This was posted 9 years 5 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Battlefield 4 Premium Edition $19.99 AUD @ Origin


This is the BEST price I've seen to date for Battlefield 4 (base game) + Premium Edition… and direct from the Origin Store!

Battlefield 4 Premium Edition gives you all the best weapons, camos, vehicles and more in one simple package.

The Complete Battlefield 4 experience. Fight through the single-player campaign, then take those skills online in 64-player squad-based battles.

All five expansion packs included. Every multiplayer map, new modes and assignments and all-new vehicles are yours to deploy with the Premium Edition.

Exclusive personalization options. Outfit yourself with the latest camos, paints, emblems, dog tags and more. With gear for all four combat roles, the combinations are endless.

Priority position in server queues. Jump into the fight as quickly as possible. Priority position means you can start breaking the enemy earlier.

12 bonus Battlepacks. Get the advantage over the competition with rare weapons, gear and customizations only available to Premium members. Items like XP boosts, knives and gun attachments will give you the edge.

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closed Comments

  • +2
  • +2

    been waiting for this, thanks op

  • +2

    Is this game still riddled with bugs?

    • +5


    • Runs ok for me

  • +1

    Is this worth getting than the standard edition for $9.99?

    • +1

      Absolutely yes yes yes! I've been waiting nearly a year for it to drop to this price to buy it for my brother :)

    • +1

      After buying Standard edition, I've just splurged for Premium — multiplayer seems to have bugger all servers running that don't require the expansions.

      • +1

        So there is no need for premium edition? Same thing happen to BF 3 the only maps most players are playing is the standard edition maps.

        • +5

          Naa the opposite, need Premium. The browser only lists like 3-4 games that have players and don't require expansions.

        • +1

          @downforce: Thanks for the info, will get this premium then.

        • +1

          So there is no need for premium edition? Same thing happen to BF 3 the only maps most players are playing is the standard edition maps.

          Think you had better re-read what you are replying to….

          After buying Standard edition, I've just splurged for Premium — multiplayer seems to have bugger all servers running that don't require the expansions

        • +2

          BF3 is different because it was free, therefore everyone was playing on standard map servers.

  • +1

    Aren't the prices in USD?

    • +4

      nope, AUD, confirmed bought

      • +2

        Awesome! Is that something they've recently changed? In the past it was always USD, wasn't it??

        • +2

          Correct, always used to be in USD.

          How it's in AUD is beyond me… I purchased it, checked my credit card and sure enough $19.99 AUD :D

  • +2

    Is there a number 5 coming out? I'm worried the multiplayer will only have other players for a little while!

    • +1

      Same . How well populated are local servers ?
      If it was steam I'd just buy it but Origin …

      • +8

        Local servers are great, highly populated and awesome fun. The more OZBargain members playing, the better!

      • +5

        Plenty of aussie players especially on the weekends.. I play bf4 most nights as well

      • +1

        Guys above definitely correct. Servers are often full and you won't have any problem finding one to play on. This game is still insanely popular.

        • +1

          not so many hc servers since the graveyard shift update though

    • +2

      It will still be populated for quite some time, BF2, BF3 & BC2 are still played to a certain extent and the way Battlefront 2015 has gone (matchmaking only) there is a chance that BF5 might follow suite (much easier to kill off and bring out the next one)

  • +5

    If you already have the base game you can get the Premium service for $15.99…

    • +2

      Cheers for that.

    • +12

      God damn it, thats' what I was looking for, I just paid $20 for the full version! Wonder if I can get a refund?

      EDIT: Just tried an automated refund and it immediately failed. Chatting to an 'online advisor' now. Apparently a lot of Paypal refunds are failing and has to be processed manually.
      EDIT2: Refund processed and bought the upgrade. 30mins of my life to save $5! OZBARGAINED!

    • +2

      Game on. Already have standard which I got for 10 dollars few months back in last sale. Anyone joining in this weekend?

    • +1

      Got the premium one. Thanks OP and spiritek. Paid $25 in total for the game earlier and premium now. But could not be happier :)

  • +5

    ffs i bought this for $25 thinking it was a steal…

    • +4

      Me as well couple montha ago

      • +1

        $19.99 AUD is the best I've ever seen….

  • +3

    This the cheapest way to get Premium if we already have standard?

  • +1

    what can you do if you already have standard do I still have to repay the whole $20 ?

    • +3

      i has standard i just upgraded right now for $15

  • -5

    BF4 is really not worth 20 bucks even with premium, it's cheap but it's not worth it. The main reason would be because there aren't many Australian servers and the servers that are up get repetitive, and most are inactive during weekdays. People who play the game generally use the best weapons, for good reason but that makes the game even more repetitive because it means if you can't beat them, join them and at least level the playing field. Same maps, same game mode, killed by the same guns, die behind cover, rinse and repeat.

    • +1

      What a load of rubbish. Plenty of full servers every day of the week and filled with variety.

    • +2

      Though I can always see 4-5 servers. Most populated ones seems to be locker map for assault. There are many occasions when someones playing too good or great weapons or cheating to get max. kills or copters in Shangai which degrades your kill death ratio. But you can always change to another server or may be play later. I normally shift to xBox if I cannot find playable matches or when players are too good to have fun.

      One of the best games I have played. I have it on xBox360 and PC. Must Buy I would say.

  • +2

    If I hadn't already started so many other games, I'd buy this in a heartbeat.. great price.

  • Lots of haxors and cheaters based on how often I instantly get killed from distance with unscoped weapons even pistols and shot through buildings and rocks

    • +2

      What a load of crap. I've played 521 hours of BF4 and seen 1 hacker who was swiftly banned.

      • Yeah that what the haxors and cheats always say.
        Explain how I can get killed several hundreds of meters out by shotguns and pistol when the same cheats can take several headshots with a sniper rifle or a full clip to the chest with an assault rifle and still run around at 100% health?
        Tell me how its skill that you can shoot me through rocks and concrete with a pistol?

        Educate yourself…

        • +2
        • @Jamiea: Typical haxor/cheater response.
          None of that explains how you shoot through rocks and concrete with a pistol with 100% accuracy
          None of that explains how you can take several headshots with a sniper rifle or a full clip to the chest with an assault rifle and still run around at 100% health?

        • +2

          Don't listen to Davros. It is extremely rare to encounter a hacker in BF4. I've had a lot of hackusations against me lol. Good =/= hacker.

        • +1

          @Davros: It has happened to me multiple times and I have no idea as well. But I still love the game :)

        • @ozbargainer88: Another one who cant explain how you shoot through rocks and concrete with a pistol with 100% accuracy or you can take several headshots with a sniper rifle (I see the blood come out) or a full clip to the chest with an assault rifle and still run around at 100% health?

        • @Gaggy: I do as well when you don't have the cheats ruining it as I do actually do all right.
          I leave that game leaving the kiddies to it and join another and suddenly its normal again.

        • +2

          @Davros: Why I say so is I ask my squad and they feel the same as well. Sometimes is a bad day, where you find that you cannot even spawn.
          Few people might be too good, using best keyb and mouse with a great 144 Hz monitors and ultra fast internet compared to me on an average 2.5 Mbps connection with xbox one controller :)

        • +1

          @Gaggy: No lag here. 35mbps speeds and a well overspeced box to run it.

        • +1

          @Gaggy: It is a bit different on consoles. I heard that recently the XBOX One servers have been lagging really badly, hopefully they resolve the issues soon though.

        • +1

          @Davros: The hit detection in this game is client-side so where you get shot is where the enemy sees you on their screen and not necessarily where you are at the current time. It's possible you have a laggy connection and enemies see you as further back than you are and kill you even though on your screen you are behind cover.

        • +1

          @Agret: Did you miss the bit where I said I have 35mbps speeds?

          This is the sort of $h1t I am talking about, now tell me again how it is l33t skills or lag?

  • +2

    Fairly reasonable price for a crap game. BF3 is better.

    • +1

      Well in that case, is there a good deal for bf3 premium (already have base game)?

    • Which game has more active players?

      • +1

        I dont see many players play BF3. No brainer to get BF3 now. Get Bf4 standard or premium if you want.

        • So not many players on BF3?

        • +1

          @malouphix: I got it free from origin last year and I could not see any.

        • @Gaggy: ta

      • +1

        Battlefield 4. ;)

        • +1

          Thank you

  • +1

    Can I buy this for $19.99 on behalf of someone who lives in the USA?

    • +1

      Why would you do that. Isn't it cheaper in US?

    • +1

      Yes but there is no gift ability. Open up your web browser to origin web store and open TeamViewer and have the person connect to your PC over teamviewer and type their account in and login to the web store then when you do the checkout pick PayPal as the payment option and use your PayPal account to pay for it.

      • +2

        He did not say it is a gift :)

        • +2


  • +2

    Does this game support the 21:9 resolution of 3440 x 1440?

  • +1

    Any word on consoles?

  • +7

    Don't forget to get free Night Operations Expansion! :)…

  • +2

    Awesome find thanks mate!

    • +1

      You're welcome :D

  • +1

    Must resist. If saturday morning this deal stand still, i feel sorry for my wallet.

  • +2

    I've owned BF4 for over a year now, but haven't really played it much because the servers never SEEMED to be populated, and the only available game mode was conquest. However, I have read a lot of comments saying that the servers are highly populated. This is how the battlelog servers look for me (I filtered by 'players'):

    This battlelog shows only 46 people around the world (which is how it has always looked for me)???!!?! And no populated server in Australia. Please help me to find these other people!!

    Edit: I have BF4 + China Rising
    I changed my search settings for all maps, ranked and unranked matches, and Oceania only, and these are the results. Can I do any better?

    • I'm assuming you are playing on console? because lots of people are playing on PC

    • +1

      I get something similar to the results in your edit. You could also tweak the advanced filters, such as including 'Hardcore' mode. Even then, almost all the well populated servers are Conquest, and, for me, that can get a bit boring. BF3 seemed to have more servers with game mode variety - I loved playing Rush mode in BF3!

    • Yeah what happened? Is there hardly anyone playing in Australia be most are empty

    • +1

      Same I bought the base pc version just over 1 year ago. Finished the campaign wasn't too many multiplayer games, played like 3 hours, got owned a lot, only thing I get from the game now are the origin updates which I deny each time I start my pc.

      • So true! Everyone is really skilled, and there is only one game mode :(

  • +1

    Only problem I have with this game is that it's so hard to spot enemies with the amount of debris and environmental graphics present. Coming from CS:GO and CS in general, everything seems slower and more unpredictable.

  • +1

    Downloading now. This is gonna take ages!


    • +3

      How perception changes.. only 34 min for gigs of download seem slow ;)

      • +1

        Yeah funny isn't it nowadays.

        Total download was 58.1GB, in under 2.5 hours all up. Can't complain.

        Optus cable by the way. It's good except for about 4:00pm - 10:00pm.

    • +1

      9.4MB and it's ages? How about me, 1.3MB? It takes centuries…

      • Hehe. Can't wait until everyone has these speeds Australia wide when/if NBN is completely rolled out.

  • +1

    What is the single player like on this?

    • +4

      Don't bother. Play something else instead.

      True story: I have 600 hours on BF3 multi, about 90 minutes on single player.

      • +1

        I didn't even make it past the first QTE's.

  • +1

    im a big fan of steam but i also have a console (ps4) and this was at this same price point about 3 months ago for the playstation….i would have expected pc games to be always cheaper than consoles, ur thoughts?

  • Does anyone know when this deal expires? Debit 3-5day funds transfer=bane of my existence

  • +1

    Could someone please PM if they have any promotional codes? The Battlefield 4 Premium price is now $49.99 and this makes me sad :'(

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