It's my first new car. What can I do to my car to ensure it stays new and wonderful?
Any cleaning products and car accessories suggestion (OzBargain style)?
It's my first new car. What can I do to my car to ensure it stays new and wonderful?
Any cleaning products and car accessories suggestion (OzBargain style)?
Better title: Just bought a new car to store in my garage. What can I do to my garage to ensure no one breaks in to key my car?
Yupp. Don't forget to get a lovely air freshener for your new car. If you hate that new car smell :P
Move to a better neighbourhood.
Having just had my car stolen (and found again, thankfully), there really isn't much. If they want it, they'll get it. They managed to spoof my central locking and unlock the car, then rip the ignition barrel out to start it. Keeping it in your garage is the best deterrent. Obviously this is difficult if you're parking away from home. Anything to deter would-be thieves is the key.
that's the downside of getting a new car
constantly worrying about you damaging it
or other people damaging it.
or when you are parking
and some a-hole has poor parking skills.
That's why it is better to get a not so new or expensive car.
Peace of mind
I absolutely agree about getting a used car, but my situation calls for a new car, so there's that.
what situation?
Partly yes. I was considering getting a used car, but after considering the pros and cons, I end up paying slight more (~$6k) to get a brand new one.
Pros: tax benefit, less paperwork, peace of mind about car history, choosing colour, getting more updated features, longer capped servicing & warranty.
Cons: Depreciation
con :
no more peace of mind,
constantly worrying about scratching.
whenever u parked u worry
I always get new cars.
They then get put on a hoist and lots of bits and pieces get swapped out.
Then I pull out a grinder (okay.. not a grinder, but it looks like it) to work on the paint on the whole car.
Dash cams solve the issue with poor parking skills.
most dash cams do not capture it
you need one "on activation" with both front and rear and hope you dont get hit on the side
with high enough res that you can see the license plate
True about side collision but most of the time, they'll be capture by the front or rear cam if it's a perpendicular spot as they turn in. It'll have to be a full t bone for the cams to not capture.
As for the activation, you can get dashcams that perpetually records but only save the last 30secs with proximity and/or impact. The camera usually runs off a power bank that recharges when the car is on, or wired directly into the power distribution box/cigarette lighter.
Our new car has been hit twice in public parking areas in the past 12 months…Not serious but damage was caused…Shits me to no end that people just drive off…Wish I had of invested in dash cams
It's never too late. It has the bonus advantage of dobbing in litter bugs, hoons, adults smoking in car with young children, mobile phone misuse… The list is as long as the satisfaction it'll bring you, and the gratitude of the conscientious public.
Mein corolla crashed with some idiot (not my fault) and I got 2.5k to fix the car's bump
Never fix it and now driving my car until it become un-usable because the value of the car is far less than the cost to fix it. Is it a good idea?
Anyway, ever since my car been bumped further more/ damaged. I never care about it
Just out of interest.
Why are the first few posts on any topic just rubish nonsense that arnt remotely funny or amusing?
I don't get it. Is there some sort of inside joke going on because it's really off putting to read through the garbage at the top to get to a serious response.
I know I'll get vote down, such is the trash in this place, but seriously how about those that can't post anything useful, OR witty just lose their privileges for a while or have a limit on the crap they vote ?
It's really having a detrimental effect to this site.
Welcome to the internet
To be absolutely honest with you, I (OP) am to blame too.
To ensure I get the answers I want, I need to make sure enough people comment on my topic. To make sure more people comment on my topic, it needs to reach the front page. The first few comments are commented by people who actively browse the forum. Once it hits front page, it's commented by people who visit the normal deals. For it to gain momentum to reach the front page, I need to make an interesting/"clickbaity" topic to humour the first few people.
OzB forum is a fun place. Half helpful/half jokey is win-win for everyone.
Just my 2 cents. =)
How about you go out? You need to park it in street sometimes. My Lexus got a deep scratch from head to trail. Then the other day someone kicked the mirror and cracked it. Assholes can be anywhere, they do damages for no reason. I would say the OP have better be mentally prepared.
Why do you have a Lexus but park on the street? Figured if you had a Lexus you would garage it if it was decent
Didn't you read his first two sentences?
TIP: Read his first two sentences.
If you still have the same question, than garage hypotheticals are the least of your worries…
@FittyFitty: excuse me, didn't understand the context of the first (if I may say poorly worded) sentence. I get it now
Its fairly un-ozbargin of you to buy a new car in the first place.
Depreciation will cost you way more than what you will save from spending your life on ozbargain.
But.. but.. I use great negotiating skills learnt from OzB forum to get myself a bargain new car. Can I still keep my OzB card, please?
What is this 'OzBargain card'? And where can I get one?
Buy 100 Eneloop batteries, get 1 OzBargain card
@supervigilante: Eneloops? what are they haven't seen a post for months on enloops starting to get withdrawal symptoms. Has Ozbargain finally saturated enloop market?
Free advice forum for life's non problems such as this thread. No physical card costs too much.
On the upside, he'll know the car's history and won't have any nasty little surprises.
Exactly, and I paid slightly more (compared to a used car of same model) for the benefit of peace of mind about car history as you've said, choosing colour, getting more updated features, longer capped servicing & warranty. Just because I bought new, doesn't mean I'm not getting a bargain. =)
By the same reasoning, ozbargainers should only buy clothes from thrift shops.
Macklemore style.
Reckon it would be a good idea to buy 2-hand from 1st-hand, someone you trust like your relative or best friends?
Trust me. After a few months, if not a few weeks, you wouldn't care less any more. Just drive it and enjoy it. That's what cars are for.
Yeah, I'm worried about hitting anything at the moment. Trying very hard not to scrape the wheel against the curb when I park. =/
Haha, Bought a new car in april and was so cautious. scraped wheel on gutter going down a carpark cause another vehicle was like driving into me. My heart sank. Give next to no shits now. Was one sad day though.
You'll be fine, it's the inconsiderate idiots at the shopping centres that you really need to look out for.
I felt murderous after discovering someone had opened their car door onto my 2 month old baby.
a mum once opened her car door wide and banged into my car because she needed maximum space to allow her kid to get off… while I was standing next to my car…
Perfect example of complete disregard for other's property. I hope you said something.
Glad to know i am not the only one this happens to. Park a mile away and perfect and some gronk will always do it. Scratch your car or park so close you can't open your door. Respect and consderation aren't words understood by all. I value my property and while to some it's just a car, it also represents the work it took to buy it.
I came into work one weekend and was greeted by a nearly empty car park. There was my car and one car parked opposite me.
Coming out an hour later and I find a huge scratch down the side of my rear bumper and a note on my windscreen. The lady had reversed out of her park and then hit my car on the opposite side……
This is why I always buy the cheapest reliable car that does the job I need and doesn't look like it fell out of a sewer. I always end up with station wagons that are about 8 years old though that's going to be hard now with wagons being phased out.
The first time I bought a car that I actually liked it betrayed me ;-) A Holden Berlina (Commodore) Wagon. On really hot days the climate control sensor would play up and register the temperature as -30 degrees so blow hot. There was no way to override this. Only solution was to open the windows and sweat it out. The problem was not reproducible on demand so I couldn't book it in and have it fixed by a dealer (and the cost wouldn't have been worth it). A big enough problem that I was happy when it eventually died.
Cars always betray you. Don't love them ;-)
@syousef: commos are the worst. Never had a car that failed more than than my vr, had crappy parts in it that other cars just don't have
Both my Ford wagon (2005 BAII) and my wife's (BA 2003) have had the brakes fail due to burst hoses. Apparently common. Luckily no accident caused. (After mine failed I warned her what to look out for. Mine happened at home on the driveway. Her's in a school zone). My window regulator has died and one of her door actuators died and another has played up. Also some other common issues that are more expected wear and tear (her intake manifold gasket needs redoing soon).
So I wish I could say I thought Ford was well ahead but to be honest Holden's been only slightly worse. It's just that it happened to be such a critical problem - blowing hot air on a hot day completely ruined the experience.
@JayM: at least she left a note. Someone sideswipped and broke my entire side mirror window including case and ran off without a note.
Hope karma gets them one day.
@syousef: do on know if the brake fluid was replaced in the brake system when you were supposed to do it? Old fluid is bad for lines, very corrosive. Was the bust just in a hose or at an end/fixture?
I find that mechanically the Ford seems better but I've never had one myself I have just taken a lot of anecdotal evidence from others, however it should make sense as the engine is in line and simpler, and therefore should have less problems and be easier to fix. Eg. No harmonic balancer that needs replacing every 100k, only one rocker cover, one manifold etc.
It's possible that old brake fluid contributed, but I've never had that with any other car. As far as I know it was the brake lines that burst not the ends. But I am not mechanically inclined so left that to my mechanic.
what car did u get? and the year?
how much did u pay?
Brand new Japanese car. Paid a fortune for it. =)
Don't get too precious, it will all be easier after the first incident. We bought a new car a few years back, 1st car = 1st new car (double whammy). Truth is, at the time we were not saving a lot to get a car that fit the bill, so we opted for a lower spec on a new car. No regrets. My better half scrapped the underside of the front spoiler about 2 weeks in, been a lot easier ever since.
completely agree, thats why I almost appreciate the first few scratches, gives me an excuse to stop caring about it and enjoy it
This is a true story. I was washing my 5 year old car one day and my mum told me to be careful for some reason not to scratch it. Knowing that a scratch on a car which had too many scratches and bumps won't make any difference I told her to relax and not to worry about it. She kept nagging me and I got frustrated so I kicked the car right in front of her just to prove a point.
You are an ass! Just kidding. Your point is right but maybe you can do it better to your mom.
Garaging is the single biggest thing you can do to reduce wear and tear on the car.
It's probably a good time to clean my garage.
Regular washes with the double bucket method.
Grit guard in both buckets and a decent wash mitt.
If you are serious about taking care of your paint, I would recommend Final Inspection. Melbourne based guys, and their products are really good. The feeling of having water bead nicely after polishing is so good. Check them out. Also, the owner is fantastic. Obviously busy dude, but took 20 minutes to explain the process, what products to get, what isn't really necessary, etc. Gotta give a shout out to them.
I can't fit my car in my garage because of all the bookshelves I've installed. Because you know what I like more than materialistic things? KNOWLEDGE.
Chinese proverbs: "You'll learn more by travelling a thousand miles than reading ten thousand books."
That was before the intrewebz
Everyone is an expert now. No traveling. No books
You go to a country for 1 month.
I go to Google for 1 month.
How much would you bet that I know more about said country than the traveler?
To read and to experience. Two different things.
Like watching porn and getting a date, different. True story.
The quantity of people's experiences I can read about in 1 month will still be more than the quantity of experiences you would have in that country in 1 month.
Also, when you experience experiences in a country, it will ultimately be anecdotal experiences so your knowledge and view of the country will be, at best, somewhat biased (that's assuming you actually stray outside the tourist areas which most tourists don't, that's why they're called tourist areas) and at worst, dreadfully misinformed (due to said bias).
However, by using Google, my information about the country will be more complete than yours because the knowledge I gained will be from multiple sources. Granted, the plural of anecdote is not data but having more pieces of the puzzle is better than less.
@DeafMutePretender: ignorance is a bliss. There are lots of things that inexpressible by word and thus can not be learned. You can read all you want about artworks but nothing will you learn about appreciating it unless you spend time with it. Anyway replying to this comment will prove to be my biggest mistakes today
Chinese proverbs: "You'll learn more by travelling a thousand miles than reading ten thousand books."
Yeah well try learning advanced physics by travelling a thousand miles.
If I'm travelling a thousand miles a second, maybe I could.
So do you like getting lots of knowledge about materialistic things?
It's a reference to a video on youtube. See TheOneWhoKnocks' comment.
What you have in your garage is insulation - Get yourself an ebook reader with internet connectivity and you have access to all the knowledge in the world. The is a treasure trove of literature out there and a lot of the classics are free.
It's a reference to a video on youtube. See TheOneWhoKnocks' comment.
People still have 'paper' books? Time to move into the 21st century. I have more books than most librarys on my thumb drive..
It's a reference to a video on youtube. See TheOneWhoKnocks' comment.
Cool, thanks for that - will check it out.
Ah, I didn't know it's a reference to this video.
Ha, yeah I didn't think there was a person alive who hadn't seen that stupid ad! The guy has since been outed as an enormous, lying douche:
Also the key in "his" Lamborghini has the rental tag on it. Fake it until you make it!
I watched this waiting for a punch line, what a waste of time!
me too!
He is a real (profanity)….But he's been trying in recent times.
I can't fit my car in my garage because of my 27 Lamborghinis I've got sitting there.
Needs lowering and a fat zorst.
Don't forget about the southern cross stickers
frangipani southern cross!!!
Leave it in the garage so that it stays spanking new. That's the only way no one will key it.
Once a year, you can polish it with a dust mit.