RITECH Virtual Reality 3D Glasses Version 2 - Order in July - GEARBEST


are people still waiting for this?
it was suppose to be sent in August (based on tracking)

Mod 7/10/15: Due to an increasing number of issues with GearBest, we have today banned the store from all deal posts (both rep and non rep) on OzBargain.

A member contacted us last week to express their concerns about the store; in relation to this and other threads. It appears quite clear that the majority of members feel it would no longer be beneficial to have these posts on OzBargain. The ban will be an indefinite one, we may review it if we see a significant improvement and will be monitoring this and other threads for evidence of that.

Thanks all

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    Got my order
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    Still waiting

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    • Got that today too. Looks like Gearbest still get to keep our money. PP would be using their fees to refund us anyway.

      • Paypal should grow a pair and dump Gearbest.

        They've effectively removed any incentive for Gearbest to take responsibility for their actions and look after the customer.

        • +2

          Must make too much money together

  • Paypal just denied my claim from Gearbest.

    Gearbest offered a partial refund for the rest of the items that was not yet sent - but i declined due to non refund of shipping cost i paid for faster shipping.

    There was no option for Paypal to renegotiate the gearbest offer and that is why i refused - thinking that paypal will be a mediator and make a win-win solution later on.

    BUT…..Paypal denied my claim.

    Now…..with GEARBEST DODGY email and support/contact system, i dont know what will happen now.

    • i dont see why yours was denied yet everyone elses seems to be ok'd. what have you dont differently to get a different outcome?

      also, id email paypal and explain your situation again. put in a dispute or something (im cant remember how this exactly works, but i had to do it once before and had a positive outcome) 90% (maybe more) of the dispute process is all computer generated and rarely (if at all) does a human actually even see most of whats going on.

    • that is weird, most people got the refund, and paypal paid it

  • I forgot all about this until something reminded me today that I ordered a VR headset in July and never received it. Oh well. Raised a case with Gearbest, if that fails I'll raise something with Paypal. May be difficult as it's over a few months.

    • have you read the last few replies? forget talking to GB its a waste of time and effort and just put in, then escalate your paypal claim. linking to this thread may also help your case with paypal.

      • Cheers. That's what I was thinking of doing but at least this way I can say that I attempted to contact them.

        • all PP really cares about is if the seller can prove delivery, usually with a delivery receipt from the post. if GB cant show this then they find in your favour. its really that simple. you really dont need to prove anything.

        • @nosdan: In my case they were able to provide a working tracking number that showed it had reached Australia, but it still ended in my favour.

          I seriously wouldn't be surprised if they shipped them all in a container that went overboard.

        • @Clear: yea ive had that a few times but they still need to show delivery to you and not just delivery into the country. a hell of a lot of stuff goes missing once it hits aus post, at least in my experience anyway.

        • @nosdan: Which is why I won.

  • Almost 4 months on.. still haven't received it.
    Glad Paypal found in our favour.

    • indeed

      totally shocking

  • I got refunded by paypal last week and just now the headset turned up!

  • received the headset about 2 weeks ago! :-)

    • lucky you, still haven't received mine

  • A quick update.

    I put through a ticket, and gearbest was happy to re-send the item with tracking at no extra cost.

    Received it yesterday afternoon.

  • Ordered in June and still haven't received it.

    I disputed to Paypal and GearBest contacted me to close the dispute so they can refund the money to me.

    I was too naive to close it and now GearBest still hasn't refunded after I closed the dispute for one month.

    Contacted them for a number of times and no response received from GearBest!

    Contacted Paypal and they advised that they can't do anything as I have closed the dispute.

    • that's poor

    • oh that sucks hard, but yea NEVER close a PP dispute unless you received your outcome. it even says it all over PP not to close it.

      best thing you can try is to send a pm to the rep https://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/120890 but be warned that it took me 3 separate threads and about 20 odd messages over a couple of months to finally get an outcome

      • unfortunately he's in penalty box and I can't start conversation with him….

        • /me sighs

          do you really think i would have told you to do that if that was the case? the site is banned from posting deals but the rep is still able to communicate both on the deals and reply to pm's

          i received one just today…..

        • @nosdan:I think you may have started the conversation before he got banned??? The send button is grey out for me…Please let me know if you can start a new conversation with him.

        • @kobyyu:

          i've never been in a conversation with gearbest and it lets me start a conversation, and the 'send' button appears normal (I haven't sent a message though as I don't want to spam them).

        • @kobyyu:


          using that link i can still send new messages. the last new one i sent was only a couple of days ago. no idea why your having issues. it does have "gearbest" in the "to" box? you will also need to add a topic as well.

  • +1

    I contacted them back at the start of November and they offered a refund or to send the item again. I asked to send the item again and it arrived today, a little over a month.

  • +1

    Hmmm, strange.
    I also ordered the Ritech in July, but from everbuying, and have had the exact same outcome.

    They shipped with what I assume was a fake tracking number, and the item never arrived. They advised I wait 3 months before they could mark as lost.
    Well, after 3 months, they said it was lost, and they could either give store credit, or re-ship. I chose to re-ship it, but they said its out of stock.

    I then forgot about it. Now with the recent sales, I noticed it was on sale, so I told them to send it out now. They replied its still not in stock, their site just isn't up to date! How the hell can they have an item on sale, if they know it hasn't been in stock for 5 months…..

    Are these 2 stores related somehow? I wonder if people ordering the ritechs from other online shops are having problems too.

    • i got fake tracking number also (GearBest), i got money back from 28 deg

  • I'm still waiting for my order as well. I sent an email asking why i sisn"t receive my order, and i receive the answer in 3 weeks. sent another email and get the answer again in about 3 weeks. so desperate. last email they ask me to send $2. the order was on 12-07-2015 and (they say) they ship it on 11-08-2015. almost 1 month. aaaarrrghh…..

    • Dear waletmore,

      I am so sorry to hear that.

      If anything could do be helpful for you,pls feel free to let me know.

      Also,when you contact the customer service,pls mention that you bought stuff from the deal site ozbargain,they will take first priority processing for you.

      Lovely holiday.


  • GB said to me they sent out item after complaining about a month and a half from order date. I then waited another month till i made a claim on 28 degrees, got my money back, No more GB hot items for me as it will never arrive

  • Add me to the list as well. Item never arrived. They supposedly sent another one which also never arrived. Luckily it was a 67c piece of junk so I'm not losing any sleep over it. Good test though to NEVER buy from this place again.
    On a sidenote - I've noticed that China post have been SUPER quick over the holidays. I have received 4 different ebay items within a week. Not sure what's going on there but not complaining.

    • Hi gimme,

      I am sorry to hear about this situation.
      Could you PM me the order number, I will check the delay reason about your order.
      Your kind cooperation will be helpful to us to improve our service and meet customer demand.
      Sorry again for all the inconvenience we have caused.

      Best Regards

      • +2

        No thanks. I have already contacted Customer support and they said that the item was shipped in Nov (the 2nd time) so I don't think you'll be able to provide any more info than that. You guys either have a problem at your 'warehouse' where items are being marked as shipped but not physically sent or you're using the worst postal service on the planet.
        I have bought numerous items from China in recent times and received every single one within 5-15 working days so the problem is definitely with gearbest.

  • My goggles just turned up!

    Not the same ones I ordered, different brand. I had forgotten about them… again.

    • +1

      wtf, what was the date of your order? Maybe I just have to wait another 300 working days..

      • Fairly sure it was July. Remembered and raised dispute around November I think.

        Came via Switzerland.

        • wow, that's crazy

    • can u post a picture?

      also did u get a refund first?

      • No refund, I just asked them to resend it as I didn't care to jump through all the hoops and it was already well past paypal refund.

        Will post picture in next few days if I can find them, but nothing to see really.

        • how is the VR experience?

          what phone u have?

          does the sucktion cups work properly?

          I think some phone backplate won't work properly.

          I got a oneplus one so not sure if it would stick properly.

        • @tyler.durden: Experience is crap, but I no longer have a compatible phone so can't test properly. Not sure on Suction cups but phone sits in there just fine.

          Biggest problem is lenses but that could just be my eyes. I need the phone to be maybe another 5mm from the lenses to allow the near field focussing to work or whatever it is called.

          In any case I would not bother unless you want to replace the lenses and don't need the product until next year.

        • @tyler.durden: I have a one plus one. It does not stick. I just made some small foam pads for around the edges to hold it in line.

        • @salem:

          how is the vr ?

          I heard the lens is crap.

        • @tyler.durden: certainly wasn't easy to get the right amount of eye relaxing to cross the images over for 3D. Compared to an oculus rift where it just seems to work, this was more like making a magic eye picture come in to focus.

          Once it aligned it was fun for a few minutes. Haven't really spent the time to dig in to what would actually be good to use it for, was more of a "buy now and work it out later" purchase.

  • I'm still waiting on an item I ordered in July. Their shipping service is horrendous and their support seems to never read old support tickets. Each time they did answer, they provided completely different excuses each time even going so far as to ask for more money to "resend" an item which I'm fairly certain I won't receive either. Won't buy from this place again.

  • I finally received my 70c junk from Sept last year so there's still hope for others.

    • did u get the refund first?

      Also can u post a picture?

      did u buy the RITECH product?

      Definitely worst shipping time ever.

      I gave up all hope of getting this item.

      • Sorry I was just having a rant about GB. I never ordered a RITECH product. Mine was literally a 70c gizmo. Never asked for a refund. They just sent me another one after 3 months of not receiving the first one. The 2nd one arrived after about 2+ months. My guess is that they're using some cheap unreliable postal service.

        • What gizmo?


          It's ridiculous, cos they are chinese company so they should have pretty cheap delivery service already.

          Since they can use same postal service like tinydeal, geekbuy, Ebay chinese sellers.

          So not sure what other chinese postal service available in china, but it must be the most unreliable one in china.

          There's another possibility that they don't have the stock of those items or oversold without stock, so the long time is actually waiting for items to arrive in warehouse.

          Either way they have lost reputation, customers and now banned on ozbargain.

          Such dodgy sellers would not last for very long.


          I think other places like aliexpress is pretty good, cos the seller don't get the money till we received the item.

  • I finally got my order, but not without them questioning A-Post losing it first and then sending another…..

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