Victoria Electricity No Risk Offer…

A guy from Victoria Electricity came by this week and told me about this offer. I think it's pretty good. (Not anymore - see comments)

Basically they will match any offer by a competitor for gas and electricity over the next 2 years that you sign on with Victoria Electricity.

There's a 10% discount when you pay on time too, which is a lot more than the 3% I got with TXU.

And also a Eco-Gold card which gives a 5% discount when buying coles and woolworths gift cards which can be used for many stores, amongst other offers.

I haven't gone through all the terms and conditions though, so I could have missed something.


  • Oh, this is old news actually, should have searched first.

    People were getting 11% pay-on-time discount last year.

    I didn't know about the price comparison sites for gas and electricity either.…

    Tried two out, perhaps not quite up-to-date or complete, seems to be missing suppliers and showing old plans?


    This seems to be a better website for comparing gas and electricity prices, for Victorians.

  • Thanks for your links kcyw.

    I'm currently with Victoria Electricity and have previously been with Origin and Red Electricity.

    I used the comparison site and found that the rates I'm getting is pretty good if not the best.

    My Green Anytime rate is $0.147550 and my Green Off Peak rate is $0.075970. It's 10% GreenPower.

    I think with all those 7%, 10% or even 11% off when you pay on time, you just need to compare the actual rates because I think they've already taken the discount into account.

    • Those are very low rates, particularly the off-peak rate, nearly half! And GreenPower too.

      I guess the fact that you are still with them means you haven't experienced those problems reported by customers in zhenjie's link, like inaccurate readings, telemarketing, unannounced price hikes, etc. Did you need to check your bills carefully or call them for price matching regularly?

      • Nah I never had to call them re price matching. In fact, I've never received any marketing calls from them. They even sent me a complimentary Eco-Gold Card which allows you to get various discounts (I use it to get supermarket gift cards).

        "Inaccurate readings" are inevitable I think but they do credit back as sometimes I pay very little due to adjustments (because presumably I was over-charged the month before).

  • I just had a guy come to my door and sign me up. Pretty good sales pitch about how Origin was going to raise my rates and Vic electricity would keep them low, plus 10% discount for on time payment. Told me how the company is Australian owned and Origin is not.

    After I signed up I went onto the internet. Googled their name and look what comes up. pages and pages of bad reviews and dodgy tactics ( Not only that, they aren't Australian owned!

    I've called up to cancel my move to them. I advise you to research research research!. Last time I ever sign up with a door to door salesman.

    • Thanks for the link. Wow, those are some terrible reviews. I didn't see anything wrong with what they have sent me so far but I have to reconsider now.

      Actually most of those energy retailers have low average rating. I guess most people only post when they have problems, which is to be expected.

      Unannounced price hikes seem to be commonplace with Victoria Electricity judging from those reviews. Even if I can overturn those increase with price matching… the hours on the phone and stress are probably not worth it. I may go with Neighbourhood Energy, no contract.

  • I'm so sick and tired of the energy retailer door to doors that constantly come around our neighbourhood. Probably once a month on average. Seems to be in bursts, can get 3 a week sometimes, I'm certain they have it all worked out when the best time of year to get people to switch is. By contrast we haven't had any JWs at all since we have been here!

    So whenever they come to the door now, I just interrupt their smalltalk and say, "are you wanting me to change electricity/gas?" And judging by the first few words of their response they get the "no thanks"… bang… It's mean I know, but when you get them as regularly as us, these things just have to be done.

    Come to think of it, electricity retailers are the new JWs.

  • +1

    Just had one shady guy who claimed the Government installed some power supplies up near my street even though I had not seen it happen. Anyway, he claimed that VE sent letters to everyone that a person would be coming around to give everybody 10% discounts each quarter on the bills. He said these exact words, "yeah… everyones probably busy these days and threw it out in the bin thinking it was junk mail, you probably didn't notice the letter", I started to suspect something really sly as he kept saying "everyones busy… installed during the day, must have missed it…" He took down my details and everything, until I said I wasn't the account holder. He then suggested that I "pretend to be the account holder and answer questions over the phone to verify (with some company)" and that he would guide me through each question and process. Luckily, I told him that I didn't want to do it, and that he should talk to the account holder tomorrow, which made him start to sigh a lot. He was all daggy, no tucked in shirt, no professionalism, asked for glass of water, kept playing with his pants, and I heard a complaint from someone when he took a mobile phone call; and afterwards tried to explain to me the guy complaining was crazy and joked about how some people are ignorant.

    Such misleading information - desperate attempts to sign me to VE, which he stated that I would still be with AGL; which I found hard to believe… Anyway, luckily I googled VE and came upon these reviews. He won't be too happy when we tell him to get lost. Btw, this guy's name is Paris, sounds like a made up name (just pitching here) and is in his 20's. Avoid him, he's a lieing tool.
    Cheers guys.

    • Used to have them knocking on my door almost every month, saying similar things like " we are only a billing company, you will stay with your old supplier", " we are from the government", "everybody in your area is being switched"… Lucky I never bought that and in the end, I just plainly told them I'm not interested before they can finish saying they are from VE. And some of the salesperson become quite rude and insist me providing them with a reason as to why I'm not interest, and when I reply that "I'm just not interested" they won't let go. So pushy! Come on as if I need to explain myself to them and they are acting more like a debt collector than a saleperson. Not cool.

      • Victoria electricity or LUMO ENERGY that they are changing their names to are known for their underhanded manner. Check their resolution newsletter tells you number of complaints each company gets.
        VIC electricity gets 1549 despite being one of the smallest electricity retailers!!!!!!
        This is the full link to the 2009 july to december newsletter.…

        I think that is why they are changing their names to LUMO ENERGY!!!

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