I am a JRPG fan and am considering PS4, Xbox one and WiiU.
One of my favourites JRPG is the final fantasy series which I have been playing since FFVII.
PS4: leaning towards this as most JRPG titles are on PS platform (but I guess you could say that they're now almost equally available on Xbox one)
Xbox One: Can't think of much advantages here
WiiU: Fatal frame is the one that draws me to this, why is this WiiU exclusive now darn it. I really don't want to be stuck with mario and yoshi.
Isn't there a new xenoblade title coming out on the WiiU as well?
Currently have a PS4 myself and the main title I can think of which has come out on the PS4 is tales of zestiria which although not a horrible game I don't think I could justify buying a console due to it.