• expired

Airbnb 20% off First Booking [Read Instructions Inside] (Max Discount up to ~ $227 AUD)


Airbnb have a 20% off Code for bookings made through the a Hong Kong VPN. Max discount of ~ $227 AUD (1200 HKD)
Booking must be made before 31/10/2015 and and the stay must start not later than 31/12/2015

Follow these Steps (Thanks to shez1212)

  • Connect to a Hong Kong VPN. Use www.zenvpn.net or http://www.proxy-listen.de/Proxy/Proxyliste.html
  • If you are already signed up (from AU/US website) and its your first booking, change the currency to HKD. Then make the booking and apply code.
  • If your a new customer, you can either sign up via HK website or via AU website. Just remember to change the Currency to HKD if you sign up from AU/US website.

Coupon entitles you to a 20% discount off your total booking cost, up to a maximum discount of HKD 1200. To be eligible, the booking must be completed (including host acceptance) using the promo code “TRAVELZOOHK20” before 11.59pm Hong Kong time on October 31st, 2015, and the stay must start not later than December 31st, 2015. Valid only for registered Airbnb users in Hong Kong who have never completed a booking on Airbnb. Limited to one discount per registered user

Airbnb Referral wiki

  • Use referral wiki for $28 off your second booking
  • Remember to change the domain of the referral link from .com.au to .com.hk before you sign up

Referral Links

Airbnb Host: random (143)

Referrers get ~$1068 . Referees get ~$59.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Valid only for registered Airbnb users in Hong Kong who have never completed a booking on Airbnb.

    But we all live in Australia!

    • I'm sure there's plenty of ozbargainers with a HK connection

      • I thought we all live at shangri la in HK?

        LOL anyway, don't they just want a valid HK address? I'm sure you can use any established address in HK for the registration right? Similar to how Amazon works?

  • Cna Australians registered on the hong kong site and book anywhere in the world?

  • Does the booking have to be preapproved by host first? I tried using it on an instant booking place.. did not work..

  • registered a new account but the code didn't work. "You're not eligible to use this coupon".

    • +2

      did you try via a HK VPN

      • not yet, can't do it at work. will try later, cheers!

        • let me know if it works as well. or anyone even…

  • Dammit, so annoyed i booked accommodation a month ago and this pops up :/

  • I tried VPN gate however it doesnt offer any Hong Kong Servers :(

    • try zenmate

  • Finally got this code working. All you need is a hk VPN guys - what a tedious process it was trying to find a free one!!. No need to sign up for a HK airbnb - works fine as long as you change currency to HKD & its your first time booking. Thanks again!

    • which free VPN did you use so i can update OP with deets

      • The one vonNewman suggested - zenvpn.net
        But connections are 24hr based only.. i suggest only connecting once your ready to book. And do a fresh login to your airbnb account after your connected.

  • Thanks OP. Code worked perfectly. Got $227 AUD off my booking!

    Found a free vpn for HK using this site if it helps anyone - http://www.proxy-listen.de/Proxy/Proxyliste.html

    • Nice .Now spend $227 on envelops or microSD

  • got mine, saved $224, thanks a lot!

  • This is driving me nuts!

    Tried installed softether - no HK servers.
    Installed freevpn - and booked successfully - host didn't respond to my request in time and I need to book again
    freevpn was expired.
    Signed up to free VPN again - NO HK servers currently.
    Tried proxy-listen.de. this doesn't work at all (sets proxy is set but nothing changes)

    • FlyVPN has free 20 minute connections and then you need to reconnect. zenvpn.net was also mentioned as working above and has a free trial.

    • This one worked for me twice: https://www.goldenfrog.com/vyprvpn. You'll need to install software for a free trial but the Hong Kong connected easily enough for me to apply and receive the discount. Good luck.

  • I hope this helps someone:

    I was FINALLY able to do it with AIRVPN, which cost 1 euro for 3 hours access. Tried multiple VPNS but they didnt have Hong Kong Severs.

    Thanks for saving me $$$ op.

  • Thanks, saved me $140 ☺

  • Thanks, saved me $130!! I ended up using this VPN provider: https://www.goldenfrog.com/vyprvpn on a free trial to get it running through a Hong Kong server. I originally tried to use my Private Internet Access VPN for Hong Kong, however the server they use for that connection is actually in Singapore.

    If you use a VPN, connect to the Hong Kong alternative then run a quick search here https://www.iplocation.net/ to ensure that your address is shown as Hong Kong. Then the discount code will work if you're on the airbnb hong kong site, you've selected HKD as your currency and the account you're using has never booked an Airbnb trip before.

    Thanks again OP!

  • Want to use this code, but just concerned about the transaction fees associated with paying in foreign currency on my NAB card. I'm assuming my best bet is to sign up to a 28 degreees or Bankwest Zero Platinum card to avoid those extra fees and charges???

    • +1

      I was also concerned with the conversion fees, but this is how its worked out - if your CC is an Aussie one, you're charged in AUD.

      $790HKD x 7 nights
      Service fee
      Installment Fee
      Coupon Coupon code

      You are paying in $AUD. Your total charge is $871

      • Oh awesome, so it automatically reverts back to $AUD on your credit card even though you nominated to pay in HKD? Only reason I'm paranoid is that I'm looking at booking a beach villa in Miami, so all the fees would negate the coupon :-(

        • You wanna watch for an Ozbargain deal for an international fees free credit card.

  • Legend OP, saved me a couple hundred bucks on AFL Grandy accommodation :)

  • Awesome, this worked like a charm :D thanks Op!

  • This is perfect timing as I'm about to book Accom for end October costing $1600!
    But guys, just need to know about the security of this vpn. My friend is concerned about the safety of using your credit card over it and the risk etc. anyone know?

  • Sad, this code is not eligible anymore. :(:(

    • Booking must be made before 31/10/2015

      Your doing something wrong

      • Not sure what went wrong. I have a new account which never placed any reservation. It was working a few days ago.
        I was using Hola on Chrome. My ip location shows I am 'in' HK.

        I changed the currency to HKD and it says "the coupon code is not long eligible".

        I even created a brand new account just now and it still does work.

      • tried new account, new vpn, code still not eligible. sigh…

  • Hey guys - is this still working?? Just wondering if it does, before I learn how to do this vpn thing, and setup another account.

  • Gone, yes the code no longer works

  • does not work! Had my fingers crossed for this one..

  • I can confirm it just worked for me. Make sure you follow the VPN steps and change your currency.
    You add the coupon on the payment page, and pay in Australian dollars.

    Also allows you to get the Optus Sim card located in this offer:

  • Yeah as above still works, I didn't bother with a VPN I just used a high level proxy as listed in the links above. Made sure to go to airbnb.com.hk and booked through there. Was a bit of a pain to do because when I clicked to change language to english it would move me to the US airbnb website. So I was stuck in chinese, anyways it worked fine thanks alot.

  • Thanks! Used HK SSL proxy with airbnb.com.au, works fine.

  • Will try this soon, cheers

  • can confirm this still works as of today, used the proxy site listed to get a Hong Kong IP and the airbnb Australia site but changed the currency to HKD, a great saving, thanks OP!

  • This worked for us! Saved us ~$140 on accommodation in Japan for December. Thanks so much for everyone's comments!

  • Cheers mate, Saved me $220 AUD today!

    Some tips for others:
    1. To change currency, look at the bottom of airbnb page.
    2. http://www.proxy-listen.de/Proxy/Proxyliste.html worked great for me
    3. From what I read online, the proxy host can't see your credit card details because the payment page is secured. The host provider will be able to see the encrypted data. I'm pretty sure payment encryption is extremely difficult to decrypt.
    4. No need to set your billing details to Hong Kong

  • Worked for me, I used the Hola add-in for Firefox to set my location to HK.

  • Not sure at what point you put the code in to get 20% off. Is it when you make a booking enquiry and put your credit card details in, or at the next step - once the host confirms booking?

    • on the page where you enter your credit card details, there should be a box on the right side with the price etc, and theres a small link that says 'Coupon Code?' or similar. click that and enter it.

      I had a lot of trouble finding the damn place to enter the code haha

      • Bugger, yes, missed that. Cancelled the booking, then tried again but it said I couldn't use the code (maybe because of the first attempt)> Sod it.

        • Then tried GF's account and discovered she had a bigger discount through a referral.

  • Thanks OP and JohJoh and other contributers! Just booked for Melb Cup long weekend. Works a treat :)

    Hopefully there will be another one of those codes next year (different country I presume)

    Jetstar specials + Airbnb discount codes = Ozbargainer's wet dream? :P

  • Thanks for this - just use softether VPN client and hope there is a HK client open - so easy to use.

  • Worked great! Recommend getting Hola unblocker extension, messed around with tunnelblick for 2 hours to no avail…


    • Also, not expired.

  • Downloaded ZenVPN and checked my IP address and everything, but code still doesn't work! :(

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