This was posted 9 years 5 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Vodafone Pre-Paid 4G Wi-Fi Modem (3GB) + Bonus 8GB Data $79 (1+3 months/3+8+8gb) @Harvey Norman


Was looking for high speed 4G pocket wifi at reasonable price.

Searching HM again, although it is not as cheap as 3G version previously and it work out about $20 a month to use all 11 GB of data in 4 months(3GB for 1 month and 8Gb for the rest of 3 months).

Not a bad deal for me.

Also you can select delivery with a small cost or purchase in store.

Hope someone will find this useful.

Note: Thank you for everyone effort this deal become much better than what I through it is.

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • They also have the higher model for $134 at HN which appears to have the 8GB data (is it a Vodafone promotion for all activations?)…

    You could probably pricematch that from Dick Smith who have the higher model for $79…

    EDIT: Does anyone know if these are unlocked or not?

  • How unlockable is it from VF?

    • +1

      The 3G models weren't locked from my experience. If not good old DC unlocker seem to do the last few I've owned in the past.

  • +1

    i wonder if the bonus 8gb has another 8GB like the 3G one

    i.e 3+8+8

    • I think it is just 3GB + 8GB = 11GB in total

    • +3

      yes it is, the S369000 sim comes with 8GB plus bonus 8GB when activated = 16GB in total with 90 days of expiry

      • then on day 89 you top-up and claim the rollover data :)

        • +1

          Can I top up with 365 day plan for my data to roll over for the 16GB?

  • $134/ $80
    These sort of spec-to dollar ratio is why I almost certainly about to favour a Dual-card A/lollipop powered $19X phone .. exotic & ready to go, supremo functionality.

    I 'm also only hanging around to use up my recharges.

  • -1

    If only no one found this and we waited for this to drop down to $50 in a week….

  • +1

    Op should put 4 months/19gb internet access in the title.

  • -2

    does vodafone even have the speed to sustain 4g? I mean the 3g device last week for $19 at HN with the same data is a better deal (obviously)

  • I just want my 3g one from hardly normal

  • How do you get this bonus 8gb data? I couldn't find anything explaining how to do it?

    • +1

      i believe they give you a 2nd sim with the 8gb, 1st sim with 3gb is in the device

      • +2

        In the plastic there is a Vodafone 3gb 30-day expiry sim. Harvey Norman will also give you the Vodafone S369000 sim - it's a 8gb+8gb 90-day expiry sim.

  • -3

    Where did the sending my SkypeCallerID go, network neutrality brokenfone broadband
    (MyNetFone SIP(protocol) goes thru fine FYI and Skype works around the globe yep!)

    Are they all as bad as each other??? Also no need to neg what you dont understand.

    • +2

      Wait what?

    • Make that a touch more informed, have a look
      Your friendly (local) carrier would be in on it too - the stopping of critical info that appears replaced with private/restricted. Anticompetitive or coincidence?
      Popular subscription Probable threat imho!

      • Try to not get so hyperbolic over an offhand rhetorical musing. They're not for everyone nor was mine to find support on Harvey NormanHotspot chatter, in hindsight.
        I acknowledge people not just myself have been affected by CID number suppression degraded softphone 'Skype' performance, which had not been an ISSUE with mbb VF before.

    • PLEASE try and compose a coherent post in English and not just a disparate bunch of ideas scrawled in the margins of an essay, spewed out one after another in the form of a sentence. I have no bloody idea what you are trying to say in ANY of your posts on any subject, and I am not alone!

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