Hey guys,
My friends daughter (14 years old) recently started a blog on cake recipes and other tasty morsels, at the moment it is just a hobby, but she is putting quite a bit of time on it in terms of taking photos and creating new recipes.
Personally I am not very good with websites either but I have found that getting real feedback is the best way to improve. I believe she is using wordpress at the moment.
By the way the recipes are seriously good, I tried the Cherry Ripe cake and it was on point!
If you had time I would really appreciate any feedback you can provide on how she can improve the site, also can post any comments you may have to her directly on her website. I know she would really appreciate the support. :)
I feel depressed knowing 14 years old kid can make this good website while me at my middle adult and can't do shit.
fml (FartMeLife)