This was posted 9 years 7 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo III and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls 50% off (AUD $27.47 & AUD $22.48) @


Diablo 3 and its expansion are half priced. Both are listed as USD 19.99 each when viewing using the client but for some reason its website listed the main game on a higher AUD price.

With the game still being actively updated and new patch coming up, it is great for people who has not gotten the game like myself.

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closed Comments

  • Hi guys, just a quick one, can I play on expansion only, or do I need to buy the main one as well?

    • +1

      No, you need the base product to play the expansion.

  • +3

    IMO, this game is crap, there are so many other good games out there that you can play for free. I've got both version and don't bother to play for a long time. Unbalance characters and game play become boring after a few weeks, as you grind and grind with no objective, just for slightly better items.

    • Any recommendations? I haven't really gotten into other games since D3 (stopped playing a while back)

      • +1

        Path of Exile is a good free alternative which recently had a new expansion with new story act.

      • Not free but can be found cheap Torchlight 2

    • +1

      New patch 2.2 and upcoming 2.3 seem to be alright. Worth a try if you have time.

    • Did you only play both game when they first come out? I've seen good reviews for the expansion that apparently improved things but some people did argue that those improvements should have been in the base game at the first place.

      I've played many hours of Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile and seeing how Diablo 3 is still actively being improved upon and updated, thought I should try it especially with the sale going on.

      • Yes, played it since it got released and play all expansion with updates. I quit for around ~4 months ago. I heard "Guild War" is quite good, but haven't try. I am surprised such a big company made such a poor game. It got better, yet the game has no economy/objective=biggest failure. D1, D2 is far much better.

        • It's true that from what I've heard about the "bounty quests" in the expansion, that it'll just be for you to grind through maps hopefully for better loot.

          I've also played a bit of Guild Wars 2 but man I think you're late for the party because a friend of mine that still plays it every day since it came out have been complaining about lousy content updates, more grinding, questionable economy changes, and the lack of info for their upcoming expansion which has had an uproar from the players so it's not looking good to dip your feet into at the moment.

        • +2


          Bounties suck, you do them to get rift keys. Rifts suck, you do them to get greater rift trial keys. Trials suck, you do them to get greater rift keys. Greater rifts are endless until you end up being one shot killed by everything and the boss has one trillion hit points where you spend 10 minutes just trying to kill the damn thing. And after all that you might get an awesome pair of magefists =/

          The game is just endless grinding until the RNG finally lands in your favour and drops the item you want. 250+ hours and I still haven't got a good enough weapon to keep up with others in grifts and yet I've seen it drop for complete noobs. By the time it finally drops they'll release another patch and nerf the set and then I get to start all over again looking for the new flavour of the season set.

          Argh I'm frustrated just thinking about it

  • $3 at Big W if you can still find stock.

  • +1

    Great game, play it all the time.

  • +1

    Play it casually on the PS4 with the GF.

    Good fun and easy enough for her to button bash :)

    So much loot drops that it can be a bit annoying to constantly stop and change weapons.

  • +5

    Some of these comments are amazing. Someone complaining about the loot grind in an ARPG and then comparing it to an MMO.

    This is an action RPG, that’s what you do in all action RPG’s, you grind the same mobs over and over for better loot and as you make your character stronger, upgrades are minimal, its called min maxing. It appears some negative comments are from people that do not understand the genre.

    There are other games in this genre and they are all at different places. Torchlight 2 is considered the entry level ARPG, it’s for casual gamers for lack of a better word. Then you have games like Diablo and Marvel that sit mid range and finally you have Path of Exile which is for gamers who like to spend hours min maxing their characters and considered for the more hardcore crowd. You cannot tell people to go play Path of Exile without knowing if they are prepared to spend hours tinkering with spreadsheets to work out the best gear / talent combo.

    I spent hours on spreadsheets in Diablo and that’s where I draw the line, I would not play Path of Exile but I understand it is an awesome game if you are into that level of detail.

    I haven’t played in 9 months and I imagine it has changed since, probably for the better but even back then I found the game very enjoyable and recommend. I thought the storyline was great but you need to understand, this is simply a gear grind, playing the same dungeons over and over again hoping to get better drops. For many, like me, that kind of game gets old fast which is why I stopped playing.

    • +2

      If you only play the single player campaign, then all ARPGs are about the same. Personally I've played Torchlight, Diablo, POE, Van Helsing and Titan Quest, but there are a lot more out there I haven't played.

      Play through the campaign as a few different classes or builds and then you'll get sick of the game and you can play another one. This is why I don't think there's much point spending $40 on a game that's been out for over 3 years. If you want to party up, then your experience will vary more depending on your party, than the game.

      TLDR; Plenty of games out there - pay a price you're happy for a game in that genre.

      • The different game mechanics also come into play like the pets system in Torchlight 2 and the currency system in Path of Exile. Diablo 3 at its full price definitely feels too high (as expected of Blizzard, with WoW, SC2, and the free Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm) but at half price and lowest with active development after so many years and seemingly more to come, seems like a good deal to still invest in.

        Look at Torchlight 2 that came out in the same year as D3 and was lauded as a better alternative to the buggy D3 servers and for D2 fans, other than bug fixes in the same year it has since been abandoned without any info of its sequel as of late, other than Torchlight Mobile developed by a third party and gone the IAP route.

        Path of Exile has been good with their stand of "ethical microtransactions" but you can see them going for the cheaper options in their game designs like graphically not as nice as their peers, server issues like desyncs and even lockstep introduced in the new expansion also has its own issues, etc.

        tl:dr games still being actively worked on after launch are good; paid and free options with have their pros and cons.

    • You should try out Path of Exile then. It gets mechanically deep (mostly the trade system) as much as you would want to go. You can still just trade in loots you find, only ID the ones you want, and enjoy through the story acts. The skills system is really fun to play with because they use skill gems which you can combine with support gems based on your equipment for example heavy strike that stuns (skill) + melee splash (support) + life gain on hit (support) = profit! etc.

      The servers are mostly without issues and actively being worked on, but Path of Exile's game mechanics are quite a breathe of fresh air in the genre.

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