Does anyone STILL find Smoking at all "attractive" ie, besides Tobbaco Co's?!?

If so, help them Reconsider their position with the News that Smoke contains RADIOACTIVE Polonium & Lead!!!

Hear it from one of the Cool Kids, ie YouTube's Veritasium, in his video:

  • "The Most RADIOACTIVE Places on Earth"

Those who prefer to read + research such claims for yourselves might like to begin with the dated, but No Less True:

  • NY Times 1st Dec 2006 OpEd piece: "Puffing on Polonium"

"Do you forget, Bubulah, that we used Polonium to murder a spy?" :some Russian, somewhere (see the OpEd for victim's name)


  • +1

    Oooook it's bedtime :)

  • Am still awake….. so….what are you wearing? :\

  • +2

    Sweet Jesus IVI, put down the crack-pipe and go to bed amigo.

  • show see glow on the face of smoker but doesn't?!

  • +1

    thanks OP. didn't know this and did more reading. Dr Karl says so

    Quitted 6 years ago to set good sample to my kid - he never knows.

    haven't follow the news about lawsuit against the tobacco giants for a while.
    Did governments take "money" and settle with the tobacco companies to prevent future lawsuits? Or is it still possible to suit them as an individual or class action?

    • +1

      congratulations on successfully quitting :)
      What a great role model your son has.

  • +1

    I must admit I used to find it sooo sexy in men. Like the 'bad boy' thing. That was until I saw my 10 years older ex who now in his early 30s looks 40+ and it turned me off completely.

    I used to smoke socially and when you are smoking it is really pleasurable. It's when others do it that it seems really unappealing. Of course it depends on the tobacco content. Some are soo strong it tastes horrible.

    I haven't smoked for years and avoid smokers on the street. Chinatown is horrible.

    • Two in my immediate neighbourhood smoke, & I can hear each cough & spit-up daily.
      How Sexy is that?

      Dr Karl used to smoke, I think. He's lucky to have been in the 66% of pop. pho can
      More easily Quit, than the rest.

      He said 1/3 of us develop EXTRA nicotine receptors, that are thought to make it
      nearly impossible to quit. (A great reason not to start, IMO.)

      I've only "smoked passively" & I never lost any sleep, love or friends because of it.
      And I always had more $ (than if I had smoked), for gear I wanted or needed.

      In a recent drug study, I needed to do a Lung Calacity Test. Result: Lung test
      ~ 20 years younger than mine actually are.

      Proud to be a NON-Smoker.

  • Unfortunately this is one of those idiocies spread by "activists" who couldn't care less about spreading facts and hence this is another of those propaganda turned to a socially acceptable truth.

    It is true that tobacco plants concentrate naturally occurring radioactive compounds in their structure and that harvested tobacco contains some of this. However what they are failing to discuss is that the concentrations of these compounds are still low enough to cause no damage at all. Damage in this case (were the levels higher) would be a statistical chance of contracting cancer.

    To give some relative idea areas within 5 km of a coal burning power plant contain higher concentrations of radioactivity thanks to coal burning. In fact these levels around coal fired power plants are high enough to cause a statistical chance of elevated cancer risk. However the risk is low enough that zero precautions are taken.

    There is a similar statistical chance from Xrays. And yet we don't stop having Xrays.

    That's the sort of risk you're facing from radioactivity contain in tobacco when you smoke it.

    It's like the 1,000,000 people died from the Chernobyl accident myth (real figure: 56): an enviromental extremist made it up (Dr. Helen Caldicott) and then the religious followers "greenies" who are clueless regarding the matter spread the message by repeating the lie until it becomes a sociall.y accepted truth.

    To be clear smoking is harmful in many other ways - but the radio active compounds it contains is not one of them.

    OH BTW cannabis users - of which I am one - take in similar levels of radioactivity through the same natural process.

    • Apocryphal is the word you're searching for…most Greenie "logic?" is based on this sort of premise

    • First, the RadioActivity come from the choice (by grower) of Fertiliser.

      Two kinds of fertiliser work for tobacco & several Foods,
      One is cheaper (but is radioactive), the other is more
      costly but NOT radioactive.

      At least one cig. Co. Grows tobacco organically.

  • +2

    i been vaping for over a year now, feel much more healthy and dont run out of breath doing simple things

    • Have any studies been done yet on whether e-cigarettes cause indoor passive smoke issues ?

      • yeah pretty sure one was done from a study in england. found to be no health risks with concerns to passive "smoke" from ecig juice containing nicotine

    • See Wikipedia article… Make sure you device is under 5 v, so you don't make & take-in formaldahyde.

      Polonium -210 has high energy alpha particles. Maybe OK on skin, but NOt Ok inside body (ie, in lungs).

  • Concerned about radioactivity? Seriously? Then why do you hold your mobile phone to your head all day?
    I have never saw smoking as an attractive past time, relaxing and enjoyable yes, but not image making lol.
    Want to pursue something that has a much harsher affect on your body and your life… then focus on excessive & compulsive alcohol consumption, garbage food intake and obesity and a lazy lifestyle virtually exempt from real exercise.

    • I think you're confusing EMF (radio signal) radiation &
      nuclear radiation.

  • Liquorice has some arsenic in it btw
    Another thing to add to the freak-out list :)

    • Almonds, cashews and apple pips are extremely toxic in their natural state, as well as red kidney beans and the foliage of rhubarb, potatoes and tomatoes can stop your heart in a second….it's a dangerous world!

  • you must have been smokin' some crack shit dude, pass that along will ya

  • +1

    I don't think it is the radioactivity that will kill you, it is all the other shit they have in the cigarettes. My mother died of lung cancer and watching someone slowly suffocate because their lungs don't work anymore is about as unsexy as it gets. Also, the images where people have had their voice boxes removed and still smoke through the hole in their neck. My mother paid people, in suits. to murder her one cigarette at a time. I could never figure out why an intelligent women would allow that to happen.

  • Smoking causes global carbon change.

  • I have to admit I find it terribly sexy when someone coughs up part of their lung into you, shows they really care.

  • If so, help them Reconsider their position with the News that Smoke contains RADIOACTIVE Polonium & Lead!!!

    I am just curious why reconsider has been capitalised.

    • The idea is Empahsis, not to be confused w/ Emphazema, another Prize on offer from your Tobacco co. Of choice.

      They get your $$, you get diseases.

      You'd HAVE to be stupid to play THAT game.


    He was a fugitive officer of the Russian FSB secret service, who specialised in tackling organised crime.

    During his time in London, Litvinenko wrote two books, Blowing Up Russia: Terror from Within and Lubyanka Criminal Group, wherein he accused the Russian secret services of staging the Russian apartment bombings and other terrorism acts in an effort to bring Vladimir Putin to power. He also accused Putin of ordering the murder in October 2006 of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.

    Litvinenko suddenly fell ill and was hospitalised in what was established as a case of poisoning by radioactive polonium-210 which resulted in his death on 23 November. He became the first known victim of lethal Polonium 210-induced acute radiation syndrome.

    From Wikipedia.

    Just in case anyone was curious of polonium poisoning.

    • I wonder for how long they could have forced him to just smoke cigarettes,
      Ie, in order to kill him by Polonium-210

      • Someone added lethal dosage in his tea. There were a lot of rumours on his death because of that (since it's hard to kill someone using Polonium).

  • As a light smoker, 6-10 cigs a day for the past 6 years. I switched to ecigs a few days ago, taking advantage of the fact that I'm also vacationing in the US. Heaps of "vape shops" (and discount codes from Reddit).

    My missus had someone very close (also a smoker) diagnosed with lung cancer (in his early 30s). As a result, I received an ultimatum to make the switch. Glad I did. Spent a week researching kits and understanding what is needed. Walked into a vape shop and picked up a Sigelei 150W TC and an Aspire Atlantis v2 (with a whole bunch of coils and other spares). Grabbed some interesting eliquids as well. Haven't smoked a single ciggy since I walked out of the shop. While the kit was sort of expensive, the price was well worth it (considering a pack of smokes is almost $25-27).

    Under a week in, and the benefits have started kicking in. I'd normally dry retch like crazy after my first cig of the day; none of that anymore. I don't reek of smoke and my lungs seem to be clearing up.

    A couple of my colleagues are also making the switch (due to similar demands from their spouses) :) . From a smoker, to my fellow smokers, I'd highly recommend making the switch.

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