Our Made for Memories cookbook will be available in Woolworths from October, 2015 (while stocks last). You can either purchase it (RRP $24.95), or pick one up for free when you buy 3 x 1kg products from the CSR range.
Buy 3x 1kg CSR Sugar Products from Woolworths, Get Free CSR Cookbook (Worth $24.95)

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was the previous promotion "get a free "Dealing with Diabetes" book ?
It should really come with a free diabetes test kit.
And a treadmill!
and health insurance
3kg sugar…..?
That's a lot of coffees
But probably not many cakes with CSR authoring the recipes
pointed comment
Would lose it's point after all that sugar though
I remember getting one of the cookbooks free sometime ago.
Just searched and found the online download links still work via this deal:
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/143255Edit: apparently not the same cookbook. But anyway.
This will go perfectly next to my "I Quit Sugar" cookbook.
Wish it came with some kind of dental plan
Lisa needs braces
Dental plan
Does anybody even cookbook anymore?
I google
I hire a cook
I do, I also use google a lot, but it is totally unreliable, the recipes disappear, are not tested, and often are missing steps (due to people just copy pasting them from another site). I write my own cookbook too, for my kids when i die, so they know how to make stuff just like mum made it :)
Do people still use cook books any more? seriously you have millions of options with a quick search why do we need a physical book?
Can look good on the shelf
First you get the sugar….then you get the power… then you get the women….
Is there any difference between branded sugar(csr) and unbranded sugar (homebrand, black and gold etc)? As unbranded sugar is a lot cheaper
Country of manufacture
Aren't they all australian made ?
'Made For Memories' because sugar kills you.
One always fondly remembers one's lost limb due to diabetes.
I try to consume sugar around 8-10 tsp a day. Actual use of sugar is around 2 tsp/day and the rest are from hidden sugars.
dead man walking
Gee, this is a pretty sweet deal!
Door's that way, wheatgrass
"If the sugar refining company won't save me Who's gonna save me?"
I love that no matter how "free" something is, you guys always find a way to bicker about it. If you don't eat sugar, then scroll past, if you do, 3kgs is only 1 more kg than I usually buy in my fortnightly shop, and drygoods last. If you don't like cookbooks, you are under no obligation to take every freebie on offer, but if you must Xmas is coming and i am sure you have a less pedantic relative who will appreciate it.
doubt it…
Time to stock up though…