This was posted 9 years 5 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

MX Master $98, NetGear R7000 $205, Crucial BX100 500GB SSD $235 + More (to Get Voucher) @ eBay


Digging through past deals, I came up with a list of items with decent pricing. I usually wouldn't post it this early in case of price jacking, but I highly doubt that'll happen, since many of the competition who also offer C&C have the same price.

So pretty much from 7am tomorrow, if you spend $100 from a participating store, you'll get a free $50 eBay voucher, and if you spend $200, you'll get a free $100 voucher.

Original Spend $100 Get $50 Voucher/Spend $200 Get $100 Voucher deal. Excludes WA/SA

Don't forget cashbackrewards. Such a shame the 4% ends tonight :(.

Here is the list, sorted by ascending order of price:

Logitech MX Master Mouse $98 You'll need to spend another $2 in the order to get voucher.

SanDisk SSD PLUS 240GB $114.5 Usually posted everytime there is a voucher, so I guess it was compulsory to include this XD.

Crucial BX100 250GB SSD $135.0

TP-LINK ARCHER-D7 Router $159.95 Would be wise to spend the extra $40.05 for the $100 voucher

Nespresso Inissia $189 Would be wise to spend the extra $11 for the $100 voucher.

Netgear Nighthawk R7000 Router $205 Very decent deal

Crucial BX100 500GB SSD $235 Probably the best deal IMO

TP-LINK ARCHER-D9 Router $254

Seagate Archive 8TB Hard Drive $356

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closed Comments

  • i got my 8tb seagate for $309 and they have gone as low as $299. That being said, it is still slightly tempting to get another.

    • how are you finding it?

      • +2

        Drive works great for me. It is my long term movie and old tv series drive. I have barely scratched the surface of it yet. I find copying large volumes of information (>20gb) rather slow but it works well with lesser amounts.

        TBH I tend to do a single folder move of a large volume of things and then go to sleep so it doesn't really effect me.

        I also use it to stream my shows via Plex etc and have had no issues.

        • Awesome, thanks for the feedback - do you have it internally mounted on a Plex server or are you using it as an external drive?

        • +2

          @bdl: internally mounted and I have my Plex media manager just point to various folders on it. Eg movies, old TV, Stuff my wife likes. Etc.

  • +1

    I got the R8000 for $194 a month or so back. Woot.

  • How do you find a store on the eBay app which does click and collect? The links above are but I tried finding it on my app but got too many results. Is there some sort of search parameter?

    • +1

      There should be a list somewhere, though I just searched for items with 'click and collect' and ignored all the dick smith/good guys etc ones.

  • let the price jacking begin :)

  • Are we sure this offer applies to Peters of Kensington?

    • I remember that it was applied in the past, so its a great chance.

  • +1

    Isn't that just the regular eBay price for the R7000? Which would make the deal not the actual router, but the $100 eBay voucher?

    Try this (Futu has the same price)…

    Asus AC68U for $219 = $194 after cashback and spend the $11 on instant scratches, win $2million and buy more stuff.

    • +5

      I guarantee that in 2 weeks time you'll wonder what life was like without Sphero…. oh wait no you won't because it'll be the same except you're $139 poorer.

      • Lol. I actually got the Sphero 2.0 two years ago and I know that feeling :-)

  • Any deals on gopros?

  • +1

    The D9 modem router is not worth getting for $254, it has been $199 + free ship on several occasions.

    • +1

      But wouldn't this effectively make it $154, so even though it is still more expensive, ultimately if you need one you're still saving money?

  • Great find OP

  • Hi Guys,

    Just FYI some of our prices are going to be cheaper in a moment as we are sending an email out to our members. Also, there's a listing for that MX Master in a bundle that takes it into voucher zone.

    Let me know if you guys want our sale pricing listed anywhere, not sure if it's counted as advertising 'cause I'm rep.

    Gigabyte Brix @ $201 looks like a good buy

  • Damn i just purchased bx100 500gb from shopping express otherwise this will be sweat with $100 voucher
    Can we return the item to shopping express?

  • pretty dissapointed with the mx master.
    i liked the previous mx performance.
    mx performance you could actually change the rechargeabole battery if need be and also the button to enable/disable the free spin on the mousewheel is now an electronic button where as before it was more like a latch… not sure if i explained it properly but these kinda annoy me haha.
    i can see later on down the track the buttom may become unresponsive.
    thats how everyone is going these days anyway, make something so it wont last as long so i buy another one.
    what will they think of next

  • MX Master mouse claims 40 days battery life. I get 2 weeks from a full charge, lol. And I only use the PC a few hours a day.

  • Does anyone know much about 8TB archive drives? I assume they are good for streaming large mkv file (20-30gb) over a server but slow at bulk copying data? as @danielh said

    But I'm curious for people who are following the tech, if I don't need a new HDD for around the next 6 months, is it worth purchasing? or should I wait with 16TB SSD's on the way etc. the HDD and SSD prices will fall as capacities get larger? or is all this years away and in the next 12 months we would only expect to see a few more 8TB HDD's by other manufactures and no real change in the storage landscape? therefore this is a good buy now?


    I don't need more HDD space for at least 6 months.

    should I wait for bigger and cheaper drives?
    is this so cheap it's worth jumping on now?

  • I purchased the Master MX + 16GB Flash Drive, and I received a Master MX + 16Gb microSD card instead.
    Anyone got same issue or just shipping error? MicroSD is useless for me

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