Winter Electricity Bill - VICTORIA

We just came out of a cold winter.

What is everyone's Electricity usage for this winter quarter and what is your dwelling type? Are you in Vic?

I tried to look it up online to see if there's any information on average electricity usage per winter quarter… can't seem to find much.

I live in an one bedroom apartment with my partner.

My electricity bill was $440 after 5% pay on time discount. (total of 1690kwh for the quarter)

Is this a lot?

Story of my life:

Renting 1 bed 1 bath 1 carpark.

Rent is $500 p/w bill included.

Landlord whinged that our bills are too high.

Our power bill was 440 for the quarter. Gas was 180 for 2 month.

Landlord's expectation is apparently:

$150 power bill for winter quarter.
$80 gas bill for two month.


  • I'm in Sydney and managed to hit $900 for my latest bill :(. 4 people living in 2bdr

    • Holy moly! :( :( :(
      Good luck with that!! D:

  • $330. 4 people, 4 bedroom duplex. We have solar power and don't use heating. Nsw

    • Seems like solar power helps a lot, maybe I should tell landlord to install one, but eff that. I am done dealing with the landlord!

      • useful when there's daylight so we use less electricity from the grid. When we get our bill, electricity company pays us like 10 bucks.

  • Sydney, 3 bed place, 2 adults 2 kids. No gas all electric, no solar panels, off peak water heater. Reverse cycle air con on mostly evenings only and a wife that feels the cold and therefore puts the heating on much more than I would. $665.

    • That is actually pretty decent price you got there with the amount of usage you use! Well done! :D

  • +1

    $180 per month?!
    Minus GST, supply charges that would leave you about $63 of actual usage.. (based on $1.10 per day supply charge) which then would mean $63/0.25 (usage rate) equals to about 252kw over a 90 day billing cycle .. which is about 2.8kw per day. I've seen vacant houses use more!

    My bills are about $93 per month for both Elec & Gas (family of 4) but I work in the industry so my bills would be irrelevant.

    • What's $180 per month? Nahhhhh we used about $180 for two months for gas.

      440 electricity for winter quarter.

      Don't forget the rent I'm being charged! $500 per week for one bed one bath one carpark in a 45sqm space.

      Surely the money I paid is more than enough to cover it.

      Greedy landlord!!!

      Hahahaha numbers! Too many numbers!

  • The only way that rent would be reasonable is if you were in the city in a modern (built last 5 years) apartment; otherwise you're getting ripped off.


    I live in a large 2 bedroom apartment in the city (Melbourne). We don't have gas, everything is electric (hot water, kitchen stove, split system etc). Our bill was $470 for the winter 3 month quarter (May 18 - Aug 18). Rent is $450 p/w. The 1 bedrooms in the same building are $400 p/w.

    I'm guessing you're using crappy panel/eletric heaters? or a really old split system?

    Enjoy the eviction and find somewhere else to live.

    • Hahahaha thanks I'm loving the eviction! Probably good riddance anyway!

      Old spilt system about 10+ years old or could be more. This place is like 30 or 40 years old.

  • +1

    I would think your bill would say the typical consumption per person.

    From a data sheet from origin for victoria prices:

    Daily Supply Charge cents per day 109.780
    kWh/Day cents per kWh 25.509

    days in quarter = 90

    109x90 = $98

    to give a 150 dollar quarter on this plan your looking at 2kWh usage per day before you start going over.

    From memory my consumption was around 17kWh per day with no A/C

    Your landlords dreamin

    • Nice one! I wish I had all these information when landlord was giving me the sh1tz.
      I don't have the bills. Landlord has it as its sent to landlords residential address. Landlord is probably also a tax fraud.

      I'm sure landlord also has their own bills at their place. I wonder if it's $150 for their winter quarter.

      Perhaps I'm meant to live in the dark the whole time and wrap myself in thick blankets? Who knows. Def dreaming!!

  • +1

    $150 power bill for winter quarter.
    $80 gas bill for two month.

    Are they kidding????

    Mine winter electricity bill was even $127 with AGL with first month free.

    I am living myself and I have tried my best to save the power.

    Cannot believe this is true….

    • Lol yep. It's a huge amount and excessive it sends the landlord into deficit - that was what the landlord told me.

      First of all - wtf!! I pay $500 per week for a small matchbox space with contract clearly written 'all bills included'.

      Secondly - how is it possible to have those kinda bill amounts? Like what planet was the landlord from?

      Lastly - I got called an unreasonable, unethical person and a bully for sending a pic of the contract to the landlord telling the landlord to read it and told the landlord I will not pay anything extra.

      If the landlord does not know how to lease, then don't. Hire someone and get them to do it. But wait, I guess not. They probably would have a go at the agent with the commission they wanting to charge anyway.

  • I'm in a one-bedroom place in Melbourne's North and my last bill (paid a month ago) was $142. My bills actually drop over winter though because I don't use a heater (well, I think I used it two or three times). I hate being hot, so while I have two reverse-cycle aircons I just don't use them over the winter months. I also don't have gas. I've already used the airconditioners though and they'll get a belting over summer, so I'm certain my next bill will definitely be more. I'm with Momentum and find them to be super cheap, in case anyone cares.

    • I wish I'm feeling hot all the time in winter. Unfortunately the area I'm staying at the moment is near the Bay Area. It's cold and indoor temperature without heating is around 9-12 degrees. :/ I don't think I would be able to survive without heater. Hahaha.

      We had to block the front door gap as well as sealing the window gaps to try to keep warm air in as well! Coz this place is old.

      You might be the first person so far that replied has fall under that $150 expectation… Maybe landlord should note on ads - prefer someone who will not use the heater. However again with a weekly rent of $500 for one bedder. Good luck telling tenants that.

      • He's obviously being unrealistic. While I would meet his expectations over winter, clearly my bill would go up as it gets warmer when he would expect it to be going down. My place is also only a couple of years old, so I don't have a problem with gaps and drafts either.

        Yeah, for $500/week for a 1 bedroom place I'd expect all my bills paid for as a minimum, with no complaints from my landlord about anything. He's doing well for himself out of the deal, no doubt about it. My mortgage plus bills (including rates and body corporate) would come in at under $500/week easily.

        • Totally. I didn't really tell the landlord the rent was high, etc. It's just a waste of time. lol. Oh well.

  • 3 bedroom house, 4 people.
    I thought ours was high. I had 5% discount for paying on time, which is practically nothing.
    If you're with AGL, there's a 20something % off thing

    • Thanks! Hmm I didn't chose the provider. Landlord did. They should look up the new pricing. Bet they have been with that old tariff for ages!

      • +1

        it's not a HUGE difference, but if i had gone on that tariff, i'd have saved $40 on my last bill. :<

        • $40 is still something! :D

  • -1

    In my opinion the landlord has acted in an unprofessional and unfair manner and you have many avenues to pursue if you wish, however, some of your replies op on what you will do in retaliation are absolutely disgusting. What on earth has happened in society to think that things like 'posting her a bag of s***' etc are ok? Where have your morals gone? Honestly? Are you serious?
    Posts like this make me feel ashamed to be a part of this 'community'.

    • +1

      LOL, calm down superspy. You really think I am going to post the landlord a bag of sh1t?

      It's a joke. You need to relax. I haven't done anything nor will I do anything. IF I am going to do anything, it would probably be hiring a lawyer, anything law related! LOL. Ever heard of #trolling?

  • This landlord is laughable. If he is concern about the electricity and gas bills he should have put a cap for each/both in the contract or shouldn't be part of the contract at all.

    Besides, $500 for a 1 bedroom unit isn't cheap. Both bills comes to $47.69 a week so your rent is essentially $452.30 a week. That's pretty fair.

    • I know right? No fine prints nothing, just a two pages contract. The bill landlord received is not ridiculous. I thought it was just normal winter bills. The rent is like 1.5 times over than the ones in that area per week. The place is also an old as place, not a new flashy roof top house or anything.

      Really not sure what the deal is. Don't really care what landlord wants now anyway. I will only pay $500 per week, and nothing more will be paid.

      I could gone ahead and preach the crap out of landlord but I guess with retarded people, there's not much point wasting time on the whole saga. I just wanted to move on. :)

  • My electricity bill 1 month during winter is $160.
    1 bedroom apartment, 2 people.
    We don't cook though (stove-top use electricity).
    Hot water use gas - bill around $85 per month with Origin.
    This is in VIC, in CBD.

    I guess since you are moving out next month just take a deep breath and let it go ;)

    • Hehehe, thank you!

      Yeh, I posted it on outta curiosity to see if I am really the unreasonable one that the landlord is referring to.

      I guess not.

  • Renting 4 bed 2 bath in Muswellbrook NSW.

    Rent is $195 p/w bill included.

    My power bill was 440 for the quarter. Gas was 180 for 2 month.

    Landlord's expectation is apparently:

    $150 power bill for winter quarter.
    $80 gas bill for two month.

    Previous quarter charge as at 28/06/2015 =$381.17
    This quarter charge is $529.79 + Pay on Time Discount on this bill -$67.41= $462.38

    Only myself and another worker stay in the house and I don't use heater or aircond at all.

    • conclusion: landlord has ridiculous expectation!

  • Well, your rent seems too much to me. I live pretty close to the CBD in a one bedroom apartment with my spouse, and rent is below 300 p/w including water bills (also, the apartment's internal fittings are very good).

    All appliances are electric, and it cost me about 100 AUD per month for the bills. We however did not use heating except for the sleeping period. Anyway, I do not think you bills are very high, specially when you are paying such a high rent!

    • +1

      Hahahaha, I rented the place thinking I can just pay rent every week and dont have to deal with bills and stuff. A dream of easy life, hassle free has turned my time in this rent place upside down with landlord's harassing calls, msgs, emails, you name it. The only thing landlord hasn't done is to come and knock on the door. thank god

      Stuff that. Will be out soon!

  • This thread has been an eye-opening experience for me.

    I had previously believed that we are paying too much. I'm in VIC, eastern suburb, with AGL.

    When I was on my own, my electricity bill per quarter was about ~$150. Now living with another person, electricity bill per quarter is ~$180. Gas was $70 rarely cooked now $110 because we cook daily.

    However, we don't have centralised cooling or heating. When it is really unbearable we turn on the electric heater for 10 minutes before bed. I actually don't mind the cold personally.

    To be fair, whether or not a person thinks something is too much is subjective.

    Regarding whether or not a landlord needs a reason and how many days notice they must give, I recently had some experience with this, this page may be helpful:

    Hopefully you get things worked out alright!

    • Agreed. It's subjective. If things are included in the contract, the landlord should honor it or trying to negotiate or adjust the rent to be lower, rather than trying to harass for more money through all channels.

      Damn, ur electricity is quite low. I hate the coldness, I even have a small blanket at work, coz I'm constantly feeling cold at work during winter.

      Yeh we will be alright. :)

      Stuff the landlord, it's good riddance anyway!

  • I get drunk and fall asleep with the heater on. Come summer, I will get drunk and fall asleep with the AC on. I should really remember to put the split system on a timer.

    • +1

      Hahahaha. Or stop getting wasted!!

      • +1

        Hmm. I find your idea foreign. If I stay sober, who will turn on the AC? Some drunk person? Preposterous. Drinking and leaving the AC going is the only sensible approach :-p

        More seriously, buying block-out blinds or external blinds can significantly reduce bills. Keep in mind that when sunlight hits a window it can be intensified which can heat a room incredibly quickly. My bedroom is unfortunately ideally placed in the view of the afternoon sun. Pair that with daylight saving and you have an oven. I have registered 48 degrees at the height of summer.

        Prevention is better than cure.

  • +1

    Contact the TUV.

    This scumbag landlord is breaking the law and should be held to account.

    Challenge him for compensation and make sure the courts handle him correctly.

    This sort of landlord deserves everything they get.

    The TUV is actually useful unlike their equivalent in other states, use them.

    For an experiment, repost this with the title "My landlord trying to evict me" to get a contrary opinion from the scumbag landlords of ozbargain. There are plenty.

    • Hahaha, no thanks for the experiment! Gonna cause too much stir! Won't be able to handle the heat.

      If the landlord lets me catch they re-let the place within 6 months, I'll pursue it. For now we are just really enjoying the peace and quiet time we finally got back. :)

      Do not wish to hear from the landlord too soon. It was just way too much contact (daily harass) from the landlord in the past fortnight.

  • Spare a thought for us poor souls who live in the tropics. Summer begins around now for us and finishes in April. Air-cons are the only viable cooling method. Two persons living in normal type house, the Dec-Feb bill was $1,200. Now with a Solar $12,000 investment the highest quarterly bill was $350. The mining industry may be suffering but political pocket mining is alive and well in the Electricity industry, considering it costs an energy retailer around 6 cents a Kilawatt hour to buy their energy!

    • Woah, when I was living at home. I pay for the electricity bill, I don't think I've ever paid an $1200 bill!! :(

      Don't stay home during hot days, go to the mall or something!

  • Any update OP?

    • Hello!

      Hahaha not so much of an update but landlord tried to get me to pay extra I denied and said if the landlord continues this behaviour. I'll take it to VCAT. The landlord has since backed off. At the same time, a notice of vacant was sent to me. Pretty sure I can press charge to VCAT about that based on my belief that the notice of vacant was issued based on vengeance. There is a ruling somewhere on the tenancy act 97.

      I can't be bothered though. Wanted to move anyway.

      I think the next billing cycle might be coming up soon just before I move. Will see if the landlord harass me again.

      Are you having similar situation? :)

      • Ok, keep us updated!
        I'm just curious as this person seems like a complete F'wit and I hope he doesn't get away with it!

        • Hahahaha, glad you liked the story.

          Thats right. I call the landlord a CFW (Complete F-Wit).

          Not sure how I am going to tackle this. I kind of got over it now, at least I am not getting crazy chain-calling from the landlord, should have seem my phone. Even called on Sunday as well!

          Current mood - feeling sorry for the next tenant.

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