Hi guys, I have a holiday rental unit in Glenelg which is managed by a property manager. I am hoping to provide free Wifi in the unit to attract more people to stay in the unit. There is no phone line in the unit and I am not close to the neighbours in the complex. Any idea on how to do this as cheap as possible? Thanks.
What Is The Cheapest Way to Offer Wi-Fi in a Holiday Rental Unit in Glenelg, SA?

Belong Internet is $60 per month for 100Gb, with a limited phone service (ie local calls only) included, and 256kb shaping rather than excess usage fees, and includes a WiFi modem. Belong is owned by Telstra.
This is perhaps more expensive than you'd like, but it's a safe choice with no possibility of excess fees, leaving your only worry what kind of illegal stuff your tenants might download :-(
Added later: There is also no phone line installation fee, an important point since you said there is no existing phone line.
Funny you say Glenelg, I stayed in a holiday townhouse there a few years back with a few mates (all over 20yo). Well 1 decided to hook up his apple TV to the provided wifi. Let's just say that I don't think the owner had much data left after he did that for 1 night! Was annoying to see because she was a nice lady.
I think if phone reception is good, lack of wifi isn't going to stop people from staying at your rental unit. And would probably just give you further headaches if it's not locked down enough, and capped etc.
File it under the 'too hard basket' and move on! Last thing you want is 1 person using up the months download allowance and screwing it for the next people because it's shaped, and they complain about the speed.
Put a yagi up on your roof and point it towards McDonalds in the town square.
Another possibility.. speak with other unit owners and see if three of you can pool for a Belong account and share the wifi connection. $20 each.
Yea, thanks guys, all the comments are very useful! I guess it is indeed too much headache for not much benefit.
Looks like vivid wireless doesnt operate in your area.
I suppose the cheapest ways are to either
a) install a phone line
b) go wireless mobile.
I reckon either one is going to be very expensive. Wireless mobile is not cheap, and a phone line with internet is probably going to be $50-60/mo ongoing.