catalogue image - online yet to be updated with new everyday price as per catalogue
Requires Business or Premier PayPal account - free to upgrade.
Coke or Coke Zero 375ml 15pk for $8 ($0.54/can) @ Officeworks
catalogue image - online yet to be updated with new everyday price as per catalogue
Requires Business or Premier PayPal account - free to upgrade.
Coke or Coke Zero 375ml 15pk for $8 ($0.54/can) @ Officeworks
Buying your love again are they?
Makes it easier to give them their pocket money…
Wow not bank transfer?
Wow not bank transfer?
This way I get Frequent Flyer Points when I give them their pocket money…
Ahhh interesting, what happens if they pay you back and you return back, everyone earns frequent flyer points in cycle?
Easier to do chargebacks :D
Unless they don't mind getting charged fees by PayPal, you are one happy dad.
Fees details here:
Unless they don't mind getting charged fees by PayPal
Beggars can't be choosers… It's less than 2% anyway…
(It also teaches them maths and finance…)
I'm guessing you will pay more in paypal fees than the value of your frequent flyer points.
@joshk: Ahhh you have a point there, totally forgot about the fees! That's why it wouldn't work, nice catch!
@jv: i guess you are paying the frequent flyer point out of your kid's pocket money. not to mention paypal fee > frequent flyer point, lol. it's all calculated bro, otherwise they wont make money ;-)
you have "he" kids?
He or She kids?
Only the he kids in Jv's house earn pocket money, that's how they survive Earth. The rest are trained to become future Jv's and hence do not require mortal currency.
Jv is a 'He man' so he'll obviously have 'he kids'
Your comment reminded be of this ad of guy giving the kids gift money.
when does this "everyday" price start?
if you check officeworks… its not listed as $29
iPhone not included…
Credit card is though, wonder how much is on it…
yeah it says not for jv. lol
I remember jv saying that he already has one of these readers. What does he do with it?
charge his partner for chores done around the house…
this might push the price of the "PayPal Tap and Go Mobile Card Reader" down!
The tap and go reader is also in the catalogue. I think it was $129
$149 :)
Is that (tap and go / paywave function) the only difference between the two models?
Also the new model has a screen
im disappointed the iphone isnt included.
don't panic, i'll give you my 3GS.
Wow this is awesome, wish my local pizza place would buy one of these, usually never have the paper money for delivery!
I don't know what you'd do with paper money anyway. Maybe take it to the exchange counter?
I agree, I keep some change here and there on me but it's never consistent. Atm cards have made life so much easier for us that it feels strange to have to deal with paper money!
Paper money ? mostly 15~20 years ago, do you mean Plastic Money…lol.
My local accepts Eatnow.
tell them to add themselves on deliveryhero website
Catalogue officially starts on Thursday.
thanks - deal updated :)
Sorry!?… which Thursday…. (come on… be specific lol)
Never seen people so happy about a regular priced item.
where is normally $29
Never seen people so happy about a regular priced item
It's still $99 tomorrow…
Website says $29 now.
You should also count the fees they charge especially for invoice which they will charge for 30 cent + % fees.
Also the new model have screen on it so you don't have to keep showing your phone for the amount that will be charged.
Could I get a quick rundown on how it works?
Say I'm selling 9000 Eneloops for $10 to you. What do you, as a buyer, have to do? Flip out your usual debit card/credit card, insert and enter PIN? And then the funds will appear in my PayPal account instantly?
Flip out your usual debit card/credit card, insert and enter PIN?
And then the funds will appear in my PayPal account instantly?
*You need a smart phone with their app installed, and paired to you reader…
Yep, and then Paypal freezes your account and takes all your money. It's a beautiful system.
Hi, one of the 9000 eneloops appears like it has a scratch on it ( not sure though).
Anyways, need a refund.
Give it now! So entitled. Marked as defective, so you have to pay for the return postage. Will be sending you 8000 broken dick smith zinc carbon battery's that bought 10years ago.
Paypal has ruled in my favour. Have got my $10 back. You have no recouse. Left neg feedback. You can't leave me neg feedback. It is a beautiful system. Welcome to paypal. ☺
Man crap like this is why I shut my shop down. It just started happening way too much so I just went (profanity) it not worth the hassle. Mine was a little side/hobby business though not like I was living off it or anything though.
Last one a guy was complaining the box (not the item) was a bit damaged in transit and that it was very important to him (The box was pretty ugly btw and certainly not a trade item) Guy seemed to get annoyed when I offered him a new box or if he sent the item back a complete refund. The only thing that was acceptable to him was a significant discount.
Told him where to go but paypal found in his favour regardless, the funny thing was he got annoyed because I point blank refused to sell to him in the future.
Was this ebay by any chance? I gave up selling stuff on there because of the countless idiots that abuse it. Too many loop holes with paypal that always benefit dodgy buyers.
Does anyone know if this device uses the same buyer protection rules that is implemented with an ebay transaction or is it just like every other credit card machine?
@pufffdragon: I can't imagine that it has any sort of buyer protection when all PayPal knows about is the transaction of funds.
That one was through ebay, however it really is when they use paypal. I had normal customers pull the same kind of shit. I think the issue is paypal makes it far too easy for people to get refunds. if they are tapping their card suddenly they have to do it via their credit card company and that is actually harder to do and there are more serious penalties for abusing it.
I can say that all the returns I had bar two were customers trying to pull the fast one on me and paypal gave them all refunds regardless. Oh the stock is broken and you don't want to send me a photo of it or the photo you grabbed is straight from google and you don't want to send it back as that would be a waste of time and money and when I insist you lose the receipt which you still want me to pay for and the package must have been lost in the post.
I am guessing it doesn't as why would you use this when for an extra 100 bucks you can just use a bank one and avoid the bs.
@kasp: Yeah, I try to avoid Paypal anything to be honest. When I saw Gumtree add the Paypal button to their website I almost spat my coffee everywhere.
I could see it now. You sell an old book for $50, everything is okay and one week later the buyer requests a refund because the book has dust on it or something. Paypal agrees with them, you lose $50 and never get the book back. Welcome to Paypal.
Sounds like eBay.
so if you buy this now at $99, and did a price beat….on Thursday…. more of a bargain?
I like the way your thinking……
do we need to be approved for PayPal Here before we can use this?
There is no charge for signing up for an account. If you have a PayPal personal account, you can upgrade to a business or premier account
what's the difference? PayPal charging more?
Something to do with limits.
Christ I paid $150 for mine awhile ago.
I hope it's paid for itself, otherwise it's not your pal.
you must have the 'Tap and Go' version…
I got mine for $99 when they first came out…
Nope, its this exact model - did you get yours directly from Paypal or somewhere else? Mine was from them.
direct from paypal, they had a special price at launch…
If memory serves correctly, $99 was a special offer for those who had the previous magstripe version.
nope, it was a launch special, you didn't need to have the previous version…
What happens if there are insufficient funds in the buyer's account?
Cough, computer says no
send in JV to sort them out (for a fee)
I wondered what JV looked like
@bonky: JV will come to your house and break your legs if theres no money in your account for the transfer!
Given PayPals reputation for freezing accounts whilst they invest your funds (so they totally have no incentive to freeze your account lol) I think I'd rather pay more for a regular credit card processor's solution.
Yeah I'm not in a rush to use this for my business. The amount of fees, let alone the freezing, makes me avoid PayPal like the plague.
Can people use this as a nefarious skimming device?
I won't be giving a random stranger my card to put into their mobile phone / or a real skimmer that looks identical because they replaced the internals.
Doesn't exactly instil a lot of confidence.
what happen if i just "fake" selling to max out my reward point e.g QFF point?
Are your points worth more than PayPal's cut?
Also he'd have to have to pay tax on it since it will be classed as income
No he wont.
Another tax "expert" :/
Sorry but… may I know What is this??
I can pay someone using my credit card??
it's for accepting payment from someone
So I can pay myself with credit card and earn points??
Wow, that's cheap !!!
Might grab a couple for he kids…