Where to Buy Car Key Replacement?

My car key (Honda Civic) is falling apart, I've had to sticky tape it to keep it working. I should get a replacement pronto but not sure where to get it. Do I go back to where I bought it or just any Honda dealer? Does anyone know?



  • Your local Honda dealer/service centre should be able to help.

  • +1

    could try your local mister minit

  • omg didnt know it'd cost around $400 to replace it :(

    • Hi macr0hard what did you end up doing?

  • You can try something like this:


    I'm pretty sure there are some freelance guys who does it out of their garage…. but how trustworthy they are, I wouldn't comment.

  • +2

    I assume that you have a key with buttons on it, and that it's the case/housing that's falling apart. If that's so, you can get replacement housings for a few bucks from eBay for a lot of cars, and all you need to do is put the original key and circuit board into the new housing.

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