Sydney to Proserpine $19
Melbourne to Cairns $29
Travel in February & March 2016
Sale ends at 4pm today!
Sydney to Proserpine $19
Melbourne to Cairns $29
Travel in February & March 2016
Sale ends at 4pm today!
That's cheaper than $55 one way I booked for my family on the last deal. Just curious that I've subscribed for Tiger sale but didn't know about this till it come up on OzB.
I can't find any flights Adelaide-Sydney nor Adelaide-Brisbane.
Correction, I can't find cheap tickets for 5. There are for up to 3.
i was looking for 4 tickets and couldn't see any for Bris-ADL
Booked! Thanks OP.
Thanks. Booked 2 return tickets for MEL<->Cairns using Jetstar pricebeat for $104….
Problem with Tiger is even if you get tickets it's no gaurentee your plane shows up to take you anywhere, sister in laws booked 3 seperate trips and 100% haven't shown. I'd recommend not using these tickets for trips to weddings etc where you cannot afford to miss a flight.
All over red rover.
Do they have a set timing for these things?
I stumble on now and find i've missed cheap fares to bent banana land.
Thank you rd. Got in as soon as these went on sale and managed to snag a return ticket for a family member Melb-Cairns with Jetstar price-beat for a crazy $52. Can't find any $29 Cairns fares now, most likely all gone.