VPN Question Re Downloading

I got into a discussion with a worker here re downloading Torrents.
Im not condoning it just trying to solve this query.

One side of the argument was.
a) a VPN is fine opening a torrent from a site to your client then turning VPN off and downloading

the other side was

b) a VPN is fine opening a torrent but then continuing the download on the VPN.

What is the correct answer here?


  • +5

    opening and downloading of a torrent while VPN is on. if you VPN is off at any time while the torrent is opening, downloading or seeding means you could be tracked.

    • Another add on, if you have configured the vpn as a proxy in the torrent client, you technically are never torrenting off the VPN. Makes it sort of a bullet proof way of torrenting - although I still believe VPN or not, if big brother wants to get you, he will.

  • +3

    B, the torrent file itself is not what is going to get you caught it's the download itself as you are sending your IP to the tracker and everyone in the swarm. It can be scraped by outside sources to get a list of everyone downloading/seeding that particular file at the time. This is how the BitTorrent protocol is designed.

  • what about people who download to a seedbox, then download that from the seedbox,
    would it then be different data since that data is going to an overseas location?

    • The seedbox is tracked - then you download from the seedbox to your PC via FTP or something. Just hope that when the seedbox company is pinged they don't hand your ftp logs over.

    • P2P network's inherent design allows for trackers to be monitored super simply. This allows 'monitors' easy access to the source IP (you) by becoming a destination IP (a computer that contains the data you are looking for). Fortunately we are able to rise above this little trap by faking our source IP address. We can create a VPN - in this case a private link between your personal computer and another computer - that allows us to privately send the request for the desired data through the VPN which will act as a relay to and from your personal computer without giving you up.

      Seedboxes generally exist outside DMCA jurisdiction. Furthermore, one can liken a seedbox to a VPN with storage in this given scenario. Sure, data transmitted between your seedbox and PC could be intercepted but it's nowhere near as easy as the above so you're pretty much safe.

  • zbigz.com

  • -1

    I think you're missing an important point here, one main reason that torrent is tracked is because while you download you have to upload at the same time too. (and uploading is much more serious)
    You shouldn't turn off vpn at all while you torrent.

    Seedbox doesn't require you to upload, so you're mostly fine.

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