This was posted 9 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Artist Storage Box to Build a Dominion / Board Game Storage Case $19.99 @ ALDI 4/11


The latest ALDI catalogue has an art storage box for $20. I've seen similar (but 2-3cm smaller) ones for a much higher price. For example, $37 for a Mont Marte brand one at my local variety store and $70 for one at Riot Art & Craft.

A lot of people have had success modifying these cases to store components for board games with lots of expansions such as Dominion. Here is some discussion around a similar (but taller) case available in the USA:…

I purchased the ALDI one today and I found it to be a fantastic size to store my Dominion cards (see my post on page 12 of that thread).

Edit: ALDI have 2 different art cases available, I'm specifically talking about the one with the larger footprint (but not as tall). It's picked up the wrong picture for the preview and I haven't worked out how to change it.

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closed Comments

    • +25

      I'm gonna quote @BTRaynes from the 4K TV thread:

      This "it's normal price" stuff is becoming tiresome.

      If the 'normal price' of an item is considered cheap, then it's a bargain.

      I myself don't consider it normal when it is only available ~2% of the year and unavailable the other 98% of the year (assuming it is a special buy once per week). However I haven't been able to quickly find an official ozbargain ruling on this.

      I've also provided comparisons for very similar boxes showing that this is significantly cheaper than the market rate for this size art storage box.

        • +3

          Here is an (as far as I can tell) identical case for $29.55 + $30.85 shipping (total $60.40) on eBay:


        • +2

          Let's assume a car is sold for the regular price of $100 … the brand new BMW 9 series … no bargain here as it is the regular price? A car for $100!
          You will not save money when you buy it as it will never get discounted. Feel free to buy the 7 series for over $100.000 (maybe you get even a 20% discount on it which would make it a bargain :-).

          Ok … not a real world example but usual cost does not always help to identify bargains in my opinion … stuff the dictionary.

        • Without knowing much about these boxes, your description appears to be exactly what this is JV. It cannot usually be had for such a cheap price…

    • +3

      You really make yourself look silly sometimes.

      • -1

        I did use too much mascara tonight…

      • +1

        I've learned to just ignore him.

        • *her

        • @Gimli:
          He/she is just a troll at this point, shitting on deals he/she either doesn't understand or pretends not to.

  • +2

    Stoz, thank you!

    i cannot + this enough, had been after something similar for Dominion for months, and didnt want to pay $70+ (P&H) for the US one that is often used as a reference

    • +2

      Me too. I gave up when I was looking around a year ago but playing some board games over the weekend got me interested in looking again, then it was just good timing with ALDI.

    • +4

      I made up some dominion storage boxes a few years back. I tracked down some cardboard boxes online, used for storing trading cards - I used 2, cost me about $5-$10 total. Not as fancy as a wooden box, but worked perfectly. Then I went all our nerd and tracked down graphics online for all the cards, abused the colour laser printer and laminator at work and made up dividers plus artwork for the outside of the box. I did such a good job that friends thought I bought them somewhere.

      Then I had 2 kids, moved country and haven't touched them since!

      • just buy tool boxes from bunnings. why do u need wood for dominion?

        • It doesn't need to be wood, but wood is cheap and fairly easy to work with if you want to add dividers or small compartments to store the tokens or coins that come with some expansions.

          A lot of plastic boxes have curved edges where the bottom and side wall meet which means that the cards will slide around more during transport. A wooden box gives you a right angle edge which allows card to be packed in firmly.

          Up until now my cards have been in a large white cardboard box designed for trading cards but the box was only just tall enough for the cards and wouldn't let me fit any tabbed dividers in.

      • Once they are around 8 to 10 years old they should be old enough to play Dominion with you. :-)

  • umm what even is Dominion?

    • +7

      It's a deck building card game where each player starts the game with a small (and identical) deck with a small amount of money in it. You use those cards to buy either more money or action cards that help you get more money (either by drawing more cards or manipulating which cards you or your opponents have etc). Cards you use go into a discard pile and when you run out of cards to use you shuffle your discard pile to make a new drawing pile. Eventually you focus on buying victory cards (worth points but don't do anything on their own). When the game ends, the person with the most points wins.

      One thing that makes it interesting is that you have a base set of money and victory cards and then randomly select 10 "kingdom" cards. There will be 10 copies of each selected card available to buy. The base game has 25 different kingdom cards which means that not all cards (and combinations of cards) are available to buy each game, helping to make every game different. There are several expansions available which add more kingdom cards but you still generally only use 10 per game.

      • so its like pokemon cards?

        • -4

          more like Woolies Ancient Animal cards…

      • sounds complicated Stoz….

        • It takes a certain amount of dungeons and dragons type nerdery to get into, but once you get the hang of it it's not too complex and aperture fun game. You can play a few rounds, have a few drinks and be done with it.

    • +1

      If only there was a site where a variation of your question could be typed and an answer could be provided ;)

  • Thanks

  • +1

    It's not a bargain if you don't need/use it. Or so I keep trying to tell myself…

    • I go one and I don't know what game to put in it. Ohh well.

  • +3

    The real question is though, will Settlers of Catan and all its expansions fit in this box?

    • +1

      I'm considering buying a second box for my Settlers + 5-6 player and Cities & Knights + 5-6 player but it seems a bit too big. If you have an ALDI close by you could try it out anyway and take it back if it doesn't suit.

      • +1

        thanks for replying mate, I will give it a go for sure as I'm getting tired of carrying 4 boxes of Catan to friends places haha, i have seafarers as well so probably not looking good.

        • +1

          Re-reading my comment seems unclear, so I wanted to clarify the I meant the box seems too big for the base and only one expansion, not the other way round.

  • +1

    Thumbs up for the DIY/Hack idea!

  • +2

    If this box is good for Dominion, would it also fit Magic the Gathering cards?

    • +3

      It would fit them lying on their sides (horizontally), even in sleeves and in most deck boxes.

      Unsleeved MTG cards are 88mm tall which is too tall to be stored vertically in this box.

    • You could buy the Battle for Zendikar Gift Box which comes out tomorrow? $40 including 5 boosters, box works out a tad cheaper than this one albeit not as solid.

    • +1

      I bought the box anyway to put all my Magic the Gathering cards.

  • Hmm this would make a good case to store ties in?

  • +2

    i prefer storing dominion cards in binders using baseball card sheets. Less bulky and much easier and faster to pick your own kingdoms. Plus games when done this way are a lot more fun than when picked randomly or by app which happens with so many cards as they tend to ignore the synergy between cards across the expansions.

    2 binders are enough for all expansions =o)

    • I came across that method the other night and sound like it would be really easy (I already have several binders of MTG cards) but I've heard that doesn't work so well if you sleeve your cards though?

      • +1

        Yup, our cards aren't sleeved and it would be super hard to implement. this has always been a concern of my SO but after pretty much daily use they look perfectly fine so i dont know what hes worrying about haha. its definitely worth the tradeoff

    • Seems like way less effort than making up dividers etc for a box. Good suggestion.

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