This was posted 9 years 4 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fallout 4 Pre-Order [] [Facebook Like + Email Required] ($53.59AUD)

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Go here and put in your email for a 5% off code: (facebook like + email required).

then use the main link. Did some research, all looks legit and its the cheapest I've seen around currently, especially with our terrible USD exchange rate.

Has Paypal checkout too. Game is activated on steam no matter where you buy it, so the retailler doesn't matter once you get the key.

Please note: its a pre-order, you wont get the key until "on or before 10th November", the release date.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Guaranteed price will be cheaper 2 days after release

    • Some go up, some go down, some dont shift, it really depends on supply and demand, of which Im sure both are massive for this game.

      For me, I had $100 USD in my steam account but I didnt want to pay $80 USD for the game, thats a total ripoff, so I looked elsewhere and found this deal.

  • The link doesn't seem to be working for the 5%

  • I wouldn't make a preorder on a relatively shady key reseller. More information here

    • +7 is unauthorised, but not shady. When Ubisoft retracted Far Cry 4 keys, refunded every user.

      This story has loads of deals posted here on OzBargain. I've made countless purchases through them.

      • Those keys were purchased with stolen credit card numbers, so they are shady - the fact they refunded you is irrelevant. I don't understand why you would purchase these keys anyway… You're paying money for the privilege of pirating the game.

        • No we are not, we're buying a legit key for the game that activates on steam, show me a copy on TPB or similar that activates on steam? Ill be waiting…

          Generally the key sites buy from regions where they are sold cheaper, east europe, asia, etc. then sell them onto anyone. Its "grey importing" for sure, but its legit keys created by the game makers and not pirated keys. Ive never had a key fail over time and I have some 5+ years old in my steam profile, even those that have required a Russian VPN to activate.

          The biggest revocation of keys Ive seen was when a truck load of copies were stolen and sold onto key sites, most sites refunded those that had their keys revoked or gave them other keys.

        • +1


          Sigh. Developers don't consider these keys to be legitimate as they are not supposed to be on-sold to other regions like this. The fact it activates on steam doesn't matter - it still has the same legitimacy of a copy found on TPB. The only difference is that you pay money, and by doing so you also screw over people who actually live in the low-cost regions. Publishers are now pulling the discounted pricing strategy (or implementing restrictive region locks) and are reverting to full western prices due to this very situation.

          It's for that reason that purchasing these grey keys is even worse than simply downloading a copy off TPB. Those people don't hurt anyone - you do. You would be hard pressed to find a developer that wouldn't prefer you pirate their games instead of purchasing grey market keys. But if you want to waste your money and screw other people, go ahead.

        • +1

          Not to point out the obvious, but it's not exactly unheard-of to buy goods from overseas for a cheaper price.

          The internet has removed most borders for retail - if I'm going to order some shoes from the UK because they're cheaper than in Australia, then I'm going order videogames from overseas territories too. Whether the developers "consider the keys to be legitimate", isn't really relevent in the global marketplace - your buyers are absolutely going to take advantage of the cheapest prices, and resellers like CDKeys enable this.

          Your statement "the fact it activates on steam doesn't matter - it still has the same legitimacy of a copy found on TPB" is total nonsense - just because your key came from Hungary, doesn't make it any less real than a key that came from France or Australia or America !

        • Developers who price gouge Australian customers 25% more for an identical product to the US is the reason I do this. If it was $59.99USD like over there I wouldnt have even looked around TBH as id rather use my steam credit then pay out of my wallet.

          So I find it really hard to feel sorry for them paying less when they're actively trying to screw me over. Plenty of other publishers sell at the same pricing, its just bigger ones go for the price gouge.

          And to say giving the devs some money is worse then no money is just crazy talk. Are you trying to say people who wait 6 months to buy it on special are also screwing over publishers/developers? Cause I bet they get less money then too.

          Im comparing Steam AU to Steam US, $59.99 USD to $79.99 USD. And no, taxes dont count for it, 10% of $59.99 isnt $20.

    • Cdkeys are not shady at all. Buy from them all the time.

    • Ive bought many keys from many sites and never been ripped off, worst Ive had is a ~3 day way for an already released game.

  • Please note: its a pre-order, you wont get the key until "on or before 10th November", the release date.

    According to most of their pre-release Facebook statuses, they work off UK time.

    • Just want to heads up to people expecting the key before release.

  • +3

    They also have a good deal for Mad Max PC + DLC AU$17.53

  • +1

    don't forget to grab the Fallout 4 Season Pass for all the DLC as well -…

    $83.35 AUD for both after the 5% discount.

    EDIT: hmm COD III is $50.14 AUD.. tempting. Star Wars: Battlefront is $62

    • Battlefront 2 has been said to be pretty dull and boring for those in the beta, so Id look into that one more before buying.

      COD seems to just be COD now, not my game but you should know what you're getting.

      I have some steam credit so I plan on buying the FO4 seasonpass there, so didnt post it >.>

  • Did this actually work for anyone ? I just get “Coupon code "XXXXXXXXXX" is not valid.” when I try to use the code.

    • I've just gone through the process again, and it's given me a new code - and the new code works fine. If anyone else is having issues, just try again later !

      • +1

        Codes are randomly generated and have a 30 minute expiry. Your code probably expired as you were checking out.

  • Prices for fallout 4 now up at 56.55 after 5% off

  • Hi,
    Has anyone actually received a code from CDKEYS prior to the release date/time? i've used them multiple times but only for games that were already out - those keys were dispatched immediately upon purchase.
    I've seen a comment here that mentions that they work of UK time, but i wanted to ask if anyone has received a pre-order key prior to release date/time (even in relation to the UK release date and time)?
    i've already purchased FO4 from them - deal was too good to pass up.

    • OP here, nope, no key yet but they say on or before Nov 10th, so I dont expect to get it until the 11th our time. After that Ill ask questions.

      • I hope its not on the 11th!!! especially as bethesda says that AU will be able to get it at midnight on the 10th. But i dont know if Steam will comply with this time or not.

        • Your key isn't coming from Australia, so the Australian release time is irrelevent.
          If the key comes from the UK, then you'll get it sometime soon after the UK release. Probably the 11th or soon after.

        • @Nom: got my keys from cdkeys! pre-loading now.

        • FYI, I got my key overnight, I ordered within an hour before I made this post so hopefully you've got yours or will soon!

          I put it into steam and its pre-loading now.

        • @Specter:
          My key came through yesterday too - preloaded and ready to go :D :D

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