This was posted 9 years 3 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Anime Sale @ Madman. Anime DVDs as Low as $3, $5, $10


With over 500 anime titles on DVD and Blu Ray on sale, this has to be the most EPIC MADMAN ANIME SALE ever!

Everything's priced to clear, with prices as low as $3. There's bargains aplenty, but get in quick! Happy hunting!

Must end November 30. Only while stocks last. Free shipping on orders over $30.

Check out our other epic clearance sales as well, on Manga, Collectibles, Cartoon Network and Adult Swim

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Madman Entertainment
Madman Entertainment

closed Comments

  • -7

    But what's the normal price?

    • It shows what the price was marked down from, or look at JBhifi.

  • -1

    Adult swimwear?

  • +3

    Bible Black series? Urotsukidōji movies? …sigh

    • +5


      • +2

        Well they did sell Urotsukidoji, but bible black? lol.

        • Only the first Urotsukidōji movie and it's only the censored version, not the other 3 movies (or the unfinished fifth movie). Also not the three part Urotsukidōji New Saga which is really just a retelling of the first movie with no restrictions.

    • +10

      Have an itch that you just can't quite reach?

      Have I got the tentacle for you!

    • Urotsukidōji DVD is in the sale it is $5

  • +2

    any blu-ray?

    • +1

      Yes, some start from $3.

  • +2

    Cowboy Bebop on sale please

  • Only the first season of DBZ is cheap as chips. Bit rude. Maybe one day I'll own the complete collection. Season 1 will have to do.

    Cheers OP!

    • The bluray sets are frequently $20 USD on Amazon.

      • The seasons or the complete series haha? $20 isn't bad for a season I guess.

        • Seasons. The DVD seasons sets were not that low.

    • can you link?

  • $5 flat shipping by the looks.

    • +3

      Free shipping over $30.

  • +5

    for a newcomer to Anime, is there anything on sale here that would be good for me? I've seen DBZ and Attack on Titan (tho didnt much enjoy titan)

    • I suggest the girl who leapt through time which is selling at $20 on madman, and ghibli studio movies but they're not on sale :(

      • +3

        Actually Pom Poko and Porco Rosso (ghibli movies) are on the sale list when I checked. $20 if I remember right.

        Also, I'd highly recommend full metal alchemist brotherhood (brotherhood specifically), saw a stunning deal on the list: $10 down from $90 for roughly 24 episodes, with extra content.

        • Second the Girl who leapt through time. Ghibli's Arietty is also $20.

        • @SkyHeron: Arietty has sold out

      • +1

        Girl who leapt through time is $24 on blu ray at JB HIFI, so better to wait when 20% off sale

    • +7

      Samurai Champloo is $30 on blu ray and great for newcomers. It depends what genre you enjoy though.

      • +1

        Thanks, one of my favourite animes after FMA and AOT

    • +4

      Deadman Wonderland
      Full Metal Alchemist
      Death Note
      Afro Samurai

      I just came back from Japan this morning with 10kgs of Anime :) should of waited :P

      • Anime or manga? Anime is ridiculously expensive in Japan. You can get pretty much zero day releases on for AU$6.95 per month.

        • mot sure where you went but i found it much much cheaper? like ridiculously cheaper? but i do have Japanese family so i guess thats going for me

        • @JohnnieB: baka :)

      • whats so good about deadman wonderland

    • +3

      Wish there was a way to sort it between blurays and dvds.

    • Fate Stay Night

      • +2

        I wouldn't recommend Bakemonogatari for someone new to anime. It's quite esoteric, loaded with dialog (writers were paid by the word?) and takes a long time to develop. It's very good, but not for someone new to the genre.

        • +1

          Writers were not paid by the word. Nisio Isin just has his very special style of dialogue packed Light Novels.

          The anime series almost adapts the anime line for line, superbly so at that.

        • @definitive:
          Someone who isnt a fan of anime won't really enjoy it though, it's a pure type B anime, cliche tropes, characters and a harem. Puns and 10minute discussions on the meaning of words trying to be deep isn't going to appeal to the general populace.

          As others have said, gundam 00, full metal alchemist, soul eater are all pretty good story focused anime, another one that flies under the radar is Xam'd which I see on the list. Eden of the east - also good, but note that the last 2 episodes are movies that do not come in the "set".

        • @RI4V4N: That is certainly true. The show definitely has a lot of references towards other aspects of pop culture (and traditional culture) that might not appeal to someone who's getting into anime.

          The new season's idea of fun is… maths.

          Which honestly, actually IS quite fun.

    • Mobile Suit Gundam 00 season 1 & 2
      Full Metal Alchemist
      Soul Eater is pretty good, but you'll probably have to find the 3rd season elsewhere

      Also anime is best enjoyed with japanese voices and english subs. English dubs are horrid!

      • yeah, i can't stand english dub -.-

      • I think you can try both. Some English has a more immediate feel to it. I agree Japanese may convey certain emotion better at times.

        • +2

          Some dubs can even be better. Baccano is a good case, set primarily in the USA it is more appropriate to have the characters speaking english. Phil Hartman's voice acting in Kiki's Delivery Service even though it changed the character quite substantially adds to the movie.

          But if you've watched a sub then going to the dub can be grating. I'll somethings have a look at both and pick what works best.

          Dubs can also work well when there is a lot of pun based humour as the gags can be re-written.

          While I watch mostly subs, some of my favourite series I have watched and enjoyed in dubs: Slayers, Baccano, Haruhi, Stein's Gate, Cowboy Beebop. OTOH, some I just can't watch in dubs at all: Keroro, Lucky Star.

          Of course the connoisseur will gravitate to subs as not all series are dubbed and dubbing takes time.

      • +1

        to be fair black lagoon's dub is pretty good….

    • +3

      "Pico no Boku" is highly recommended by redditors

      • +1

        No, just say no.

    • You should watch bible black

    • +1


      There are some things for newcomers there. There are several Ghibli movies (e.g. Pom Poko, Castle of Cagliostro).

      For series it depends on your genre of interest. For comedy/fantasy I would highly reccommend the Slayers (at $10 a season it's a steal). For modern thriller/conspiracy there is Eden of the East. For Sci Fi that isn't space ships or giant robots there is Stein's Gate (very highly rated). For comedy/romance there is Love Hina or Negima (ok, the are specifically of the 'harem' genre).

      For Sci Fi comedy everbody loved Space Dandy, but Galaxy Angels is a better choice imho. For Samurai action there is Rurouni Kenshin or if you prefer crazier fighting Basara.

      If you like DBZ you may like One Piece.

      Personally I got a Kenshin season, 2 Galaxy Angels and Negima, great value for $35!

      • i completely agree with steins;gate. completely lovely cast with an absolutely brilliant premise (time travel). i have watched the series a couple of times now, and i'm considering of picking up the set.

        (especially if you are from a physics-based field, then you would really love this)

      • Surprising to have anyone bring up Love Hina nowadays :-)

    • -1


  • +2

    Looks like the site is down

  • +1

    error 500

    Looks like madman has received the OZB hug of death!

    reddit eat your heart out!

  • Rep please replace dvd and put bluray in deal heading. I mentally filter out dvd deals and have for about 7 years.

    • Not all of these titles are available on bluray in Australia, or are of quality for bluray.

  • -7

    Meh, why pay $200+ for Bleach when I can watch it online - same for everything else.

    • +2

      Why did they stop making bleach ? Probably because people doing as what you do

      • -2

        And you yourself can justify such spending whilst knowing that the majority of the viewers are not?

        Anime wouldn't be what it is today without streaming. That's just how it is.

      • +3

        Actually crunchy roll is legit and free streaming. You should try it.

        • -2

          sshhh we need more people like him to prop the industry up for us leechers

        • Haha, you know it started out not so legit, right?

    • +2

      These things do take money to make you know?

  • those that want the best dub english anime ever made and one of the best animes all time, look into PERSONA 4: THE ANIMATION COLLECTION 1 its only 5 dollars

    • -1

      Don't you also have to buy Collection 2?

      What are the differences between the two versions of Collection 2?

      And why doesn't Collection 1 have a limited edition version?

      • -1

        You could easily look it up on the madman website.

        • Collection 1 is only half the season, even though shadowrukia says to buy just that, which is confusing. There is no Collection 1 with all episodes.

          The website does not list what comes with the limited edition version of Collection 2 or what it comes with that makes it different from the normal Collection 2. Is it an extra box? Is the box supposed to fit Collection 1 and 2? Or just collection 2? Does it come with the box and is the copy of Collection 2 the same as the original Collection 2?

          The website does not have a limited edition version of collection 1 Did there used to be one? Why is there a limited version of Collection 2 but not of Collection 1? The website has no description or details of anything.

        • @Orpheus:
          Yes to first paragraph of questions.

          No to second paragraph of questions.

        • @Venom_TAG: The differences between the Collection 2 limited edition and Collection 2 normal edition is no?

  • The Guilty Crown Collection 1 collectors box and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Series Collection 02, bargain for $10 a piece.

  • +1

    Is it possible to edit orders? I missed a few things I want but they don't add up to $30 for the free shipping.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, got Steins;Gate Collection 1, Persona 4: The Animation Collection 1 & 2, Guilty Crown Collection 1 (Blu-Ray), and Dragon Ball Z Kai Collection 1 (Blu-Ray) for $30 delivered!

  • -4

    read it as
    mad man's animal sale :o was picturing some poor tortured animals for sale.

  • +11

    I haven't checked out whats on sale but there are a few things people should be aware of about their releases.

    The majority of anime titles released by Madman on DVD before 2011 suffer from ghosting and judder due to frame blending (29.976->25fps).

    Nowadays (most titles issued after 2011) are inverse telecined from their NTSC sources (29.976->23.976fps) and sped up to 25fps with pitch correction applied. This avoids the judder and ghosting as seen their older releases and looks quite good on modern screen panels. Unfortunately, Madman have not handled this well with the sources that had a mix of video and film elements resulting in judder and interlace artifacts.

    A couple of examples where I noticed this problem is in Naruto Shippuden, Code Geass, My Bride is a Mermaid and possibly a lot more where the original video source was in a hybrid nature.

    When it comes to bluray, most of them are exact replicas of international releases. However some I believe are done in-house i.e. the Ghibli films. Speaking of the Ghibli films the only thing that differs quality wise against the US/JP releases which are not originally made digitally is the absent of grain. This is due to the application of a DNR filter over the video (refer to for comparison pics).

    The Ghost in the Shell 2 Innocence bluray released by Madman is identical to the one that is released in the UK. Unfortunately the subtitles on this release are terrible due to the inaccuracy of the translation. Strangely though, Madman's DVD release of the same title issued years ago uses accurate subtitles.

    Also the Ghost in the Shell 25h Anniversary edition released on bluray by Madman has audio issues and contains a very poor subtitle translation. Once again, their older DVD version does not have these issues.

    • I just took a look at the prices and titles they had in stock…

      Even with the faults mentioned these prices are amazing!

    • +2

      You havent seen ghost in the shell until you have seen it on vhs tape.

      One of the 12 reasons why I still have a tape player at home.

      I have some great manga classics but also have them on DVD as well.

      Not a fan o the new stuff but my recent purchase was high school of the dead whic is pretty good as I like the zombie theme

    • Does the Manga 25th Anniversary Edition have the same issues? I bought that but have yet to watch it. I hope not :(

      Also aren't Madman DVDs 576i rather than ntsc 480i? Isn't that better. Also I've heard people say PAL has better colour.

      • +1

        Does the Manga 25th Anniversary Edition have the same issues? I bought that but have yet to watch it. I hope not :(

        Yes. The Manga 25th Anniversary Edition also has the same issues as the Madman one. Likewise with the US version since they are all just ports of the same disc. A number of complaints about this have cropped up in multiple forums around the net if you want to explore the issue further.

        Also aren't Madman DVDs 576i rather than ntsc 480i? Isn't that better. .

        It depends if they were mastered from 480i sources or HD sources. If it was the latter then yes it certainly would look better and if the former then no it won't be better and in most cases worse.

        A good way to check is to see if the title originally had a bluray release somewhere. If not, then it would be safe to assume that the show/film was mastered from a SD NTSC source. However despite their being a bluray source out there, it still doesn't necessarily mean that Madman used it. It really is up to the original licensor who provides the material to Madman that determines what source they use.

        Also I've heard people say PAL has better colour.

        If you're watching it on a CRT TV then yes quite possibly but on modern displays I highly doubt there is any difference.

    • so basically stick to streaming sources…gotcha

      • No not necessarily….

        There are a number of factors as to why physical media trumps streaming sources. However since this topic has already been discussed in depth elsewhere I won't go into it here.

  • a bunch of other categories too

  • +1

    No Doraemon ?

  • How do you sort on price?

    • you can't.

  • This is my stingy way of supporting the creators….Bought a lot of old titles I've already watched and loved (steins gate, guilty crown, spice and wolf, persona, nichijou, ouran highschool host club, ghost in the shell)

  • just picked up guilty crown set 1 and 2

    if anyone is looking for recommendations, baka and test will give you good laughs

  • +10

    I found it hard to find good deals so I scraped the site and have created a sortable sheet here:

    Madman Sale

    I won't have time to keep it updated but the last column is unprotected so anyone should be able to update to indicate if it's sold out or not.

    • +2

      For those who don't know, you can sort the sheet by hovering on the column letter (A to F) and clicking on the little arrow head that appears. This will create a temporary filter and you can sort by column from there. Or you can go to:

      Data -> Filter Views -> Create new temporary filter view

      which will do the same thing.

    • are some of the prices changing ?Cause alot of em no longer match the spreadsheet.

  • I found out that Madman is also having a collectible sale. There's not a lot of merchandise but if you guys want to check it out:…

  • +2

    worst browser ever

  • Yes, time to finish my collection of Vagabond (manga). Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Steins;Gate Collection 2 (Eps 13-25)
    Steins;Gate Collection 1 (Eps 1-12)
    Persona 4: The Animation Collection 2 (Eps 13-26) W/ Limited Collector's Box
    Persona 4: The Animation Collection 1 (Eps 1-12)
    Chaos;Head Collection

    for $30 is good.

  • +1

    I ended up buying

    Eden of the East TV Series Collection (Blu-Ray)
    Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu Collection (Blu-Ray)
    Rideback Series Collection (Blu-Ray)
    Samurai Champloo Complete Collection (Blu-Ray)

    Quite a good deal.

  • +1

    Got $60 worth of stuff, thanks OP!

  • Bought :
    Nichijou Collection 2 - completes my set for $5
    Street Fighter II The Movie for $10 (Would actually recommend this, surprisingly it's great)
    Porco Rosso BR for $20 hopefully a new fav as I've not seen this one

    Thanks Madman for this and Animelab

  • Thanks mate but more interested in the Transformers Sale on that same website!

  • +1

    Whoa… just spent way too much on a lot of Anime.

  • K-ON!! I got the whole series on blu for about $40!
    My all-time favorite!

  • Thanks so much for the link!
    I ended up saving $300 woohoo :D

    If you're looking for something new to watch i highly recommend:
    * Samurai Champloo
    * Le Chevalier D'Eon

  • Any recommendations please? I love my anime sexy, mildly violent, layered characters with a deep and good story. What am I looking for?

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