This was posted 9 years 4 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Disney Infinity 3.0 $45, 3x Amiibo $38, Forza 6 $59, Super Mario Maker $55 + More @Target eBay

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closed Comments

  • Is it just me or has Forza been removed?

    • its still there. Halo has been removed though.


      Still there for me. About a half hour ago I noticed it pop up and then disappear though so maybe there's something wrong with their eBay site.

    • I've been keeping an eye on stock levels for both Halo 5 and Forza 6 since the deal the other day; I put both in my cart and they both sold out.

      Halo 5 was back in stock yesterday afternoon, before going out of stock again in the evening and now it seems like the item has been removed from eBay all together.

      Forza 6 was back in stock this morning and only 4 have been sold since.

  • Wouldn't this fit in with the current Target post?

  • Trying to buy Forza and not letting me get through to PayPal.. Maybe it's a sign.. Anyone else having issues?

    • +3

      Paypal is down , check the news

  • argh, Journey sold out while waiting for Halo :(

    • Its available at the target store

  • +4

    Orders over $39 (after discount) now have free delivery, so Halo 5 is in stock and $51 delivered.…

    • +2

      i love you dude…

    • i missed out again, thanks for letting us know tho

      • +1

        It's back in stock now!

        • Missed it again! lol…

  • ended up getting wii u mario maker edition for 299

    cheers op

  • Just want some of the 3ds games to come back in stock. The refresh button is getting worked harder than it ever has before.

  • Is Forza gone already??

    • yes, it sold out in past 2 mins, i had it in basket and missed out :(

  • Wasn't gonna get this Zelda title any time soon, but considering past titles forever stuck at 59.95, it's probably a smart idea to grab this.

  • Missed out on both Halo 5 and Forza 6 becasuse PayPal is down for me. Had them in the cart but I couldn't pay. Thanks PayPal…

    • +1

      It will most likely be re stocked over the next 3 days so keep an eye out on it

      • Possibly, but both Halo 5 and Forza 6 were restocked today so it will be a second restock.

  • Dammit why wont you get wasteland 2 on ps4 target?

  • Yoshi's Wooly World is only $49 in-store at Big W from this deal:
    Many copies at the Big W I went to yesterday.

    I'm pretty sure Triforce Heroes scanned at $45 or $49 as well, if anyone still wants that since it's sold out here.

    • +2

      Oh well around $2 is good to get it delivered :)

  • -2

    buy forza you scumbags so i can pwn u

  • Thanks OP, seems they have just re-stock the Super Smash Bros which was sold old in last two days.

  • +5

    They have also restocked the XBOX ONE 500GB w/FIFA 16 and EA Access. Comes to $321.75 with the 25% off code. I was gonna buy it, but I haven't got the money.

  • -3

    If any of the WiiU owners on here haven't updated their console to 5.5.0 yet (and your console is less than 12 months old) I am willing to trade it for one less than a week old (with receipt) and give you $30. Just console (not gamepad or anything else) trade. Please PM, I'm in a bit of a predicament and I can't solve it through going on eBay, gumtree etc. and I know ozbargainers are always looking for a good deal.

    • +1

      You mean you updated your console and are now unable to use the exploit that is currently available for 5.3.2 firmware? So want a console with that version on it so you can play "backups"?

      • You have no mercy. I dislike piracy, but damn..

        • Or is it I have mercy for the person who would be parting with that console?

        • @WeiKaiLe: Modding isn't for everyone guys. I didn't specify what firmware I wanted in that comment. "Mercy"? It might be surprising to you but some people don't care about modding (not just being unaware of it but don't have the time or inclination ie. couldn't be bothered) and haven't updated their consoles from when they bought them in recent sales (whether it be 5.3.2 or 2.1) I was just seeing if anybody was out there wanting to trade for a bit of dough. No need to neg.

          Also modding has been openly broached on OB before without being negged (even the name of certain unmentioned exploits) which is why I felt comfortable commenting (as I understand there is a faction of people out there who do frown on it), so I don't know why you feel the need to turn into the moral police here.

          I'm considering selling the WiiU bundle second hand for around $250 then buying another one when they have sales, or looking for one with lower FW on second hand markets (even if it does come with a grubby used gamepad) so I will eventually get my hands on a lower FW console (just FYI because you seem so intent on me not modding). This would be an easier fix for me though.

        • @juzz0: I didn't neg you mate and I don't care if you mod or not. I just think you should have been more open about why you needed the console, it seemed your post was a little misleading/deceiving.

          However, seem to have a console on 5.5.0. There is an exploit for that firmware, it is just not public yet. It is being developed and once a new system firmware is released that patches that exploit it will then become more open to everyone to use.

  • yay

  • Halo is back up for $51 with 25% off

  • Managed to grab a copy this time but Halo 5 is out of stock again.

  • That's a real good price on Triforce Heroes but I bet my local Target has 20 in stock when online has none.

  • Wish there was some guitar hero in stock for Xbox one!

  • Just a quick heads up, the ps4 guitar hero is avaiable again $81.75 after discount

    • Was the Xbox One as well?

      Either it's doing really well or there is a broden thinking they can make some money on them…

      • I didn't see the Xbone version replenished today. Might be worth checking tomorrow and monday before the target deal runs out. Good luck

  • AC Syndicate on ps4 is back in stock, $51

  • Got destiny taken King Xbone for $59ish earlier today. Pretty happy with that price.

  • Peeps! Forza 6 and Halo 5 are back in stock - Halo 5 - Forza 6

    • Forza sold out again :'(

  • Super Smash Bros Back in stock 3 available…

    • And gone

  • Guitar Hero Live miraculously back in stock for Xbox One -…

  • I ordered my halo 5 copy yesterday, they still haven't shipped it to me and it is meant to be here by this Friday? Anyone else have the same issue?

    • Games can come via air, whereas I'm fairly certain consoles come via road due to the batteries so they take longer. Even if it says estimated time, they will say there was a delay or something and not much you can do
      Has happened to me before

      • Thanks for the quick respone, Halo as my favourite franchise + being inpatient isn't a good combination :D

      • UPDATE: Target finally sent my copy 1 hr ago, after 72 hours… Can't argue considering I got it for such a cheap price!

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