This was posted 9 years 6 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Belong ADSL+Home Phone 100GB = $60 + $0 Activation + $1 Modem


Not bad for a Telstra powered internet. $60 for your first 12 months when you select the regular plan and a contract option on the join form, the price will increase to $65 once your contract expires. Used to be $70 p/m back in this deal >

Also, 500GB = $70/month (12 month contract)
1000Gb = $75/month (12 month contract)

Remember $20 off you first order with promo code, if anyone is interested in joining.
Wiki link:

*Check availability..

Extract from their website: Belong is a division of Telstra Corporation Limited ABN 33 051 775 556

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (296)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • Telstra powered? Do copper cables distinguish between Carriers'?

    • +1

      No but the equipment at the exchange is different :)

      • +1

        Not sure if they have improved
        I used to belong had speeds of 14MBs before 7pm
        and between 7pm -11 pm down to as low as .600MBs
        so I do not belong anymore

        • Thanks. Genuine answer to a genuine question. Who'd have thought it!

  • Checkout the comments on productreview, their Facebook page and Whirlpool. Although it's Telstra owned, it doesn't seem to be that great.

    Then again, they could be better than iinet these days…

    • ..or you may try their no contract which is $65 per month.

  • edit: just read original post and it has the other data levels, so removed from my post.

    I'm with them because they offer the same prices even though I'm behind a RIM.

  • +3

    I am with Belong now. Speeds are great outside of peak times from 6pm to around 11pm. During peak times, speeds can slow to a crawl. I went with Belong because I figured most people will just go with TPG's plan for the same price and get unlimited data so Belong won't be as congested. This appears to be not the case. Logical thinking doesn't work out sometimes.

  • Belong are very pleasant to deal with. I have been signed up since 3 months ago. the 100gig includes downloads as well as uploads which made me cringe the first time iwent over but u can knock it up to the 500gig for an extra $10 then drop back down whenever u want. its a good deal you can leave whenever you want :)

  • +1

    I think they have increased the price by locking users up to 12 months, so not really a good deal.

    Potential Belong Users, BE AWARE!

    I was a victim of their sub-standard service. A lot of congestions during evening peak hours, and nearly all weekends. Called TIO to have my 6 months contract cancelled.
    Their 'hotline' was not very efficient answering your requests in the nights (I had waited more than 1 hour each time I called them). Well, they are not providing priority service but this is really a nightmare if you want to make a complaint.

    Also, ALL of your IP traffics are going through Sydney so you get higher latency for local websites (Melbourne —-> Sydney —-> Melbourne, etc.).

    They are using telcoinabox service (Reseller?) and they are far from the Telstra Standards. They are not using Telstra routes to be honest.

    If you are cost sensitive users, try something else, like TPG! You will have your installation fee paid off in 6 months (1000GB plan).

  • +1

    Belong are great i got connected within 3 days and its fast about 16k / 1k !!! No comtract also which is great free modem

  • +1

    i wouldn't join belong. awful customer service and the response/wait time is just painful. i signed up with them and canceled due to the frustration i had in dealing w/ them. when i wanted to file a complaint, i had to wait for a supervisor to ring me back in order to file one!and for those that have read the reviews for belong knows that call will never come. avoid belong until they get their act together.

  • $60 for your first 12 months

    $5/month, if only

  • Can't recommend them enough my service dropped down to around 6k dwn / 700 up for about a week from 16k/1k called up the tech help desk and they had a Telstra tech come out to the exchange the next day and the speed issue was fixed the following day if that was tpg they might fix the problem 6 months later if at all.

    dunno how people are complaining they are better then most ISP's the only other ISP that compares is Internode but they cost more for SYD anyways.

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