked since i ordered.
Yes, i did yesterday and it took only 1 hour to download and install. Played about 2 hours. Not bad.
so jealous i hate playing the waiting game for things.
They wasted too much time on their Vault and forgot about your order
Was just reading the story of the business linked off that article, pretty amazing!
So my sealed JB copy was already activated…
Called JB Hobart and they've spoken to head office. I'll be getting an email with a new key once Bethesda gives them one. Very disappointing.
you have my condolences smoothskin!
Got a new key emailed about 45 minutes ago. Unfortunately the disc only has 5GB and the remaining 20GB has to be downloaded…
Clear: 10 points in Luck….. :)
JB cancelled my order without notifying me and didn't refund me.
Overall I would say I am a bit salty. Had to send my pregnant girlfriend out to Gamesmen to pick me up a copy since I was at work and only found out when I was like hmmmmm I haven't got my copy of fallout yet and it's quite late.
Had to send my pregnant girlfriend out to Gamesmen to pick me up a copy
Worth it :)
In this thread: Everybody talking about ordering/getting their copy and nobody actually talking about the game. To paraphrase OP:
Tell us about your experiences playing it
Only if you have received it…Which ain't yet. :(
Luv to talk about the game I've yet to receive or play…..
I love to talk about games I don't own. Especially when their metacritic pages look like this: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/fallout-4
Not good Users reviews on GameSpot or other sites but hey, i haven't played yet so can't say anything.
y neg when i said its Users Review on Sites but i haven't played yet so can't say anything
still waiting for my gamesmen delivery….. :(