This was posted 9 years 6 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Free Live Regurgitator Album: Nothing Less than Cheap Imitations


A free/pay what you want, live album by Regurgitator, Nothing Less Than Cheap Imitations: Live at The HiFi Melbourne Oct 2012

Available in a variety of formats. Need email for download links


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closed Comments

  • Pay what you want?
    Nothing Less than Cheap?
    Good luck Regurgitator!

    • Thank you

    • +2

      That link helps nobody, since it is tied to YOUR email address and we don't know what it is.

  • +31

    I like their old stuff better than their new stuff……

    • +2

      It's just an Everyday Formula.

  • +1

    Nice! I'm working late, and am two tracks from the end of Double Allergic, so another album from a band from my teenage years will go down a treat.

    (And curses to doogiechap for getting in with the riff on liking their old stuff better than their new stuff first ;))

    Edit: I'm having trouble extracting two of the tracks (11 and 13) due to massively long track names. Windows can be a real PITA sometimes!

    • +2

      Could be worse…

      Unfortunately, Apple does not support direct downloading of music to iPhone from anything other than iTunes. Please try the download again from your computer.

    • +1

      Second edit: workaround was to rename the .zip to something shorter, extract to the Desktop (rather than C:\users\awaiko\music\regurgitator\album name), rename the files to something shorter (I just excised the Live at the Hifi Melbourne Oct 2012 from each file), and then moved to where I wanted. Apparently the full file path is considered, not just the file name.

    • +1

      The files and folder names are FAR too long.

      Use a tool like this to rename them quickly.

      It looks complex, but it's not and you will appreciate the massive amount of power you end up with.

      I've used their forum to have Regular Expressions written up to solve really difficult renaming tasks. I reckon over the years I have processed a million files using that software, most of it my MP3 collection with OCD-perfect ID Tags (and matching filenames).

    • As long as Track 1 is ok…

  • That first song….

  • +5

    OK - firstly, you are signing up for spam. So use a throw-away (I used email address.

    Default download is MP3 - Variable Bitrate. You can choose as follows:

    MP3 V0 - 160.2MB << Default
    MP3 320 - 189.9MB
    FLAC - 512.4MB
    AAC - 86.8MB
    Ogg Vorbis - 95.3MB
    ALAC - 521.7MB
    WAV - 787.7MB
    AIFF - 798.0MB

    While you are on the Download page ( you can switch formats and download alternative versions. I grabbed 320K MP3 and FLAC.

    The files and folder names are FAR too long. Use a tool like this to rename them quickly. It looks complex, but it's not and you will appreciate the massive amount of power

    • Thanks for the tips. I used Rename Master

  • +1

    Thanks for this blast from the past. There are about 89 characters that can be removed from the beginning of each file name!

  • I think I was at this gig, the point was they were going to play "Tu-Plang" and "Unit" It made for a good night. Although they did miss a couple of tracks (at least on this release, can't remember for the actual gig.)

    edit: definitely missing a few songs.. they played track 1 in amongst the tracks they played after those two albums

  • Thanks OP, also most of the other Regurgitator albums are free on there too btw :)

  • +1

    Love the comment on the email:
    P.S. If you did not request a download, someone else must have entered your email address on our site, and you may completely ignore this message (we won't re-send it or contact you again). Or hey, click the link anyway and check out some great free music!

  • +2

    I realise this is Ozbargain, but you should support a great Aussie band by at least throwing a few bucks their way, or better yet, go see them on their current tour (they are pretty much playing all the hits).

    • I think the tour just finished on the weekend.

  • that's the 'Spread that shit' girl

  • +3

    Awesome, listened to it on the way home today, brought back loads of memories, especially World of Sleaze.

    I am almost tempted to go back and pay

  • Some lovely humans in 'The Gurge'. Well, most were human, most of the time…

    Don't forget Quan's furry side-project w/Janet English

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