Anti-ozbargain Question. What are you willing to pay MORE for?

You get what you pay for is a saying I hear around my circle of friends/family. But as pro-ozbargainers we get the good stuff for cheap. So my question is what are you willing to pay more for and why?

For example:
Basa fillets are available at an insane price of less than $10. I will never buy Basa because of the way it is farmed/where it lives.
I will never buy prawns that are made in China, because of the numerous food scandals over there. Australian prawns are way more expensive, but it tastes better and helps the local economy. I acknowledge that it is unavoidable at times (I highly doubt they use Australian prawns/calamari in my $12 pasta meal).
I still remember the good times last year, where I bought Aussie prawns for not much more than the chinese prawns, using stackable woolworths discount codes.

I firmly believe in you get what you pay for with shoes.
I would never cheap out and buy runners from Kmart/ Big W/ Spendless Shoes.
I bought my runners on sale via Wiggle (cost $250 here, but got them for $100).

Ah, ozbargains favourite ice cream. I have converted to Connoisseur ever since (I didnt like the Ben and Jerrys cookies and cream).

Buro office chair:
I used to buy $100 office chairs from Officeworks. After a few years, the spine or seating pad would wear down and become uncomfortable and dangerous. At that time, I said to myself I don't see why ppl spend so much on a chair.
After developing a sore back due to the crappy chairs, I finally took the plunge and spent a lot of cash on the Buro chair.
It is so comfortable and solidly built, and my back is thanking me for it!


  • +1

    I'm sure this has been discussed before

    Agree with shoes. I spent 250US$ 2 years ago on a pair of chucka boots still going strong.

    I spent $80 last year on some Uni/casual shoes they lasted 6 months.

    • +3

      I'm sure this has been discussed before

      Many many times

  • +3

    A lesson I keep learning over basically sometimes quality equals time saved.

    Some examples.

    I bought cheap frypans and saucepans. Cooking was painful and I spent time scrubbing them. After I bought good ones I realised my mistake, cooking is faster , easier and cleaning up ditto.

    I bought cheap tools and couldn't fix a thing. I bought better ones and lots of stuff is now simple and enjoyable.

    Moral for me is if a more expensive item will save me time and hassle than it is worth it.

  • +4

    Ozbargain I felt was more about bargains (good stuff at cheaper price in other words, decent value for what you pay), not buying the cheapest crap.
    I find that people have different definitions on what good stuff is, therefore they argue on value.

    For me, I am willing to pay slightly more for better quality USB cable (I wouldn't buy $1 cables, simply because they don't last long compared to let's say $3~$4 good USB cables). Slightly more for better electronic devices depending on many things(though this depends on "how long will I be able to use this", i.e. estimated life of the device and what I get for paying more, i.e. Do I get additional few months of usage? Do I get far better experience? etc). There are certain kitchen utensils that I have that are breaking down, next time I grab something I might go for something sturdier (even if it means I have to invest bit more).

  • Protective gear when I'm on a motorcycle. I don't go cheap on those.

    Reasonable homeloan as well with a decent lender, I value my own time so I don't want to waste it with lender where customer service doesn't exist. Citibank i'm looking at you!

  • For shoes i found its better going the other way, for casual canvas shoes anyway. 10-25 bucks a pair, buy about 3-4 pairs a year, spending only about $60 and you get the bonus of variety, not wearing the same bloody pair all the time.

    • Casual shoes for going out then yes I do own a couple of cheapo canvas. My runners don't go well with chinos/ shorts.
      But how bout your runners?

  • SUNGLASSES! DO NOT buy the $2 online specials!!! Spend the $10-15 (the kind that have 2000+ positive reviews) on popular sites and reap the benefits. Just make sure you UV test them first. I have a device around here that does that.

  • I will pay more for something that offers me some additional tangible benefit. My current hobby/obsession is cycling and i wear good cycling kit, i would never cheap out on bib-shorts or cycling shoes. Both of these things can be crazy expensive but trust me, if you are going to be spending 7hrs+ regularly in the saddle, a few extra $$ for a pair of bibs with a good pad that will keep your most sensitive parts well protected is money very well spent!!!

    I kind of agree with the shoes analogy as well but i would modify the 'get what you pay for' saying. Like many Ozb's I want the best quality shoes but i want them on massive discount. I am happy to wear last year's model or to buy them out of season. I wouldn't wear K Mart shoes, I want a pair of ecco or rockport shoes but I want to buy them at a K Mart price.

  • Certain Artworks.

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