Oporto is giving away 50 FREE single fillet Bondi Burgers between 12-1pm this week to celebrate the return of our Original chilli sauce. Be quick, this offer is only available Monday to Friday.
Offer available in only NSW, ACT, QLD and VIC.
Oporto is giving away 50 FREE single fillet Bondi Burgers between 12-1pm this week to celebrate the return of our Original chilli sauce. Be quick, this offer is only available Monday to Friday.
Offer available in only NSW, ACT, QLD and VIC.
show them facebook ad ?
I know what im having for lunch next week.
Hopefully the hungry jacks app will also get me a freebie
Anyone know if this includes ACT? I'm aware ACT isn't on the lsit, but sometimes 'only NSW' encompasses ACT.
They've included ACT now.
50 per store I presume? Or 50 for all stores across all states?
50 per store
I read it as 50 per person…
Trying to get on The Biggest Loser 2016?
From Facebook "Yes Kevin 50 free single fillet Bondi burger per store per day this Monday to Friday"
hopefully not the first 50? I don't wanna get laughed at quietly behind my sad walk back out the door.
At that point I'd just pay for it I think.
The facebook ad doesnt explain it very well.
Is it 50 per day per store or 50 total for the whole 2/11-6/11?
I would presume it would be 50 burgers per day.
Wonder if the stores will make it difficult as usual.
@ 12:00:00
Hello, just a single fillet Bondi Burger please.
"You want the meal?"
Just the burger please.
I thought it was free with the promotion.
"Sold out."
"You still want the burger?"
No thanks.
"Thank you, come again."
Ha. "Can I get a double?" "Of course you can!"
What's the difference between the current chilli sauce and the 'original' chilli sauce? Is the original one better? Is it spicier? Their current chilli sauce is pretty mild.
The original sauce was slow cooked to allow for a richer more earthy flavour and the heat was variable due to fresh chilli variation but usually has a better kick. It is slightly darker in colour just like nonna used to make.
Forget the free burgers, they're bringing back the good chili sauce! hotdiggidy!
I haven't eaten a Oportos in many years because the new sauce just wasn't as good.
Wouldn't it be the first 50 people each day for each store to mention the promotion at the point of sale? I'm thinking some stores would barely have ten people in that time period who would be aware of the offer (unless there is dramatic signage and cashiers in-store promoting it).
As for having something to show, I don't see why would you have to show them something when it is time, as well as, stock-limited and publicly advertised on facebook. What I think is more worrying is the possibility of excluded stores in the eligible states. Unless they are forcing burgers on people at 12pm (that is it's not a whisper at the counter) then I don't see this as impossible to obtain.
But with OzBargain you never know…
im walking in tomorrow and saying:
"1 free bondi burger please"
Exactly but more like 'I heard about the 12pm to 1pm promotion that Oporto stores were running in NSW this week, are there any burgers left'
Obviously this is open to managers pleading ignorance and saying burgers have already been distributed (unless you get there at 12pm sharp and look at what people are ordering)
From personal experience many store managers are unaware of promotions, even those which you can show them vouchers (sometimes the HJ ones take a few workers to go through to accept as they have no idea about it, or how to process them)
a true ozbargainers would camp there from midnight for the iBurger !!
Please report back how did it go.
Lets hope its per store, else us anti-daylight savings northerners (because it upsets the cows and fades the curtains) will well and truly miss out.
us anti-daylight savings northerners
Some of us sureño eses aren't too fond of it either hombre. :)
My local store had one guy handing them out like samples that's kinda smart!
Oporto is giving away 50 FREE single fillet Bondi Burgers
Cover Photo:
Just got it for $3 as a meal with chips and drink… Good value, only problem is they won't add any extra sauces ie aioli. C'est la vie.
Just got it for $3 as a meal with chips and drink…
Would've been better value if you procured just the burger. :P
Meh $3 and lunch is sorted.
Just did the same at Chatswood Chase. No guy handing them out, you order the free burger. Should be able to right through to 1pm each day this week :-)
They're on a tray with a guy holding it at Rhodes - one per person but I sweet talked my way into a second
I was just there and got it. they waited till exactly 12pm to put it through pos
good stuff :)
Yup, guy with tray at Broadway as well, just handing them out!
lunch sorted. i asked nicely and the chick gave me 2
Surprisingly delicious, thanks
Just had one at Erina Fair. They were handing out membership cards and scanned them to get the free burger, but I didn't have to give my details. Not bad burger for free.
I got today with the $5 deal, walked over to Maccas and got a frozen Coke $6 lunch stored
Just tried at cavill ave store. Was told "haven't heard of it, manager is away". Will update…..
Update 1: returned to store asked manager, he said which promotion, I repeated again 12-1 free bondi burgers. He looked disappointed and cross then said OK. Burger recieved 5 mins later. Successful yet difficult trip.
Very [SMOOTH] ozbargain experience from Parramatta store. Went up and asked, counter girl said yes, turned around and grabbed a bag from her manager and handed it to me. Whole exchange only took 10 seconds.
Just got mine free in QLD, they had a paper taped to the register informing people of the special too when I arrived at 11:59.
Fortitude valley?
Got the free Bondi Burger or a 90% bread burger they also call it. First time I've ever been to Oporto, probably the last - not a great burger. But it was free so, free lunch. Thanks Oporto.
Oporto burgers seem much more 'bready' than a decade ago. A lot seems wrong with it. Puts me right off.
Went to the least busiest Oportos I know on a weekday (Coogee). They had a system where they give you a voucher that you hand back immediately (the burgers were sitting there as if made especially for the promo). Nice that I didn't have to pull out my phone as usual.
Bloody good burger for free! New store on the Gold Coast!
I got the $4.99 chilli cheese fries as well, but tomorrow I'll be going next door to KFC for the $5 box instead!
Got mine no fuss.
Pros: - Friendly staff especially came out the front with whistles to announce at 12pm.
- Didn't have to say anything, just took the burger.
Cons: - I really don't like the creamy mayo and said I had an egg allergy. Unfortunately the staff told me that they couldn't do one without mayo as the deal is pre- conditioned as a Bondi Burger. I understood that they might make them in batches but because I got there before 12 they had only just started making them (I heard the manager say 'let's start making them' so they could have easily made one without mayo. I ended up having basically a chicken fillet inside half a bun, when I really like the chilli sauce and lettuce but they were gone because I had to scrap all the mayo out of the burger. But beggars can't be choosers (even if it's wanting to go without something).
I didn't know the original chilli sauce has even left!??
PREGO all the waaayyy!!!
got another today.
This time it was made fresh and very tasty
Got my freebie. Time to do the ol glasses with moustache trick to get another :P
Mad my lunch is 1-2pm :(
Depends on the store, second time I went for it and this time they catered for the no mayo request. Only one other person this time, stuck around for ten minutes though not half an hour.
Got my free one at Canberra city. They even told customers about it as they approached the counter.
Very enjoyable.. Guy simply asked if I wanted two and now have a very worth it stomach ache
Not sure what the goal of this deal was (and I'm not arguing with free) but after 3 days in a row of Oportos, I think I'm Oporto'd out.
how do you claim then?