This was posted 9 years 5 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo III (3) for $19 @ JB Hi-Fi


JB Hi fi currently has Diablo 3 for 19 bux… which is pretty good considering its still going for ~35 on battlenet. (and when it was half price it was still $27 a couple of months ago - and 27-29 dollars on game key sites…

specially good if you just picked up the reaper of souls for 15 from Harvey Norman (like I did for myself and my daughter) been keeping my eye out for it and this seems to be a good price for the game when its not on clearance… (great for those who got it on clearance in the past though!)

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closed Comments

  • -7

    worst game ive ever bought

    • +1

      And I bet you think PoE is the greatest game ever made as well?

      • lol i meant to plus one how do i revoke? sorry newbie.

      • wats poe

    • I felt the same after buying it shortly after release. (But i've only bought a few games)

      I have had time to play it since auction has has been closed and various other patches.

      It sounds like the RoS expansion adds a lot to the game. Hopefully I'll find some time to try it out one day.

    • I thought it was a poor effort for a sequel, I remember Diablo 1 and 2 had many many hours worth of story play. I finished d3 in around 24 hours. Disappointed in the amount of depth. It's a better game than release though

      • -2

        Diablo 2 was shit until it got LoD, take off your rose tinted glasses.

        • what are you comparing it to? Compare d2 to d1, obviously you have to because it's a sequel. Set items, sockets, stash, 4 acts, I don't know what measure you used to judge that it was shit…unless you never played it until post 2005

        • @nairdajun:

          I am comparing it to D2… That's why I said it was bad until it got its expansion.

        • @kaneissik: Diablo 2 was shit until it got diablo 2 LOD….but youre comparing diablo 2 to diablo 2…that makes no sense

        • @nairdajun:

          Why doesn't it make any sense? Diablo 2 was a much better game when it got its expansion. I'm not sure what's confusing you.

        • @nairdajun: You have to admit the LOD expansion did make it a lot better. Don't know if I would call it sh1t to begin with, especially compared to the original Diablo. Gameplay and charcter control was much improved in DII over DI.

        • @kaneissik: Well it implies that you played Diablo 2 LOD before you played diablo 2 without LoD. how can you know what is "better" if it hasnt existed yet?

          Diablo 2 wasnt shit before it got LoD, because it was better(or more advanced) than Diablo 1. Thats why it makes no sense.

          You dont drive a WRX in 2015 and then drive an impreza from 1990 and say that car was "shit until it got to 2015".

        • @nairdajun:

          It doesn't imply anything, you just fail at comprehending text on a forum. If you think D2 standalone was better before LoD then that's great, but you're wrong.

        • @Tiggrrrrr: Yeah LoD made it better, but it was great compared to Diablo 1. I started off with Diablo 1, and playing d2 was so much better, so much more diverse and intricate than d1.

          In d2 they opened our eyes to the realm outside of Tristram, put more relevance and context into the whole lore.

          LoD is just an expansion to d2, of course the idea was to make it "better", that's the whole point of expansions and patches. Just stating the obvious here. But to kanesik makes it sound like d2 was a shit game before it got the expansion and it wasn't worth playing.

        • @kaneissik: I didn't say anything of the sort, you're just stating the obvious that LoD improved d2, but I disagree that d2 was "shit until it got LoD".

          D2 was a great improvement to d1, and LoD made it even better. In fact it was patch 1.09+ that really improved it beyond initial LoD, and people who played in that era would probably agree.

          I don't fail to comprehend text on a forum, even tigrr above interpreted your comment the same as me. So either were all reading in a different language or you used a poor choice of words

    • fair comment from what I've read, however, have you tried it since the updates and patches? supposed to be greatly updated…

      • well i just thought the game is super repetitive. u just do the same thing over and over again lol
        and it's just about time spent on the game, not really skill based. actually not true there is skill. but still… it's still repetitive

        • Ok. What were you expecting from diablo…

        • @Gimli: dunno never played it before i bought it?

        • Well that's ARPG's in a nutshell. Obviously not the genre for you.

        • I think it requires some skill, it requires planning (ie builds and skills), micro ing in terms of not stepping in shit, spatial reasoning (not trapping yourself in a tight corridor when there are champs with mass arcane, plague, desecrator)

          But probably not the kind of "skill" you're thinking of

        • @nairdajun: Does Diablo 3 have the hidden Cow level too?

        • @Tiggrrrrr: There is a portal that leads to a place that does not exist.

        • @Tiggrrrrr:

          The Cow level is called "Not the Cow Level", there's also another "hidden" level called Whimsyshire which is basically the Cow Level filled with ponies.

        • @kaneissik: I don't know how I feel about killing ponies.

        • @Tiggrrrrr: yeh there is. it's not a cow from memory. it's just a place where there's heaps of gold and pink unicorns

  • Okay price, nothing special. You'll need RoS to really enjoy it.

    • 1) I've been looking, haven't been able to find it under 25 - there where some fantastic clearance prices, however, very limited quantities…

      2) and hence my comment RoS at HN.

      • -2

        Haven't been looking very hard then, this is a pretty average price.

        • +1

          linkity link?

          words are cheap…

        • @wisc: It appears to be a "similar" price online albeit with shipping added on top. Still cheaper to walk into JB and get it same day.

        • @wisc:

          I don't have any links, but it was <$15 digitally a few months ago. Sorry that I offended you, it's a good price but unless it includes RoS it's pretty meh.

        • @kaneissik:
          Nah, your all good…

          But I still haven't seen a link from you yet! ;)

          I haven't negged you btw

        • @wisc:

          That's okay, I haven't negged you either. If I find one cheaper I'll let you know. Our rivalry can continue.

        • @kaneissik:

          LoL, So basically what your saying is there is no better price at this given time - and you can't find a link to a regular highly available price? :D

        • @wisc:

          No, I said that there was one <$15 digitally a few months ago

        • @kaneissik:

          still not seeing a link or evidence!

        • @wisc:

          Lol, don't believe me I don't really care. If you really think this is the lowest price ever you're sadly misguided

        • @wisc:

          Type Price When

          Current $19.99 Sep 11, 2015
          Highest * $39.99 Apr 11, 2014
          Lowest * $15.00 Nov 27, 2014

          Average + $30.95 -

  • +1

    Game is a lot better now in my opinion as they took out the real auction house and made it a lot easier eG: play normal difficulty and you probably wont die " on release the game was incredibly hard .

  • +3

    Diablo 3 is currently in the best place, gameplay wise, as it has ever been since launch.

    • It is, definitely the best patch in a long time. But, there's still the issue of longevity; the game is still boring after 1-2 weeks of solid play of a new season. They need a new expansion badly.

  • +2

    This is for PC.
    Should be mentioned in the title.

  • does anyone know if they would price match targets price??

    • Tried that in myaree jb. Weren't willing to match clearance prices. You might be lucky though

  • I saw this at jb when I was hunting around for targets lowered d3 price, didn't think it was worth mentioning. Jb has d3 for 19 and ros for 28. Manager at myaree was unwilling to price match quoting "supplier sets the prices so we can't match clearance"

  • Was able to pick up 5 dollars each at mt omanny dse. very addicting.

    • can you get one for me please and ill pay you back

  • Out of topic here, is the acer w4-920 that MSY had for $99 powerful enough to play this this game?

    • -1

      No. Doesn't seem like it'll work. Silly question to begin with. $99? No.

      • -1

        Thanks for guessing

      • For the record you can't really expect to play this game on a $99 tablet. I couldn't find anything on w4-920 but I saw w4-820. Intel atom, no graphics card?

        It may be "old" but it's not that old. 2012 MacBook pro 13" can only run it on low settings, i3 laptops struggle to run it at low. If you check the minimum requirements you can pretty much assume that it won't.

        So imo it's unreasonable to expect that this will even have a chance of working. Not to mention your tablet would get incredibly hot if you could even get it working

        • I know right. Common sense dictates it's not possible. Yet again there are people demanding performance way beyond what they paid for.

      • thats pretty amazing that it does. Then again try playing in torment 8 in a Rift or GR40….id expect the tablet to get insanely hot

  • is this game good? never play any series of tht..wonder is it worth buying to play on PS3 tho… alot of grinding ??

    • Is blizzard is grind

    • +1

      It's not as fun on console, I had it on both. The interface on console is a pain in the ass to work with

  • +1

    Thanks, been waiting for a good price on this! Purchased.

  • +1

    Dick Smiths has a couple around WA at $15 still. I asked the guy and he gave me a quick count, some stores have 18, some have varying quantities between 2-12.
    no more reaper of souls left though.

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