[JOKE POST] FREE Entry into Australia, no Passport, Visa or Immigration clearance required.

Well in light of these "Deals" being considered valid (if they go ahead), I would like to point out another killer deal.

According to The Guardian, Immigration staff are walking off the job too in their ongoing Industrial Action against the Federal Government.

For most punters this means long wait times. But on the flip side this means that the Skeleton staff left behind working immigration are overworked and if they have to call in other staff, under-experienced.

You can take advantage of this little "loophole" by slipping past them undetected when they aren't looking. Bypass all that tedious red tape and hundreds of dollars in fees! What a ripper deal!

  • Disclaimer: It's only illegal if you get caught.


  • There will still be people working. It the queues will just be insanely long.

    • +1

      Shivers Reminds me the time when I was held up in the queue for a fair bit of time in Sydney. I feel sorry for the people coming in.

      Also, on similar note, if the visa granting process gets affected, that'd cause a lot of issues for international students at least.

  • +1

    $8000 after tax for allowances and entitlements… that's a lot of extras on top of normal salary for most of us.
    That equates to ~$150 a week, which means ~$30 free lunch for every workdays.

    Most of us are lucky to get a bit of allowances on top of our salary.

    • +1

      Many of us get lucky to get a job. Any Job.

    • That is a good deal but we don't know all the intricacies of what is being offered. Generally workers aren't offered something that will make them worse off (in nominal terms at least, a below inflation increase is a real pay cut), but for some workers who are heavily reliant on overtime (which shouldn't be an issue for customs and border protection if their staff are managed correctly) may very well be worse off.

      • In this case they will be worse off. $8000 a year pay cut, work an extra week and loss of allowances (such as shift, dirty work remote location etc etc). The government haven't changed their offer for 18 months. All they are offering is 3.5% increase over 3 years. Inflation alone should be 9%…. Write a letter to your local minister and ask why they are asking staff to take cuts, work more under worse conditions

        • +1

          I am definitely not going to ask my local member to spend more of my tax dollars on wages. I don't have enough information, and all the news articles reporting on it are just repeating what the union has said, which does not tell me everything I would need to know on the issue.

        • @ilikeradiohead:

          What would you like to know? The Bargaining Policy of the government is spelt out pretty clearly. Cut wages, cut conditions, low or no pay rise. The Crime Commission went to the public service minister for approval for a 0% pay rise, with no cuts to conditions. They were rejected and told to make cuts to conditions to "fund" the 0% pay rise.

      • In this case, they are. Most would be worse off under the proposed deal, hence why 92% rejected it at the ballot.

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