I got pulled over yesterday for using my phone while waiting at a traffic signal in Rowville, VIC. Got an infringement notice from the police officer for $455 and 4 demerit points. I guess what made the experience NOT as horrifying is the fact that the officer was quite empathetic and kept saying "he hates writing out such a high fine."
Basically my phone cradle broke off at the base that morning and I just didn't get around to replacing it.
Of course it was my mistake. I KNOW what I did was dangerous. I accept that.
I was just wondering if ANYONE has been able to get the penalty amount reduced or dare I say, gotten out of having to pay the whole amount.
Again, I KNOW its my fault. While I can expect mean judgmental responses from some of the forum users (which is pretty much akin to being a troll, by the way), I'd really like to get constructive responses. Thank you.
No. What you did was not dangerous but it was against the law. You stopped at a traffic light. You were not using it while driving and ran a traffic light.