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Sony Bravia KD49X8300C 49inch 4K Ultra HD LED Smart with Android TV $1,448 Delivered @ Sony


It's an online only special offer for the long weekend. Suggested Retail Price is $2,299.00 (so you save $850) as mentioned in their page.

Also says Only 200 units are available! :)

Combine it with 2.4% cashrewards and you get it for $1413.

have a great weekend guys!

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Sony Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Awesome TV and great price, good work OP.

  • +1

    2.4% cashrewards should bring it down to $1413

    • updated the post. thanks!

    • 2.7% on pricepal (founder level)

    • Should be $1393 because it takes off the 2.4% off the RRP of $2,299 :)

  • -1

    Uuum nice price retire the Panasonic plasma or not.

    • Yolo

    • Not

    • Pay me $100 i will chuck in bin

    • +2

      first world decisions…

  • +1

    almost tempted to get this to replace my 27" FHD monitor.. hmmm..

    • I don't think it supports 2160p 4:4:4 @60hz.

      • how do you look up if it does 4:4:4

        • in the manual, or no hdmi 2.0 or dp 1.2

        • you are right, its 4:2:0……

        • +1

          @scheps: My 8500C TV received an over-the-air update that upgraded it to 4:4:4 @60Hz, even though it was advertised as 4:2:0. It might be the case for 8300C TVs as well?

        • @psdillon:

          Really, did you know that was going to be the case when you bought it? if I know for sure i would probably buy it.

        • @scheps: I had no idea. I was slightly miffed that it was 2015 and Sony still didn't have 4:4:4, but there were other features in the Sony that I wanted.

          The 8500Cs also have twin tuners, but no DVR or picture-in-picture… what the? There's a USB port on the back marked "DVR", and I found in the manual it said DVR would come through in an update mid 2015. Still waiting for that one. That feature isn't advertised either.

        • @psdillon: LOL what are they doing? sounds like a work in progress. 8500 is higher grade. I am concerned the 8300c wont get the update like yours..

        • +3

          Did a bit of digging, and both the 8500C and 8300C received an update in August (when the 8500C got 4:4:4). The update release notes are identical between the TVs, though it only vaguely mentions 4k @ 60Hz. I think it's highly likely that it does 4:4:4. Worthwhile calling Sony Store and asking them.

        • @psdillon: wow, how did you find that, Some masterful digging. Reliable source? I wonder if sony even knows!
          thanks for the tip.

        • @psdillon:

          Apparently not triluminous display therefore can not do 4:4:4. Thats as far as i got.

  • +1

    Thanks OP - needed to replace 50" Samsung plasma (will never buy Samsung again due to crappy UI).
    Killed it the other day when something (very lightly) hit the screen.
    Good timing, but too late for the Grand Finals weekend;(

  • +1

    There's a very good chance that this will include a PS4 around November. In case that matters to you.

    • How would that work/How do you know?

      • If you buy a Sony TV in November/December, you can get a PS4 for free via redemption. They seem to do it every year.

        • +1

          It varies though. Last year it was not a PS4, but 5 free movies for a year.

    • +1

      You save 850 big ones on this - how much is a ps4?

      • +1

        About $400 on OZB.

      • +1

        Would the price of this TV drop by much over the next 2 months? Probably not by $450+?

        • +2

          More like Good Guys etc see the free PS4 and try to jack up the price by $400.

  • +11

    Wished my TV would break now.

    • +4

      I also wish this. As it stands I'm not prepared to sell my 7 year 46" when it still works fine & have no use for 4K atm except upscaling

      • +3

        My TV is only 2 years old.

    • +7

      Wished my TV would break now.

      I can send my dog my kid or my wife
      All you have to do is pay postage ;)

      • +1

        Do you do combined postage?

  • this or Samsung UA55JU6400 from Dick Smith ebay?

    • +1

      Check rtings

      This TV is the x840c in the US. ju6400 is largely the same as ju6500

    • +4

      Samsung. 6 inches more and costs $127 lesser.

      • +6

        You can do alot with 6 inches…

        • I hope you dont mean Diameter…

      • +1

        $127 lesser and more inches = samsung DSE / ebay over this IMO OMO

      • If only Sony is 6 inches wider I would have pulled the trigger. Which manufacturer is good when it come to updating software? I heard Sammy don't give updates much.

        • +1

          In general TVs are pretty terrible with updates, but at least with Android here you can get features yourself with apps, especially since they support side-loading.

      • -1

        Price is not everything.

        I want best quality and features Sony or Samsung?

        • doesn't work like that anymore… it is very model dependant.

          both their high-end models are decent… the low end models are total garbage!

    • Is the Sammy Ultra HD?

      • yes

    • I am in the exact same dilemma. I heard the upscaling is a lot better on Sony. Any pointer guys?

  • +1

    look good! ive had a cheap LCD 55inch since 2010 and it still goes strong. I just couldnt downsize ever. I have to go 65 inch next.

    • +1

      I have a Samsung 40" from 2008 that is my main TV. I go to stores and never find anything that blows me away with standard HD content. Everything just looks blocky and I think "What is the point?"

  • What's the returns policy?

    • +2

      No returns.

  • +3

    You are wasting your money on a 4k TV under 60 inches.

    • +8

      Depends how close you sit =P

      • No, it doesn't, he's dead right.

        Optimal viewing distance is dependent on pixels per inch, not resolution.

        Total screen size and upscaling over a larger area is what the number of pixels account for.

        The only thing you're doing is quadrupling the bitrate required for this "4k" 3840x2160 native res.

        Dolby HDR screens are a better prospect in the face of screen size unless you wish to claim everyone wants/has a projector. Don't fall for bigger number marketing.

        • What? If you have 4k on a 49" TV versus a 1080p 49" TV, you've just about quadrupled the pixels per inch given an equal sub-pixel arrangement. So the minimal viewing distance becomes closer.

        • -1


          http://isthisretina.com/ tells me you can sit a whole 1 meter closer WOW

          Totally worth the absence of any benefit from 4k at that screen size, the massive amount of bitrate required which shit tier streaming services clog up my backhaul with. Thats if they even have 4k content.

          About the only thing good with UHD is its closer to the true 4k DCI reducing film letterboxing

        • @philmarcracken:

          You seem to have black/white opinions about things. It's not so that you can sit eyes glued to the screen that matters, what matters is that pixels are natively mapped, that helps with colour, sharpness and aliasing. Also you assume everyone has the same pair of eyes with that whole 'retina' BS, no, there are many people out there that may need to sit close to a TV because they are short sighted, or the reverse is true too where people have post 20/20 vision.

          And what's so difficult about 4k? It's not some mystical beast only available to professionals, it's common these days to be able to generate your own content and only a matter of time before it becomes mainstream released.

    • That is complete hyperbole. Even a 20 inch is noticeable with extreme ease.

  • +1

    I'm taking a punt on this - replacing a 42" Pana Plasma I've been using as my main monitor for several years now.

    As much as I'm loathe to move to LCD, the extra resolution should be a huge deal to me for work.

    Fingers crossed! Thanks OP ;-)

  • What's the better buy in terms of pic quality/UI between this Sony and the Panasonic here?

  • What's the input lag like?

  • Wow, display picture brings back memory of being there in 2007

  • Selling for $999 ($1420AUD) in the US (as standard on Amazon and Best Buy). It is a fair price, but that in itself is a deal over here. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/sony-49-class-48-5-diag--led-216…

    • Can you update this TV with the american firmware? seems like a different model number but same TV?

  • +3

    Looks like a great TV but it's a Sony. I won't buy Sony any more after they keep disabling features of their products - possibly to get you to upgrade. For example, my 2012 Sony top-of-the-line tv will no longer work with YouTube or Pandora and my 2014 Sony stereo has had vTuner hobbled because they are trying to push their music service. I have logged many hours with their tech support who simply forward to another division and it goes around & around, until as a purchaser I get so frustrated I refuse to buy their brand again. Rant finished, but it felt good.

    • You're right because the only app I use is netflix and they removed it!!

  • so tempting, i'm still rocking our Plasma from 5 years ago…

    it's nice and fat - just the way i like it

  • Too small

    • -1

      The price? thats the point! ;)

  • So this model KD49X8300C does not have the Triluminos display as according to: http://edge.alluremedia.com.au/m/g/2015/07/sony_2015_led_tvs…
    Is that an important feature to have?

  • Inspected this unit today at HN. Great looking unit, nice/fast UI, fantastic screen. Upscaling engine works very well. Android TV is pretty sweet.

    Needless to say, I purchased from Sony. I signed up for CashRewards and clicked through from there. No further discount was applied at checkout, I assume this goes onto my CashRewards account with 7 days?

    • that's awesome! yes you'll get the cashback money to your account, not sure how long does it take though

    • +2

      Got about $55 logged to my Cashrewards account! Cashrewards used the full RRP price to calculate instead of the discounted price! :))

      • +2

        Damn right! $55 here as well
        Brings delivered price down to $1393.

        • I just bought mine and how long will it take to show up in the transactions on the cashback?

          I hope i did it correctly (as it is my first time, didn't open any new web browsing content etc). My credit card was declined as commbank thought it was a fraudulent transaction.

          Going to put my 6 year old Bravia in the lounge room as soon as I receive this TV :)

        • @Ivan Krazy:

          Update: I received a cash back of $55.18 (calculated from the RRP of $2,299). Awesome deal I must say!

        • @Ivan Krazy: hey ..had the same problem with two of my credit cards(CommBank and GE Money).So, I think it's not the problem from bank end. Gotta be somethin to do with their payment system. Nevertheless I paid using BPay.

        • @Ozytozy: Hi Ozytozy. I rang commbank and the fraud department let me make the purchase via CC as I called them up to question whether my card was blocked (which it isn't, all payments are up-to-date and it wasn't going over my CC limit). I think it is due to the recent hacks on Sony Australia (this is speculative).

  • we bought our Sony Bravia LED-TV in late 2012, it used to have Youtube app, now Google has disabled it and they expect us to buy their Sony box or other Android box in order to get youtube app on TV. that sucks

  • Extended WARRANTY
    Please be aware you can't buy extended warranties for TV purchased from sony.com.au. I called up Sony customer support and they stated
    they can't sell extended warranty. I tried to check with other dealer they stated we need purchase TV from them to get extended warranty.
    They will not sell extended warranty for TV's purchased from sony.com.au.

    If any has come across this situation and able to get a extended warranty let me know.

  • OK so maybe it's just me, but this TV has some pretty bloody annoying issues.

    1) sometimes takes minutes to become responsive after powering on. It's faster to power cycle the unit
    2) Googlecast stopped working for 3 days due to a buggy update by Google. Now sorted, but holy crap the TV was days old
    3) AndroidTV sometimes flakes out. Good ol' Android
    4) touch remote sometimes doesn't pair. Had to hard reset and repair it twice.
    5) Sony UI for sorting/deleting channels is borked. It works but loses channel name after each edit, taking 10 times as long
    6) The Freeview apps sometimes disappear from AndroidTV Recommendations list

    Despite those, the panel, upscaling and General UI is very good. I'm tempted to return it, however. Someone mentioned No Returns but surely that's BS.

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