This was posted 9 years 4 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big W Games Promotion - Dragon Age Inq - $24, Titanfall $9 Plus over 300 Other Titles


Brand New Games Promotion running for the next month. Some good deals to be had. Stock Varies by store, some may be available online. Extension of TRENT86's deal

Deals Include:

Batman Origins - $15
Assassin's Creed 4 - from $17
Just Dance 4 - from $17
Screamride - $17
WWE 2k15 - $30
Final Fantasy Type 0 -$24
Dragon Age Inquisition - $25
Plants V Zombies - $17
Titanfall - $9
Skylanders Traps - $1
Infinity 2.0 Discs - $1

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closed Comments

  • +2

    again? not$3?

  • +2

    Probably the only decent picks (in my opinion) are Paper Mario for $29 and Skylanders Trap Team for tablets. The latter includes a wireless bluetooth controller too, which can be used for other games.

    • Trap team for tablet has been heavily discounted for quite a few months now at Amazon.

      Bear in mind that the controller that come with the box cannot be used with anythings else.

  • +1

    +1 for effort!

  • XB1 Lego Jurassic World is still $Fifty-Yawn

  • Was hoping Titanfall was for PC :-(

    • Yup.. No pc games..

  • Xbox360:
    Shadow of Mordor - $38
    ADvance Warfare - $39
    Farcry 4 - $34

    Titanfall is about the only deal at $9 =(

    • Apparently Titanfall Deluxe Edition is 75% of on the Xbox store with Gold today. Which makes it $5 USD.

  • Are they available online?

  • Nothing good..

  • +1

    wii u prices are the same

  • Yeah +1 for effort, not really bargains per se

  • +1

    'Brand new games promotion' for old games.

  • Dismal selection. No wonder they need $3 clearances - they're doing it wrong!

  • Thanks, found what I wanted yesterday - PS4 FFX remastered was waiting for a price drop.

  • +7

    $38 for Project Spark… isn't that game entirely free now?

  • Meh…. no deal

  • +1

    Dragon Age Inquisition is a steal for $24, good game.

    • +1

      Yes it is… but I'm still playing Witcher 3 from the recent $20 deal :)

      • Just called and put the last one outside at my local Big W. Love the series so hoping this is as good as the first two.

      • the witcher 3 was $20?!

        • Yeah well $15.15 US (~$21.50 AU at the time)

          Mind you they were serial keys for GOG which were ripped off video cards, so dodgy, but still worked.

  • Is there a text or spreadsheet for the deals? can't filter on the jpg.

  • Will EBgames price match?

    • Depends on the store imo. If a big w has tied up the ad in store and you take a photo. They are more likely to do it. Otherwise you can try showing them this deal. And get them to call big w to confirm.

    • If you're going to try it the Big W would need to be local to the EB. I've had EB try to weasel out of price-matching because they didn't think the store I was trying to price-match to (at the time it was Centrecom) was a 'direct competitor' because of proximity. I ended up pulling up google maps to show them that Centrecom was only a few minutes away by car and they caved.

  • Is this in-store only? The website doesn't show those prices.

    • +1

      Our website is run by a different company. Not all deals are available online.

      • +1

        That's a bummer makes it hard to price match when it's not on the website.

        Thanks for all your effort posting these though it's greatly appreciated!

  • +1

    Dragon age is def a deal at 24. Took me around 75hrs to complete so its great value for money. Thats like 32 cents per hr of gameplay :P

    • -1

      Is it worth investing time into it vs Witcher 3 or MGS5?

      • -1

        I dont think its fair the compare to them. Witcher 3 and mg5 are in a league of their own. Lol. Plus i finished inquisition before i played witcher. Mg5 has so much replayability, witcher 3 is so huge i still haven't completed it. But for 24 bucks inquisition is worth visiting if your a fan of adventure rpgs and slaying dragons.

      • +3

        I haven't finished Witcher 3 (that game is huge), but I've finished MGS5 and DA:I. While I'm a massive MGS fan, I'd rather play DA:I over MGS5. MGS5 felt more repetitive, and not as much happens.

        DA:I has good replayability, because the choices you make in game have noticeable effects, and the classes you can play are fun and unique. It's definitely worth the purchase (and I bought it at full price on release).

        • I see your point. I think this proves it all comes down to personal preference. As i found myself wanting to improve my overall effectiveness is missions and s rank those side ops. Plus im loving the multiplayer.
          That being said i do agree with wanting to go back and see how the story changes due to the different dialogue options.

          So we agree. DA i is great value for $24 :D

        • @lindendwightt: it got sort of repetitive, and not something you can pick it up for half an hour or an hour and see big progress. I dropped it off after about 40 hours. Just picked it up recently and got really into it. Waiting to get the GOTY edition now to finish the story. Can't wait! :D

        • @Silverwood: yeah i dont really buy rpg adventure games for quick fixes. Lol. I like sitting down for a few hrs and getting lost in em. What goty edition are you waiting on sorry? Witcher?

        • +1

          @lindendwightt: No, dragon age :D I know it's hard to just have short sessions with RPG but sometimes, that's all you have, I feel like most of my time are wasted gathering herbs and such. Stills a good game though

        • @Silverwood:

          Well I got home and thought I'd play for an hour. Bam action straight out of the box, played for 6 hours. Only got 4 hours sleep :( But I'm really liking it. Also this is the first DOA I've played on a console and for me on a controller I enjoy it more. For $24 you can't go wrong.

        • @2stroksmokr: Glad you're enjoying it! I bought it when it's brand new, just finished the story game, onto my second inquisitor now. My sister pour 150 hrs into the game and didn't have any regrets :D

  • +1

    +1 for effort. Nothing to amazing on the newer games, gotta grab and old one that went by/wasn't worth full price but that you wanna replay now.

  • Destiny for $20 is decent but sort of pointless when you consider the game is severely limited (literally they don't let you play full PVP) without the DLC

  • Titanfall does FALL a lot…

  • If anyone has bought (or about to purchase) a black Premium Mario Kart WiiU recently and not updated would happily pay you $30 and trade like for like. PM (my WiiU updated itself! much to my annoyance)

  • Just grabbed Dragon Age inquisition thanks OP.

  • Lack of ps3 games

  • Thanks op, picked up two ps4 games earlier to go along with the new console. Much appreciated

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got Final Fantasy Type-0.

    • thats what I want to get did you local store have lots of copies?
      I was hoping to price match it but they don't have it online.

      • +1

        I think there were five PS4 copies two weeks ago but only one left after I got mine tonight.

        • cheers heres hoping theres at least one left DX.

        • still had two copies of FFzero HD on the shelf at mine so i was able to take photos and price match at JB to use some giftcards yay!. Also they had like 7 copies of Wolfenstein New blood lol.

        • +1

          I bought mine last night and yeah, they had plenty of copies of all games.

          It came with 3 months free STAN as well, not sure if this is with all games or just my store.

        • @koganei: Any PlayStation purchase over $30 you should get a stan voucher. Only for new accounts though.

        • @L1QU1DD: But FF Type-0 was only $24. =P

  • Plants v Zombies GARDEN WARFARE that is xD
    Don't worry about it tho, no biggie

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