This was posted 9 years 5 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tearaway Ltd. Edt. $69, Destiny Legendary $79, Super Mario Maker Ltd. Etd. $69 @ Big W


Great prices on new release games plus some decent console bundles. Up coming catalogue starting this Thursday 10/9 @ Big W

Deals include:

Super Mario Maker stand alone - $64
Super Mario Maker with amiibo - $69
Tearaway unfolded with plushie - $69
Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition (all formats) - $79
Super Mario Maker Console Bundle - $ 419 (includes Prem console + SMM with amiibo)
PS4 (500gb) + Mad Max + The Order 1886 + GOW3 - $498
XB1 (500gb) + Mad Max + GOW - $479

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Good price on SMM + Amiibo

    • +1

      agreed, saw the target post earlier and was surprised we are doing it cheaper

      • In-store only, or can I order online as well? Also, if it's instore only, would I be able to layby one?

  • +6

    Don't give any money to greedy Activision/Bungie

    • +2

      lol I am sure they will not miss money from ozbargainers but do you wish to elaborate?

    • May wait for a price drop in destiny (legendary edition) :x

    • +1

      How do you know when someone dislikes Destiny? Oh don't worry, they'll tell you about it

  • Fantastic price for mario maker as stated. Was happy to pay the $89 as it looks amazing and that could be the best amiibo yet but don't tell anyone that!

  • Finally some SMM deals a few days from release! :D

    If only the console + amiibo bundle was sub ~$350. Wonder if the game bundled with the console is a physical or digital copy?

    Might just pickup the game+amiibo bundle for $69 instead.

    • I'm just curious, did you now have a Wii U console?

      • +1

        I do actually have one. Got the Basic SL+MK8+bonus game bundle delivered for $278 from EB last year. Just wanted to upgrade to the premium & sell off the basic console.

        Seeing as it's Mario's 30th anniversary, I'd imagine the console+amiibo+smm bundle would likely be a collectors item.

        • +1

          Maybe but it's just a Black 32GB Wii U with the special edition of the game and a special box.

          If it were a different coloured console like Nintendo did for the 25th Anniversary - red Wii and red DS LL, that would be definitely a collectors item.

  • Do all these SMM special editions come with the hardcover art book?

    • Yes, as far as I am aware they are all the same.

  • I reckon Target will price-match, like they did with Yoshi's Wooly World bundle.

    • Will they price match even if the closest Big W is over 200kms away?

  • Hope they list these items on their website for ordering online.

    • +2

      Instore only according to the online catalogue.
      Although Super Mario Maker by itself is listed on their website without a price. The price may be different online anyway because the gaming on the Big W website is sold by a third party company.

  • sweet price on mario maker, can't wait!

    was hoping for 69 on destiny though, oh well still better than full price!

  • Assuming the Super Mario Maker products are released on 12th Sept?

    Edit: derp. Must be blind as it on the catelogue.

    • To be fair, I missed it too. Pretty hard to see cause of the colour.

  • That's a pretty good deal on Destiny for new comers since The Taken King alone is $70. Can't believe how much they are charging for this expansion. Although looking at the dollar…

  • +1

    Pre-ordered Super Mario Maker with amiibo from EB for $69 as they price matched Big dub. Saves me hitting the store on Saturday for the release.

    • ask for your magnet pack too as a bonus.

      • I will be for sure

  • Got one from bigw! Now the dreading updates before I can start playing!

  • I grabbed one with the amiibo included at around 1030 this morning. Seems to be the best price going on this at the moment.

    Sales guy said it had been popular - started the day with 30 or so and I had apparently picked up one of the last ones.

    The amiibo is bigger than i expected. Haven't opened the kit yet. Will have a better look later today.

  • Managed to price match at JB without any issues

    • Same, but they weren't overly impressed with me asking to price match.
      Then my mate went and tried the next day at the same store to no avail.

  • go one at big w but many are now sold out

  • +1

    Target now has SMM+amiibo bundle for $79+free shipping listed on both their website & eBay store.

    This is for anyone not wanting to miss out or can't be bothered wasting time going out looking for stock. Only $10 more than instore purchase @BigW (or Kmart/Target/JB/EB price matched).

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