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Free Copy of PETA's Vegetarian/Vegan Starter Kit


With all the recent media attention around the hazards of consuming processed foods and high amounts of red meat, I came across this freebie that I thought would be helpful to many.

I think it's a great initiative and hopefully a good resource to help kickstart healthier eating.

You can also download a free PDF copy from the same registration page, but this bargain lands you a free printed copy in the mail.

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PETA Australia
PETA Australia

closed Comments

  • +8

    I love lamb.

    • +1


      • +5

        No, hot is best.

        • +11

          i love all animals, specially with a bit of tomato sauce…

    • +5

      I love lamp.

      • +3

        Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?

  • +15

    i'm a member of P.E.T.A. - People Eating Tasty Animals

  • +10

    Going from one extreme to another is most certainly NOT healthy.
    Anyone considering a vegan diet probably already has emotional issues, and alienating your family and friends will not help your mental health.

    By all means avoid processed meats (we've known that for decades) and moderate your intake of red meat. But plenty of animal protein in the diet (especially in childhood) is one reason people are so much healthier today. Yes you can do that with eggs and dairy, but even better to add some fish and chicken if not red meat.

    PETA are nutters. There is plenty of better free info on vegetarian diets on the web. Free information is no bargain, especially when it is politically loaded.

    • +15

      i cannot agree more.
      PETA have a single idea in their head and do not listen to both sides.
      i agree with their thoughts on not eating captive animals (battery farmed ect) and i agree on the live export is horrible (it used to be much better conditions, my friend used to ride the boats that took sheep to hong kong (yearsssss ago))
      but they are a little to militant with trying to force their beliefs on people.

      Also this thing has been free on their website for ages and i believe this is the third time it has been posted on OzB in the last year

    • +11

      "Anyone considering a vegan diet probably already has emotional issues, and alienating your family and friends will not help your mental health."

      Do you have a source for this garbage?

      • +2

        No, but they probably have a lot of sauce with the garbage they eat.

      • +1

        Yes. Ask any vegan.
        How do you find a vegan? Don't worry, they'll let you know they're there.

    • +7

      "Anyone considering a vegan diet probably already has emotional issues, and alienating your family and friends will not help your mental health."

      Wake up, some of the nicest people I know are vegans and vegetarians, its a healthier option than meat. If people want to choose how they live their lives let them

      • +4

        its a healthier option than meat.

        links to source? i have never heard that and always read its quite the opposite. a healthy diet with meat for protein was always said to be the most healthy way to live.

        • +9

          You need a link to tell you vegetables are healthier than meat? Ie the basic of life? why do you think parents tell their kids to eat their vegetables? for fun? Also there are tons of sources of protein that are not in meat.

        • +3

          @clarky: "my mummy said" isnt what people call "credible evidence"… your mummy also said you are "beautiful" and "special" i bet?…….

        • @nosdan: Well that could be seen as a personal attack, but ill let you go on that one considering I am beautiful and special, i eat healthy ;)

        • -5


          considering I am beautiful and special

          obviously you missed the wiki link i added below about "magical thinking"…

        • @nosdan:
          Typical ravenous meat eater. It's all about blood for your type.

        • +3

          "Each 50-gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 per cent,"


        • +2

          @nineinchsnails: "processed meat" being the important word there. no one is under the delusion that bacon is healthy for you…. its just damn tasty

        • @nosdan: unless you butcher the animal yourself, then is not all meat processed to some degree?

        • +1

          haha i had typed out a whole thing about how i kill and butcher my own meat but decided not to post it but in fact mostly all i eat is kangaroo and venison these days, hunted at several friends farms and butchered myself. i also grow my own vegetables at home. add to that the yabbies and other fresh water fish (mostly trout and silver perch), the odd duck and rabbit (also all hunted and butchered myself)… and i think im fairly healthy in what i eat.

          but no, by processed they mean meat with stuff added. things like salted bacon and overly fatty foods like some sausages etc. they arent talking about simple steak etc.

          i have some pics of whole roo and deer hanging in the chiller for a month while it dry ages at 1 degree if you would like me to show them to you? :)

        • +2

          @nosdan: cool story bro

        • nosdan - a healthy diet with meat for protein was always said to be the most healthy way to live.

          Links to source?

        • @twocsies: just the very first link google handed me


        • +1

          @nosdan: Can you provide a quote to support your opinion that "a healthy diet with meat for protein was always said to be the most healthy way to live."

          There's no supporting evidence on the link you provided.

          To provide a quote, select the text with your mouse, paste it and put quotation marks around it. Also providing the link demonstrates generally good research skills.

        • +1


          1. Meat, fish, eggs and beans

          These foods are all good sources of protein, which is essential for growth and repair of the body. They are also good sources of a range of vitamins and minerals.

          Meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. It is also one of the main sources of vitamin B12. Try to eat lean cuts of meat and skinless poultry whenever possible to cut down on fat. Always cook meat thoroughly to avoid food poisoning, particularly with chicken.

          Fish is another important source of protein, and contains many vitamins and minerals. Oily fish such as salmon and tuna is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

          Aim for at least two portions of fish a week*, including one portion of oily fish. You can choose from fresh, frozen or canned, but canned and smoked fish can be high in salt.

          Eggs and pulses (including beans, nuts and seeds) are also great sources of protein. Nuts are high in fibre and a good alternative to snacks high in saturated fat, but they do still contain high levels of fat, so eat them in moderation.

          *note, fish are also made of that stuff called "meat"

          the whole reason you need to supplement a vego/vegan diet is because its inherently unhealthy. if your diet is inherently healthy you have no need to take other things like supplement for vitamins because your diet already contains them. how is that not obvious?


        • +1

          @nosdan: None of that information supports your opinion that "vego/vegan diet is… inherently unhealthy". What is so difficult? I can find a quote that definitely goes against this.

          "Are vegetarians really healthier in the long-run? Absolutely, positively, yes!"

        • -1


          @nosdan: Sorry bro, very hard to tell what is your typing and what's the thing you're copying and pasting. Quotation marks will definitely help.

          sometimes there is just no fixing stoopid…


          Member Since

          yea, you have been around here long enough to understand how quoting works…

        • @nosdan: You edited your response to add the quote section so it helped. No problem.

        • +1

          @nosdan: There are men in Rome. I am a man. Do I live in Rome?

          There are many proteins in meat. I need protein. Do I need to eat meat?

        • @twocsies: yea i did the second after i posted it caus i forgot the extra carrage returns… it still dosnt hold up tho caus you should have read it from the link when i originally posted it and not just waited to be spoon fed every line…

        • +1

          @twocsies: quote where i said you NEEDED to eat meat? i just said it was "the best" not "the only"

          edit: and i specifically left the bits about beans and nuts etc in the quoted text from the site because i am aware that those things, in moderation, are also good for you. just like meat, in moderation, is great for your health

        • @nosdan: Don't worry, I edited my response to remove the comment about quoting before you even scolded me for stoopidity.

        • @nosdan: Can you provide any source for your opinion that it's "the best"?

          Eating vegetarian is healthier in the long run. Vegetarians eat protein. So isn't it: Vegetarian protein is the best?

        • @nosdan: Don't worry, I edited my response to remove the comment about quoting before you even scolded me for stoopidity.

          thats why i rarely remove, its better to just use strikethrough on the old parts so people know what hte hell is going on when they read it :)

          also fwiw originally i said

          a healthy diet with meat for protein was always said to be the most healthy way to live.

          healthy, meaning amongst other things a balanced diet of meats, cereals, vegies, fruits etc. if you have a diet like this you have no need for external added vitamins etc because everything needed is in what you eat. but that should have been implied by the very word "healthy"

        • @nosdan:

          Can you provide any source for your opinion that it's "the best"?

          already have in the first link i googled, also explained in my last post.

          show me a vego/vegan diet that does not need supplement and gets all its nutrient from diet alone?

        • Vegetarian protein is the best?

          i also never said that….. and to quote what a great philosopher one wrote…..

          There are men in Rome. I am a man. Do I live in Rome?
          There are many proteins in meat. I need protein. Do I need to eat meat?

          i didnt say "meat protein was the best"… i said meat was the best way to get your protein… inherently true because a diet that contains animal products does not need supplement :)

        • +2

          @nosdan: I can review for you. About 10 comments ago, I posted a link to what most people would consider an unbiased source of medical information. I will link it again:

          "Are vegetarians really healthier in the long-run? Absolutely, positively, yes!"

          If we accept this, then we should accept the logical conclusion, that vegetarian protein is "the best". To prove otherwise, you would need to demonstrate that a meat-based diet provides better conclusions.

          Just because you don't understand how vegetarians get their protein without supplement doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. The supplement market is driven by meat eaters, since many more meat eaters take supplements.

        • +1

          "show me a vego/vegan diet that does not need supplement and gets all its nutrient from diet alone?"
          Why does it matter if you still get the nutrients you need? You're just being pedantic.

        • @twocsies:

          what most people would consider an unbiased source of medical information

          seen who sponsor the site? unbiased my arse. besides that i refuse to take what someone says on a blog as credible scientific evidence, specially when it dosnt even quote sources. its just an opinion on a blog…

        • @Venom_TAG:

          Why does it matter if you still get the nutrients you need?

          it dosnt and go be your happy vego/vegan selves… but dont spout bullshit that eating meat isnt the best and simplest way to a well rounded diet :)

        • bump

        • +1

          @nosdan: >seen who sponsor the site?
          Yes, the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. Its principles are:

          Our mission is to educate, equip and empower individuals and organizations with practical science-based training and resources to improve the health of others through the principles of Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition (L.E.A.N.).

          Maybe you think you have more knowledge and less bias than Dr. Sears:

          Dr. Bill Sears has been practicing medicine for over 40 years. He received his medical degree from St. Louis University and medical training at Harvard University, the University of Toronto and the National Institute of Health. Dr. Sears has been a clinical professor at the University of South Carolina, University of Southern California School of Medicine and University of Irvine School of Medicine.

          Personally, I am convinced that you have much less knowledge and a great deal more bias.

        • +1

          @nosdan: mate just leave it be

          if these deluded ppl are convinced that having an imbalanced vegan only diet is the way to live then let them eat their way out of the genepool

          im sure arguing semantics will increase longevity

        • +1

          @furythree: noone is saying you should have an "inbalanced vegan diet".

        • +1


      • +6

        There is very little evidence to suggest that a vegan life style is better for you then a diet that includes meat.
        and none of the evidence is entirely unbiased (most were funded by various vegetarian and vegan groups)
        so long as you eat a balanced diet with the right amount of both meat and vegetables.

        i personally have no problem with peoples dietary choices (unless you force them on me) except if your my housemate who eats nothing but frozen pies ect and then make the bathroom uninhabitable for 20 minutes then were gonna have a problem.

        plus a vegan diet can actually be the worst diet for you if you do not monitor your intake of certain vitamins especially B12.

        • -1

          Maybe B12 is important for some people, but I don't know anyone who is vegan or vego having any health probs from lack of B12

        • +2

          Any diet that is not regulated properly can be the worst diet for you.

        • @Venom_TAG:
          that is very true
          my bad. i should have put 'can be very bad for you' rather then 'can actually be the worst'

        • @clarky:

          Maybe B12 is important for some people, but

          and right there you have proven your true worth……


        • +3


          yeah this is just one of the problems that can arise from low B12

          also low B12 can effect fertility in both men and women

        • also low B12 can effect fertility in both men and women

          maybe that isnt such a bad thing in people that are too stupid to realise they need a balanced diet for health reasons…. kinda like chlorine for the gene pool…

        • +1

          Who is saying you dont need a balanced diet?
          Clearly from Clarky's comment if he does not know anyone suffering from lack of B12, they must be supplementing it.

        • @clarky: That's because a lot of Vegan diets include popping multivitamins and foods with extra added vitamins to supplement those that occur rarely outside of animal products.

        • +1

          @adventbargain: And the endless links for similar disorders of normal diets also found, such as peanut allergies etc

        • +1

          you realise allergies and sensitivities are completely different from what can happen if you do not understand what a body needs.
          my link was just pointing out one of the dangers if people don't know their facts before switching diets.
          Every diet has its dangers which people should be aware of before they change diet.
          which is why it is recommended that people consult a dietitian or nutritional expert before making a large change to their diet.
          just like its recommended that people check with their doctor for starting at a gym ect.

        • +1

          @adventbargain: i understand diet, the term referring to a choice of food, but some vegans and veggies don't do it for dieting, they make the choice cause they can't stand the thought of animals being tortured and massacred

        • @clarky:
          i never said anything about it being a choice for dieting.
          A dietitian or nutritional expert is there to make sure you get the right diet.
          you should consult a dietitian or nutritional expert when switching the foods you eat (like going from a diet containing meat to a veg or vegan diet) so that you are aware of the substitutes that have to be included like switching to nuts, seeds, legumes etc instead of meat.
          you should also talk to them so that you know what you need personally.
          I myself even with a good balanced diet do not absorb as much iron as most people so i have to supplement with extra iron rich foods like spinach.
          other people might absorb higher amounts from food and so should eat less of particular food stuffs.

        • @clarky: With the abundance of Vegemite in Australia, I find it doubtful that vegans in Australia find getting B12 to be difficult. Just eat Vegemite and breakfast cereal, the B12 in meat gets broken down by cooking anyway.


    • +3

      I'm a vegetarian, considering going vegan for personal reasons. I do not have emotional issues, it is purely a matter of choice. I completely understand what you are saying and in fact can relate to you calling PETA nutters, but don't think that one line was necessary.

    • +1

      'PETA are nutters.'

      Word, bro.

  • +13

    Not this stuff again.

    Thr majority don't like PETA and their fake love if animals.

    Their ethics are to kill animals.

    • +14

      I'm with diddy50 on this. PETA are the right wing loons of the animal liberation movement.

      They're long past sensible, and nothing the organisation says should ever be taken seriously.

      And I've read enough fact checked stories to know that PETA does everything but ensure the ethical treatment of animals.

      Or shorter: HELL NO!

      • +5

        Agreed, but Pamela Anderson does make it hard to resist!

        • +6

          Pamela Anderson does make it hard to resist!

          thats the only 2 good points about PETA….tho like peta she was washed up and outdated long ago..

    • -1

      "Their ethics are to kill animals." really?

      • +3

        "Their ethics are to kill animals." really?

        yea, you didnt know that? https://www.google.com.au/search?q=peta+kills+animals&ie=utf…

        they are well known for taking animals from shelters just to slaughter them because "they should not be kept as pets"

        • -4

          Think you need to look up the word "ethics" in a dictionary my friend, you should have said "PETA also kill animals in context"

        • +2

          their ethics are to kill animals rather than have them kept as pets… what more needs to be said? how else can you possibly justify that?

        • +1

          @nosdan: I don't agree or justify unless the animal is suffering.

        • +5


          Well their context for killing animals sucks, as they don't advertise their love of animals extends to killing them because they believe we shouldn't have dogs as pets.

          they should be registered as a terrorist organisation! haha

        • +1

          "If anyone has a good home, love, and respect to offer, we beg them: Go to a shelter and take one or two animals home. "

        • @diddy50: Actually, Diddy, they kinda are.

    • +4

      Agreed. They've killed pets and toss 'em in the trash. No respect for PETA.

      • Killing cows, lambs, pigs and chickens is ok but not dogs and cats?

        • +1

          Yes in most societies because cows, lambs, pigs and chickens are traditionally food. Cats and dogs are not, mostly for cultural reasons, but also note that dogs and cats are predator animals not prey/herd creatures. You can extend the logic to plants if you want to. Then your only option is to starve to death.

        • @syousef:

          I don't understand how you can compare killing an animal to a plant.

          Meat had to be eaten in the past or we would starve. It isn't necessary in this day and age.

        • +2


          What don't you understand?
          - Plants are alive too. You still have to take life to sustain life.
          - Animals can be killed so quickly that there is no suffering. They literally don't know what hit them. This should be the only way animals are slaughtered.
          - People are omnivores. They don't suddenly not need to eat meat that they evolved to eat because you dictated that it was thus.

        • +2


          Yes in most societies because cows, lambs, pigs and chickens are traditionally food.

          American Black people were traditionally slaves. Does it make it okay?

          Cats and dogs are not, mostly for cultural reasons

          Muslims mostly throw acid on women's faces after they get raped, for cultural reasons, because it's their fault they get raped. Does it make it okay?

        • @syousef:

          Plants are alive too. You still have to take life to sustain life.

          Plants are alive, but a plant has little to no awareness of its own pain and suffering. When you skin a dog inside out, while it is alive and conscious, it will show clear indications that it knows what it is happening and doesn't like it one bit, to say the least.

          When you knife a cow in the throat without bolting it into unconsciousness, it will show clear indications that it knows what it is happening and doesn't like it one bit, to say the least.

          Animals can be killed so quickly that there is no suffering. They literally don't know what hit them. This should be the only way animals are slaughtered.

          I bolded the important parts. They, indeed, can be killed so quickly that there is no suffering. This, indeed, should be the only way animals are slaughtered.

          But we don't do that, because it is not economically feasible, because it hurts the bottom line, or because we live export the animals to some Middle East country and well, human life is cheap there, animals even less so, and the laws regarding animal welfare reflect this (ie. there isn't any).

          Apart from that, I agree with the quoted statement.

        • @DeafMutePretender:

          "American Black people were traditionally slaves. Does it make it okay?"


          I agree with this point.

        • @Chroma:

          Do you agree with my overall rhetoric/argument or do you agree that black people should go back to being slaves lol?

        • +1


          I can see you're in the same camp as the PETA zealots. You clearly can't tell the difference between human beings and animals.

          You have a valid point that it's not okay based solely on traditional values, but the question was asked why people accept that it is okay, and the cultural explanation is exactly the correct one. In some cultures cats and dogs are indeed or have in the past been seen as food. Circly asked why and I provided an answer. Your attack is a straw man.

        • +1


          How do you know what a plant is or isn't aware of? So if I make the animal unaware it's going to be killed or knock it unconscious or kill it in it's sleep, is that okay?

          At no point did I advocate knifing a cow in the throat or skinning a dog while alive and conscious so please spare me yet another straw man. I'm all for the animals being killed in the least traumatic and painful way possible. I would advocate for laws that make the can and should that you're bolding to be must. And yes it would be economically feasible. There are plenty of restrictions placed on individuals and business to ensure safety, fairness etc. that would be economically unfeasible without a level playing field. That argument was once made against human slavery which you referenced in your last post.

  • +4

    Already have the vegan starter kit. It is called "the lawn".

  • +10

    How can you tell if someone is vegan?

    Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    • +2

      Wow, that joke never gets old

    • +3

      This 'joke' is said way more than people actually saying their vegan.

    • How often do people need to eat? At least 3 times a day. So, it's likely to come up a fair bit. Got any new jokes?

  • +6

    I'm fairly sure this is always free, which makes this not a bargain.

  • +2

    In regards to becoming Vegan, I agree with many it has almost become some kind of religion for some people. In the past it was the vegetarians that were out wanting to convert everyone, now the vegans have emerged. As long as Vegans are aware that they need to consume an adequate amount of B12 as otherwise they are at higher risk of developing cardiovascular issues. P.s. In order to download the eco-friendly pdf: give Peta all your personal information so they can probably stalk you. Great deal: bonus stalking!! However, if you're not into that kinda stuff. It's not a deal. This kind of information can be found everywhere.

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